The missing vowels/170
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basMessage de marit64 posté le 04-05-2016 à 23:29:30 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 3 out of 10 answers.

1- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. ..... (pdlcns) 3

2- A freshwater fish found in ponds and rivers. ..... (rcp)
3- A desert animal with one or two humps on its back. ..... (mcl)
4- Bills not yet paid, although the date for doing this has passed. ..... (vdr) 4

5- A puppy does this. ..... (py)
6- To keep in good condition. ..... (tnnm)
7- A noisy disturbance created by a usually large group of people. ..... (tr)
8- A small black-topped lump in a pore of the skin. ..... (hbdklc) 3

9- A person who builds houses etc. ..... (dbrl)
10- Giving too much information away. ..... (cdtsrn)
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/170 de , postée le 05-05-2016 à 00:35:55 (S | E)
Hi my dear Marit.

Hi eveybody.

Here is my try. Have a nice week.
1- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. ..... (pdlcns) 3.- Landscape.- Panorama
2- A freshwater fish found in ponds and rivers. ..... (rcp). - Carp.- Carpe
3- A desert animal with one or two humps on its back. ..... (mcl). - Camel- Chameau-Dromadaire.
4- Bills not yet paid, although the date for doing this has passed. ..... (vdr) 4. - Overdue.- Arriérés de paiement.
5- A puppy does this. ..... (py). - Yap- Japper.
6- To keep in good condition. ..... (tnnm).- Maintain. - Conserver.
7- A noisy disturbance created by a usually large group of people. ..... (tr).- Riot. - Émeute.
8- A small black-topped lump in a pore of the skin. ..... (hbdklc) 3. - Blackhead.- Point noir.
9- A person who builds houses etc. ..... (dbrl). - Builder. - Maçon.
10- Giving too much information away. ..... (cdtsrn). - Indiscreet-Indiscret.
Modifié par afarodj le 05-05-2016 13:58
Réponse : The missing vowels/170 de hebiga, postée le 05-05-2016 à 23:42:52 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit,
Hi everybody!Have a nice weekend, dear friend.
Here is my try:
1- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. Landscape / paysage (pdlcns) 3
2- A freshwater fish found in ponds and rivers. Carp / carpe (rcp)
3- A desert animal with one or two humps on its back. Camel / chameau (mcl)
4- Bills not yet paid, although the date for doing this has passed. Overdue / impayé (vdr) 4
5- A puppy does this. Yap / japper (py)
6- To keep in good condition. Maintain / entretenir (tnnm)
7- A noisy disturbance created by a usually large group of people. Rout / attroupement (tr)
8- A small black-topped lump in a pore of the skin. Blackhead / comédon (hbdklc) 3
9- A person who builds houses etc. Builder / constructeur (dbrl)
10- Giving too much information away. Indiscreet / indiscrète (cdtsrn)
Thank you Marit
Have a great week!
Réponse : The missing vowels/170 de swan85, postée le 07-05-2016 à 22:28:02 (S | E)
Hello Marit
1- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. LANDSCAPE (pdlcns) 3
2- A freshwater fish found in ponds and rivers. carp (rcp)
3- A desert animal with one or two humps on its back. CAMEL (mcl)
4- Bills not yet paid, although the date for doing this has passed. OVERDUE (vdr) 4
5- A puppy does this. YAP (py)
6- To keep in good condition. MAINTAIN (tnnm)
7- A noisy disturbance created by a usually large group of people. RIOT (tr)
8- A small black-topped lump in a pore of the skin. BLACKHEAD (hbdklc) 3
9- A person who builds houses etc. BUILDER (dbrl)
10- Giving too much information away. INDISCREET (cdtsrn)
Thank you again.
See you soon
Réponse : The missing vowels/170 de flowermusic, postée le 09-05-2016 à 08:04:38 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Salut à tous les visiteurs
1- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. ..... (pdlcns) 3 landscape
2- A freshwater fish found in ponds and rivers. ..... (rcp) carp
3- A desert animal with one or two humps on its back. ..... (mcl) camel
4- Bills not yet paid, although the date for doing this has passed. ..... (vdr) 4 overdue
5- A puppy does this. ..... (py) yap
6- To keep in good condition. ..... (tnnm) maintain
7- A noisy disturbance created by a usually large group of people. ..... (tr) riot
8- A small black-topped lump in a pore of the skin. ..... (hbdklc) 3 blackhead
9- A person who builds houses etc. ..... (dbrl) builder
10- Giving too much information away. ..... (cdtsrn) indiscreet
Sweet sweet week

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