Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais : grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
Our Story/188 (2h) | Hégémonie (4h) | La meilleure formulation (7h) |
Aller dans le Sud en partant ... (9h) | When suivi de will (12h) | Imparfait ou passé composé (26h) |
L'antériorité (26h) | Let's suggest/ 74- Taking it e... (31h) | I briganti (47h) |
Page 92 [Début]
Notion/Mythes et Héros | 8 | paiin | 26-04-2019 14:39:21 | |
Him / his | 1 | michel1723 | 26-04-2019 12:41:50 | |
Notion/Idea of progress | 2 | leletahiti | 25-04-2019 19:54:47 | |
Notion/Idea of progress | 2 | comsteva | 25-04-2019 13:26:09 | |
Foot /rhythm | 1 | tchoupit | 25-04-2019 11:13:49 | |
Need help/mail | 2 | anonyme | 25-04-2019 02:08:23 | |
Translation/workers | 1 | anonyme | 24-04-2019 21:33:51 | |
Email/help | 2 | hayti | 24-04-2019 21:21:01 | |
Correction/Thème Cardiff | 9 | lorieginal | 24-04-2019 18:44:50 | |
Past perfect/past perfect v-ing | 1 | vianney1234 | 24-04-2019 16:58:28 | |
Accentuation/important | 1 | moignonlaraie | 24-04-2019 11:37:06 | |
Myths and heroes/aide | 3 | relilol | 24-04-2019 07:07:59 | |
Oral/Places and forms of power | 3 | anonyme | 23-04-2019 13:51:09 | |
Writing /help | 2 | hayti | 23-04-2019 07:57:59 | |
Notion/ forme et lieux de pouvoir | 3 | leletahiti | 22-04-2019 16:59:45 | |
Myths and heroes/aide | 1 | leletahiti | 22-04-2019 16:56:40 | |
Oral/ Idea of progress | 2 | anonyme | 22-04-2019 11:42:11 | |
Notion/Spaces and Exchanges | 1 | leletahiti | 22-04-2019 10:07:30 | |
Writing2/aide | 2 | hayti | 21-04-2019 10:30:02 | |
Utilisation/no longer | 2 | letsgo | 21-04-2019 10:21:08 |
Changer de page : << Précédent | 1 ... 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | ... ... |1046 | 1047 | 1048 | 1049 | 1050 | 1051 | 1052 | Suivant >> |