The missing vowels/164
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basMessage de marit64 posté le 16-03-2016 à 22:35:12 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 4 out of 10 answers.

1- A piece of metal fixed to a door and used for knocking. ..... (kkrcn) 2

2- To move a boat through the water using oars. ..... (wr)
3- Enthusiasm or keenness. ..... (lz)
4- The state of being weak. ..... (kswsn) 3

5- A web-footed animal like a duck, but larger. ..... (sg)
6- The twisted threads of cotton etc in a candle, lamp which draw up the oil or wax into the flame. ..... (cwk)
7- A kind of small tree with pointed leaves valued for its wood. ..... (rhbc) 1

8- A very poor person. ..... (prp)
9- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do. ..... (fmcrn)
10- A small container in which peppercorns are ground into a powder. ..... (pmplprl-) 3

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/164 de , postée le 16-03-2016 à 23:38:08 (S | E)
Hi my dear Marit

This is my try accomplished in such a short notice, this time. It's the first ever, since I've been performing the 'missing vowels' ' test. Have a nice evening Marit.
Have a nice week everybody.
1- A piece of metal fixed to a door and used for knocking. ..... (kkrcn) 2 .- Knocker.-Heurtoir.
2- To move a boat through the water using oars. ..... (wr) . - Row.- Ramer.
3- Enthusiasm or keenness. ..... (lz). - Zeal.- Enthousiasme.
4- The state of being weak. ..... (kswsn) 3 . - Weakness.- Faiblesse.
5- A web-footed animal like a duck, but larger. ..... (sg).- Goose.- Oie.
6- The twisted threads of cotton etc in a candle, lamp which draw up the oil or wax into the flame. ..(cwk). -Wick.-Mèche.
7- A kind of small tree with pointed leaves valued for its wood. ..... (rhbc) 1 . - Birch.-Merisier; Bouleau.
8- A very poor person. ..... (prp). - Pauper.-Indigent.
9- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do. ..... (fmcrn). - Conform. - Conformer (se)
10- A small container in which peppercorns are ground into a powder. (pmplprl-) 3 . - Pepper-mill.-Moulin à poivre
Réponse : The missing vowels/164 de flowermusic, postée le 17-03-2016 à 00:03:10 (S | E)
Hello Marit
1- A piece of metal fixed to a door and used for knocking. ..... (kkrcn) 2 knocker
2- To move a boat through the water using oars. ..... (wr) row
3- Enthusiasm or keenness. ..... (lz) zeal
4- The state of being weak. ..... (kswsn) 3 weakness
5- A web-footed animal like a duck, but larger. ..... (sg) goose
6- The twisted threads of cotton etc in a candle, lamp which draw up the oil or wax into the flame. ..... (cwk) wick
7- A kind of small tree with pointed leaves valued for its wood. ..... (rhbc) birch 1
8- A very poor person. ..... (prp) pauper
9- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do. ..... (fmcrn) conform
10- A small container in which peppercorns are ground into a powder. ..... (pmplprl-) 3 pepper-mill
Have a sweet sweet week

Modifié par flowermusic le 17-03-2016 00:03
Hello Afarodj, the first one

Réponse : The missing vowels/164 de marit64, postée le 23-03-2016 à 21:14:53 (S | E)

Here are the answers:
1-knocker (heurtoir) 2-row (ramer) 3-zeal (zèle) 4-weakness (faiblesse) 5-goose (oie) 6-wick (mèche) 7-birch (bouleau) 8-pauper (indigent) 9-conform (se conformer) 10-pepper-mill (moulin à poivre).
So long

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