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The missing vowels/135

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The missing vowels/135
Message de marit64 posté le 13-08-2015 à 04:57:04 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.

1- To take a child of other parents as one's own. ..... (pdt)
2- A variety of edible shellfish with a shell in two parts. ..... (smls) 2
3- Having taken more money out of one's account than it had in it. ..... (dvwrnr) 3
4- To annoy or distress a person. ..... (xv)
5- A punishment for doing wrong, breaking a contract. ..... (lptn) 3
6- A person who bakes. ..... (kbr)
7- A bag of cloth etc filled with soft material, for instance, feathers etc used for support or to make a seat more comfortable. ..... (hcns)
8- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. ..... (thcts)
9- The caterpillar of certain moths, which makes silk. ..... (kmwlrs) 2
10- Close to green. ..... (nghrs) 3

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/135 de , postée le 13-08-2015 à 11:11:07 (S | E)

Hi my dear Marit.

Here is my try.

1- To take a child of other parents as one's own. ..... (pdt). - Adopt. _ Adopter
2- A variety of edible shellfish with a shell in two parts. ..... (smls) 2 . - Mussle. - Moule.
3- Having taken more money out of one's account than it had in it. ..... (dvwrnr) 3 . - Overdrawn. - Découvert bancaire.
4- To annoy or distress a person. ..... (xv) . - Vex. - Ennuyer.
5- A punishment for doing wrong, breaking a contract. ..... (lptn) 3. - Penality. - Pénalité.
6- A person who bakes. ..... (kbr) . - Baker. - Boulanger.
7- A bag of cloth etc filled with soft material, for instance, feathers etc used for support or to make a seat more comfortable.(hcns).-Cushion. - Coussin.
8- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. ..... (thcts) . - Stitch. - Maille.
9- The caterpillar of certain moths, which makes silk. ..... (kmwlrs) 2 . - Silkworm. - Ver à soie.
10- Close to green. ..... (nghrs) 3. - Greenish. - Verdâtre.

Enjoy your week.

Réponse : The missing vowels/135 de flowermusic, postée le 13-08-2015 à 12:09:40 (S | E)
Hello MArit

That's my try
1- To take a child of other parents as one's own. ..... (pdt) adopt
2- A variety of edible shellfish with a shell in two parts. ..... (smls) 2 mussel
3- Having taken more money out of one's account than it had in it. ..... (dvwrnr) 3 overdrawn
4- To annoy or distress a person. ..... (xv) vex
5- A punishment for doing wrong, breaking a contract. ..... (lptn) 3 penalty
6- A person who bakes. ..... (kbr) baker
7- A bag of cloth etc filled with soft material, for instance, feathers etc used for support or to make a seat more comfortable. ..... (hcns) cushion
8- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. ..... (thcts) stitch
9- The caterpillar of certain moths, which makes silk. ..... (kmwlrs) 2 silkworm
10- Close to green. ..... (nghrs) 3 greenish

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/135 de swan85, postée le 16-08-2015 à 14:04:23 (S | E)

Hello Marit

1- To take a child of other parents as one's own. Adopt (pdt)
2- A variety of edible shellfish with a shell in two parts. Mussel (smls) 2
3- Having taken more money out of one's account than it had in it. Overdrawn (dvwrnr) 3
4- To annoy or distress a person. Vex (xv)
5- A punishment for doing wrong, breaking a contract. Penalty (lptn) 3
6- A person who bakes. Baker (kbr)
7- A bag of cloth etc filled with soft material, for instance, feathers etc used for support or to make a seat more comfortable. Cushion (hcns)
8- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. Stitch (thcts)
9- The caterpillar of certain moths, which makes silk. Silkworm (kmwlrs) 2
10- Close to green. Greenish (nghrs) 3

Thank you again.
Have a nice week

Réponse : The missing vowels/135 de joe39, postée le 17-08-2015 à 12:20:45 (S | E)
Hello dear marit64.

Mission accomplished! (At least I hope so)
The number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.

1- To take a child of other parents as one's own. Adopt..... (pdt)
2- A variety of edible shellfish with a shell in two parts. Mussel..... (smls) 2
3- Having taken more money out of one's account than it had in it. Overdrown… (dvwrnr) 3
4- To annoy or distress a person. vex..... (xv)
5- A punishment for doing wrong, breaking a contract. Penalty..... (lptn) 3
6- A person who bakes. .Baker.... (kbr)
7- A bag of cloth etc filled with soft material, for instance, feathers etc used for support or to make a seat more comfortable. Cushion..... (hcns)
8- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. Stitcht..... (thcts)
9- The caterpillar of certain moths, which makes silk. .Silkworm.... (kmwlrs) 2
10- Close to green. Greenish..... (nghrs) 3

Thanking you for this new nice exercise, I remain wishing you a great week too.

Yours friendly

Modifié par joe39 le 20-08-2015 11:38

Réponse : The missing vowels/135 de nassima82, postée le 20-08-2015 à 12:07:44 (S | E)
Hi Marit
Here is my try

1- To take a child of other parents as one's own. Adopt (pdt)
2- A variety of edible shellfish with a shell in two parts. ..... (smls) 2
3- Having taken more money out of one's account than it had in it. ..... (dvwrnr) 3
4- To annoy or distress a person. ..... (xv)
5- A punishment for doing wrong, breaking a contract. ..... (lptn) 3
6- A person who bakes. ..... (kbr)
7- A bag of cloth etc filled with soft material, for instance, feathers etc used for support or to make a seat more comfortable. ..... (hcns)
8- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. ..... (thcts)
9- The caterpillar of certain moths, which makes silk. ..... (kmwlrs) 2
10- Close to green. ..... (nghrs) 3


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