Oral/Spaces and Exchanges
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basMessage de psukhe posté le 23-05-2015 à 16:01:37 (S | E | F)
je ne suis pas très douée avec l'anglais et sa conjugaison/grammaire..et je passe mon oral bientôt.. Serait-il possible de corriger, s'il vous plaît?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses!
Ps : je suis en spécialité LVA, mon oral dure donc 10 min ce qui explique la longueur de ma préparation !

The notion Spaces and Exchanges deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. An exchange is the act of giving, or receiving something in substitution for something else. Today, there are several forms of exchanges : economic, with the exchange of goodsor trading accross borders. But also the cultural exchanges, with the exchange of ideas, information or education. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. And that what a Gap Year is about. We can wonder, to what extent can a gap year be useful? Firstly, it allows us trying new things. Then, it improves our experience. And it helps us to be an opened person. I will use an article from The Guardian about “a gapper's first-hand account”, a script of “what is a gap year?” and finally use an article from the Time's website.
Initially, on a gap year you take a break. As it is said in the script, it is a common phenomenom. It is more often students who had finished high school and want to discover new places or relax before entering the university who take a year off. Gap year gives the opportunity to explore, learn and experience things out of our comfort zone. In the article from The Guardian, Jenny the narrator and also the gapper went to a small village in the Canadian Arctic Circle. She learned how people live in this village. They have a completely different way of life. There are only 350 inhabitants et just one grocery store. Jenny was in Aklavik in orderto discover a population and help them in a local school. She was the teaching assistant and worked with children. In the Time's article, Monika Lutz chose to go in India to helps delivering solar power to impowerished communities and also in Shanghai being an intern for a fashion designer. Gap year allows to realize projects we can not do in our country for instance.
It clearly improves your experience. In the article of the Guardian, Jenny had tutored a girl who had the conditionss quite severely. The girl had difficulties to read and Jenny worked with her doing small activities to help her. She said “it was rewarding to watch her grow”. Jenny also learned about herself, “ the simple life is one of the best”. In the article of the Time, Olivia Ragni went to India, Guatemala and Thailand for her gap year. Before her gap year, she was really down because she missed the deadline to have a place at her University. She decided to volunteer in an Hospital in India, working at an elephant camp in Thailand..All these activities helped her recover her self-confidence and she also gained independence.
In the article of the Guardian, Jenny has found what she really want to do in life. Before her gap year, she wanted to apply a law-degree. But the humanity of inuits and problems they have to encounter as levels of umemployment, drugs and alcohols abuses, made her change her mind. She learns now medicine to assist others. She opened her eyes, and she even want to come back to Aklavik and be a doctor there. Lutz from de Time's article said "This experience has really opened my eyes to the opportunities the world has to offer" and Olivia said it was the best experience of her life. People who have have made a gap year are now more open to the world, they are more thankful.
To conclude, we can say that after a gap year we are more concerned about our world and its problems. We are closer of different cultures and we meet a lot of good persons. As a result, gap year can be useful in many ways, you become not only mature, social, energic but also thankful of what you already have.
Modifié par lucile83 le 23-05-2015 16:46
Réponse: Oral/Spaces and Exchanges de laure95, postée le 24-05-2015 à 14:07:14 (S | E)
- goodsor trading: ?
- accross: orthographe.
- And that what a Gap Year is about:?
- it allows us trying: TO TRY
- an opened person: an OPEN-MINDED personne.
- on a gap year: pas la bonne préposition.
- It is more often: it often concerns.
- students who had finished: pourquoi le past perfect?
- who take a year off: WHO?
- She was the teaching assistant: the teacher's assistant.
- In the Time's article: pas d'article.
- to helps : TO + INFINIFTIF
- Gap year allows: A gap year.
- to realize projects: to put projects into practise.
- Jenny had tutored: mettre au preterit.
- a girl who had the conditionss quite severely: ?,
- at her University: enlever le possessid.
- She decided to volunteer: to BE A volunteer.
- working at: IN.
- All these activities helped her recover: TO recover.
- what she really want: conjugaison.
- She learns: studies.
- She opened her eyes: mal dit.
- and she even want: conjugaison.
- We are closer of: TO.
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais