Oral/voitures électriques
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basMessage de krinox posté le 25-03-2015 à 23:49:33 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous .
j'ai un oral à préparer pour vendredi sur les voitures électriques et j'ai fait un petit résumé dessus; j'aimerais voir où sont mes fautes et les corriger pour que cela soit parfait. Ce résumé sera rendu sur feuille, je vais devoir improviser à l'oral mais c'est toujours bien d'avoir un résumé nickel
There’s more than one way to cut emissions. Swapping conventional cars for electric ones might cut emissions from cars, because it starts to have issues with the oil in particular the beginning of the rarity of oil. Electrics cars can maybe be a good alternative.
Electric car has some advantages in property, economy; reliability fields like no toxic emission or smokes and carbon footprint very interesting are good advantages for environment. Electric car can do good savings to user due to no consummation during slow motion phase (phase de ralenti de la voiture), batteries recharge during deceleration phase and mostly, the use of electric energy that is cheap compared in oil.
Electric car is reliable due to electric engine is tireless and maintenance is cheap (for example the change). For user, electric car is enjoyable to drive because the engine can’t stall (no clutch) and it is quiet.
Nonetheless, even if electric car considers lots of advantages, today some drawbacks slow down her good development, like recharge time whose is very long, and electric charge port which are occasional because the city must anticipate big electrics infrastructures. Electric car is very expensive because of her battery and the low production of these cars. The car autonomy is low, around 150 kms.
In short, electric car could be a good alternative to the combustion car, however her autonomy is low because of technology used and others factors. For me, engineers and some big companies work on a way to upgrade electric car.
Merci pour vos réponses
Modifié par lucile83 le 25-03-2015 23:51
Modifié par krinox le 26-03-2015 18:00
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais