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Ports Authority/aide (1)

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Ports Authority/aide
Message de chaima posté le 13-04-2017 à 15:55:41
if you could help me to detect my mistakes, it would be great.
Thanks in advance for any reply.

The merchant marine and ports authority( Office de la Marine Marchande et des Ports “OMMP”) formerly the Tunisian National Ports authority( Office des Ports Nationaux Tunisiens “OPNT “), the ex-state control over Commercial ports under the Ministry of Public Works) was established under the law n° 65-2 dated 12 Feb1965, amended by the law dated 15 Feb1972.
The Merchant Marine and Ports Authority (OMMP) is a public establishment with financial autonomy and legal status. By Law No. 98/109 of Dec 28, 1998, OMMP has been entrusted to exercise the attributions confided to the maritime authority and administration as well as the missions of the port authority in accordance with Law in force.
The activity fields of the OMMP port chain are characterized by the diversity of maritime traffic, whether liner or tramp service, handling containers, RO/RO, passengers and cruise passengers. Thus OMMP manages and operates, 24 hours a day and seven days a week, its rich and diverse facilities (Petroleum ports, terminals containers, a passenger terminal, ore terminals, specialized installations), in compliance with productivity and safety standards.
The OMMP is charged of two basic functions:
Providing and ensuring the best conditions in terms of duration, cost, safety and security, of all ships and goods through Tunisian commercial ports (Bizerte, la Goulette, Rades, Sousse, Sfax, Gabes, Zarzis).
Ensuring the authority of the Maritime Administration in three primary areas: the administration of ships, seafarers and maritime security through maritime regions (Bizerte, Tunis, Sousse, Monastir, Sfax, Gabes, Djerba).
Tunisian port chain extends over 1300km of coastline, is composed of eight commercial ports open to international traffic. The OMMP is represented regionally by seven maritime regions. Each region has a maritime district responsible for the administration of ships and seafarers and a regional maritime security service responsible in particular for the safety visits.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-04-2017 18:07

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Réponse : Ports Authority/aide de lucile83, postée le 13-04-2017 à 18:18:18
Pourquoi nous demander de corriger un texte officiel accessible sur internet? Lien internet

Cela rentre dans le cadre légal des droits d'auteur et nous ne pouvons, devons, pas accepter cela.

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