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Kevin en vacances /Thème

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Kevin en vacances /Thème
Message de lucile83 posté le 10-03-2013 à 18:52:14 (S | E | F)

Mon emploi du temps a été très chargé depuis quelque temps, mais voici l'occasion de faire un petit résumé des vacances pour certains.
J'espère que vous aimerez.
Niveau ou
Correction vers le 20 mars
Enjoy yourselves

Les enfants sont en vacances depuis quelques jours, et se sentent un peu seuls parfois sans leurs copains. C’est pourquoi les mamans et les mamies en sont venues à la conclusion qu’il était inutile de s’ennuyer chacun de son côté et qu’il valait mieux se retrouver pour jouer ensemble. Kevin est donc allé passer la journée chez Tom, qui est ensuite venu chez Kevin deux jours de suite pendant que sa maman profitait de son temps libre. Le jour suivant Kevin est allé chez Mike pour l’après-midi et la nuit. Vendredi dernier Kevin est à nouveau allé chez Tom où Bob les a rejoints. La maman de Tom a emmené tout le monde à la piscine le matin, ils ont déjeuné ensemble, ont passé l’après-midi à jouer, et le soir il a été décidé que Kevin dormirait chez Tom. Ils étaient tellement heureux ensemble que cela aurait été dommage de les séparer. Demain matin Kevin a une invitée ; il s’agit de Laura, qui passera la journée avec lui. Il avait dormi chez elle il y a deux semaines et ils avaient été très contents de se revoir. Je ne sais pas si Laura dormira chez Kevin car c’est une petite fille très timide. Je verrai bien ce que sa maman me dira demain matin. Vous êtes un peu perdus dans tout ce programme ? ne vous inquiétez pas, moi aussi !

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-03-2013 12:09
Bonus, juste pour info
Laura et Kevin ont passé une si belle journée ensemble qu'ils ne voulaient plus se quitter.Le papa de Laura a donc emmené Kevin dormir chez Laura quand il a récupéré celle-ci vers 18h Les parents de Kevin sont allés le récupérer à leur tour...sans ramener Laura
Vous suivez toujours? moi j'ai un peu de mal

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de soumaia1, postée le 11-03-2013 à 00:13:13 (S | E)
Je ne suis pas satisfaite de ma traduction mais je la poste quand même

The children are on holidays since few days, and they sometimes feel a bit lonely without their friends. That’s why moms and grannies have come to the conclusion that it’s pointless to be bored each from ones side and that it would be better if the children (sinon ce sont les mamans qui vont jouer ensemble lol) meet up in order to play together. So Kevin went to spend the day at Tom’s house, who(???) then came to Kevin’s house for two days running while his mother were taking advantage from his spare time. Next day, Kevin went to Mike’s house for the afternoon and the night. Last Friday, Kevin went again to Tom’s house where Bob joined them. Tom’s mother took everybody to the swimming pool in the morning, they ate lunch together, spent the afternoon playing and in the evening it was decided that Kevin would sleep at Tom’s house. They were very happy that would have been a pity to separate them. Tomorrow morning Kevin has a guest; it’s Laura, who will spend the day with him. He had slept in her house two weeks ago and they were very content to see each other once again. I don’t know if Laura will sleep at Kevin’s house because she is a very shy little girl.


Modifié par soumaia1 le 11-03-2013 00:14

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de mamou3, postée le 11-03-2013 à 06:35:59 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
It is a real pleasure to see Tom and Kevin are coming back

Children have been on holiday for a few days and feel a little alone without their mates.
This is why moms and grannies came from here to the conclusion which it was useless to be bored each one on its side and which it was better to meet again to play together. So kevin went to spend the day at Tom who then came to Kevin for two days while his mom benefitted from her free time. The day following Kevin went to Mike for the afernoon and the night. Last Friday Kevin again went to Tom where Bob joined. In the morning Tom's mom took out everybody to the swimming pool. They had lunch together spent the afternoon to play and in the evening it was decided that Kevin would sleep at Tom. They were so happy together that would have been a pity to separate them.
Tomorrow morning Kevin has a guest, Laura who will spend the day with him. Two weeks ago he had slept at her place and they had been very glad to see again each other. I don't know if Laura will sleep at Kevin because she is a very shy little girl. I'll see what her mom will say to me tomorow morning.
Are you lost a little in all this program ? Don't worry. So am I.

It's right ! It's a very complicated program and also a complicated exercise for the tenses....

Bonus just for info
Laura and Kevin had spent a so wonderful day together that they wouldn't to be separate any more. So Laura's dad had taken Kevin to sleep at home when he had picked up her about 6.00 p.m. Kevin's parents have gone to take him at their turn without taking back Laura.
You are still following ? Personally I have a little difficulty !!!!!

Cela devient machiavelique point de vue des temps à utiliser mais si comique aussi, pauvres parents-taxi !!!!
Modifié par mamou3 le 13-03-2013 06:39

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de nick27, postée le 12-03-2013 à 10:43:09 (S | E)

Children have been on vacation for a few days and sometimes they may feel lonely away from their friends. That's why moms and grannies have come to the conclusion that it's pointless getting bored each one on his own and it's better for them to get together and play. So Kevin went to spend the day at Tom's place, then Tom came to Kevin's two days in a row while his mother enjoyed her freetime. The next day Kevin spent the afternoon and the night at Mike's. Last Friday Kevin went to Tom's and Bob met them there. In the morning Tom's mother took everyone to the pool, they had lunch together, they spent the whole afternoon playing, and in the evening they decided Kevin would sleep at Tom's. They seemed so happy together it would have been a shame to separate them. Tomorrow morning Kevin will have a guest coming around: Laura, who will be spending the day with him. He had slept at her place two weeks ago and they had been so glad they could see each other again. I don't know whether Laura will sleep at Kevin's because it's a very shy little girl. I'll wait and see what her mother will tell me tomorrow morning. Are you feeling a bit lost in all this program? Don't worry... I'm kind of, too !

Merci Lucile pour ce thème.
J'ai découvert tous vos petits textes récemment et je regrette de ne pas l'avoir fait avant.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-03-2013 10:47
c'est très gentil

Modifié par nick27 le 13-03-2013 10:53
Laura and Kevin were having so much fun together they didn't want to leave each other. So Laura's dad took Kevin over to Laura's house for the night when he picked her up around 6 pm. Then Kevin's parents went to pick him up... without taking Laura with them.
Still following me? I'm having some trouble...

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de maya92, postée le 12-03-2013 à 11:49:33 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

The children have been on holidays for a few days and sometimes, they feel a bit alone without their mates. That’s why the mothers and the grannies decided that it was better to have fun together than to be bored on one’s own side. So, Kevin spent the day at Tom’s who came to Kevin’s for two days in succession while his mum was enjoying her free time. The day afte, Kevin went to Mike’s to spend the afternoon and the night. Last Friday, Kevin went to Tom’s again where Bob joined them. The next morning, Tom’s mum took everybody to the swimming pool, they had lunch together, played during the whole afternoon and in the evening, it was decided that Kevin would sleep at Tom’s place. They seemed so happy all together that it would have been a pity to separate them. Tomorrow morning, Kevin will have a guest : Laura will spend the afternoon with him. He slept at her place two weeks ago and they were very pleased to see each other again. I don’t know if Laura will spend the night at Kevin’s because she is a very shy little girl. I’ll see what’s her mother say tomorrow morning.
Are’nt you a little lost in this programme ? Don’t worry, me too !

Merci Lucile pour ce petit exercice de vacances tellement réaliste..

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de lakata, postée le 13-03-2013 à 08:50:26 (S | E)
Hello Lucile and thank you for keeping me so pleasantly busy with this kind of exercise!

The kids have been on holiday for a few days and they sometimes feel a little lonely without their friends. That is why the mums and the grannies came up with the conclusion that it was not worthwhile everybody getting bored on their own, but they had better meet and play all together. So Kevin spent the day at Tom's who stayed afterwards two days at Kevin's while his mum took advantage of her free time. The day after, Kevin went to Mike's place to spend the afternoon then to stay overnight. On last Friday, Kevin went again to Tom's where Bob met up with them. In the morning Tom's mum took them all to the swimming pool, then they had lunch before spending the afternoon playing. It was then decided that Kevin would sleep there. They were so happy all together that it would have been a real shame to take them away from each other. Tomorrow morning, Kevin has someone around for the day : it is Laura. He had stayed overnight at her's a fortnight ago and they had been very happy to meet again. I do not know whether Laura will stay overnight at Kevin's since she is a very shy little girl. I will see what her mum says tomorrow morning. You must be a little lost with all what is on, mustn't you ? Do not worry, so am I!

Modifié par lakata le 17-03-2013 17:20

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de girly54, postée le 14-03-2013 à 12:06:58 (S | E)
The children are on holiday since a few days and are feeling a bit alone sometimes without their friends. It's why the moms and grannies have been at the conclusion it was unnecessary to be bored each one on separate ways and it should be better to find themselves playing together. So Kevin went spending all the day at Tom's who came after at Kevin's the next two days while his mother made the most of her free time.The next day Kevin went at Mike's all the afternoon and the night. Last Friday Kevin again went at Tom's where Bob joined them. Tom's mom took everyone at the swimming-pool in the morning, they had lunch together, spent the afternoon to playing, and in the evening, decision was made that Kevin would be sleeping at Tom's. There are so much happy together that should be a pity to separate them. Tomorrow morning Kevin has an invitee, it's Laura, who will spend the day with him. He had slept at hers two weeks ago and they had been glad to see again themselves. I don't know if Laura will sleep at Kevin's because she is a very shy little girl. I would see that her mom shall tell me tomorrow morning.
You are a little lost in all this program. Don't be worry, me too !

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de alpiem, postée le 14-03-2013 à 20:53:28 (S | E)

The chidren have been on holiday for a few days and are feeling a bit lonely without their schoolmates. That's why the mummies and grannies have come to the conclusion that instead of getting bored one another on its own, they would rather get together so as to have a good time.
So Kevin went all day long to Tom's , who in turn came for two days in a row at Kevin's, while his mother has been enjoying her time left.
The day after, Kevin went to Mike's home to spent the afternoon and the night.Last friday,Kevin has again been to Tom's where Bob had joined them up .In the morning Tom's mother took everybody to the swimming pool in the morning, they had lunch together, spent the afternoon playing and decided on the evening that Keving would sleep at Tom's. They were so happy to be together that it would have been a pity to have them been separated .
To morrow morning Kevin is going to have a guest.It's Laura who is about to spend the day whith him.Two weeks ago he had spent the night at her home and they both had been very joyful to meet each other again.I don't know wether she is going to sleep at Kevin's for she is a very shy little girl.I will know to morrow morning what her mother thinks about it.You are a little bit lost with this shedule ? Don't worry I am too!

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-03-2013 21:00

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de notrepere, postée le 15-03-2013 à 02:35:55 (S | E)
Hello Lucile. Thanks for this new exercise about "Petit Kevin".

The children have been on vacation for a few days and they feel a bit lonely sometimes without their classmates. That's why the mothers and grandmothers have determined that children needn't be bored all alone and that it's better to find a way for the children to get together to play. Kevin spent the day with Tom who then came to Kevin's house for two consecutive days so that his mom could have some free time. The following day, Kevin went to Mike's for the afternoon and night. Last Friday, Kevin returned to Tom's house where Bob joined them. Tom's mom took everyone to the swimming pool in the morning. They had lunch together, spent the afternoon playing and that evening decided that Kevin would stay the night at Tom's. They were so happy together that it would have been a pity to split them up. Tomorrow morning, Kevin has a guest: Laura will be spending the day with him. He had a sleep-over at her house two weeks ago and they were very glad to see each other again. I don't know whether Laura will be able to have a sleep-over at Kevin's because she's a very shy girl. I'll see what her mom says tomorrow morning. Are you lost yet? Don't worry, so am I!

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de themarshmallow, postée le 17-03-2013 à 00:50:08 (S | E)
Hello Lucile!

Thank you so much for this exercise!

Children are in holidays for some days and sometimes they feel alone without their friends. It is why their mothers and grandmothers conclude it is useless to be boring one’s separate ways and it would be better to make the most of the opportunity to play together. So Kevin was spent the day to Tom’s house. And the both previous days Tom came to Kevin’s house while his mother enjoyed the leisure time. Kevin spent the next day went to Mike during the afternoon and the night. The last Friday Kevin went again to Tom where Bob joined them. Tom’s mother went the next morning to the swimming pool with them. They spent the lunchtime together, they played all the afternoon and at the evening Kevin decided to sleep to Tom’s house. They were so enthusiastic together that it would be pity to separate them. Tomorrow morning Kevin will have a guest; it is Laura who will spend the day with him. He slept to her house two weeks ago and they were very happy to see them self again. I do not know if Laura will sleep to Kevin’s house because she is a very shy little girl. I will see what her mother will say me tomorrow morning. Are you feeling lost in this program? Do not worry, so I am!!

Modifié par themarshmallow le 17-03-2013 00:50

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de lucile83, postée le 17-03-2013 à 12:29:22 (S | E)

Il vous reste jusqu'à mercredi soir vers 21h pour plus de précisions
Attention aux erreurs entre since et for, entre le prétérit et le present perfect, entre certaines prépositions...
J'ai vu aussi bien sûr de bonnes choses, bravo à vous!
Bye for now, see you later

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de alice, postée le 17-03-2013 à 17:05:30 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde et un grand merci à Lucile. Voici ma proposition:

Children have been on holiday for a few days and they feel sometimes a little lonely without their schoolmates. It's why mummies and grannies have come to the conclusion that it was pointless to be bored all alone and they had better meet and play together. So Kevin has been to spend the day at Tom's place then Tom has been to Kevin's for two days in succession while his mum took advantage of her free time. The next day Kevin went à Mike's and stayed over there for the afternoon and the night. Last Friday Kevin as been to Tom's again where bob rejoined them. Tom's mummy took everyone to the swimming pool in the morning, they lunched together, spent the afternoon playing and in the evening they decided Kevin would sleep at Tom's. They were so happy together, it would have been a pity to separate them. Tomorrow morning Kevin has a guest. It's Laura who will be spending the day with him. Two weeks ago he had slept at her place and they had been very happy to see aech other again. I don't know if Laura will sleep at Kevin's because she is a very shy little girl. I'll see what her mummy will say to me tomorrow morning.
You are lost a little in this whole programn don't worry, so am I.

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de swan85, postée le 17-03-2013 à 20:58:34 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile
Merci pour ce nouveau thème et voici ma traduction

The children have been on holidays for a few days and sometimes they feel a little lonely without their friends.
This is why the mums and grandmas came to the conclusion that it was useless they are getting bored separately and that it was better they met up to play altogether.
Thus, Kevin spent the day to Tom’s home and then Tom stayed for two days to Kevin’s while his mother enjoyed her free time.
The day after Kevin went to Mike’s home for the afternoon and the night.
Last Friday Kevin went again to Tom’s house where they have been joined by Bob.
Tom’s mother took everyone to the swimming pool on the morning, they had lunch altogether, played the afternoon, and it has been decided that Kevin would stayed for the night at Tom’s home.
They were so happy altogether that it would have been a pity to separate them.
Tomorrow morning Kevin has a guest. This is Laura ,who will stay with him for the day.
Two weeks ago, he had slept to her home and they had been very happy to see them again.
I don’t know whether Laura will sleep to Kevin’s home as she is very shy. I will see what her mother will tell me tomorrow morning.
You are a little lost with all this program ? don’t be worry, so am I!.

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de clairefr, postée le 18-03-2013 à 17:21:34 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile et merci pour ce thème

J'ai eu un peu de mal avec les temps ! Voilà ma proposition :

The children have been on holiday for a few days and they feel alone sometimes without their friends. That's why mothers and grandmothers came to the conclusion that it was useless to get bored on its own and it would be better to meet and play together. So Kevin went playing at Tom's, who then went to Kevin's for 2 days while his mother enjoyed her free-time. The day after, Kevin went to Mike's for the afternoon and night. Last Friday, Kevin went again to Tom's where Bob joined them. Tom's mother took everybody to the swimming-pool, they had lunch together, spent the afternoon playing, and in the evening it has been decided that Kevin would sleep at Tom's. They were so happy together, it would have been a shame to separate them. Tomorrow morning Kevin has a guest, it's Laura who will spend the day at his place. He slept at hers two weeks ago and they had enjoyed seeing each other again. I don't know if Laura will sleep at Kevin's because she is a very shy girl. I will see what her mother will say tomorrow morning. You're a bit lost in this program, aren't you ? Don't worry, so am I !

Laura and Kevin have spent such a beautiful day together that they didn't want to leave each other. So Laura's father took Kevin to sleep at Laura's when he came to pick her up at about 6 o'clock. Kevin's parents picked him up at their turn ... whithout bringing up Laura. Do you understand ? I hardly do !

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de sanna6, postée le 19-03-2013 à 20:11:22 (S | E)
Good evening,

Here is my try

Children have been on holidays for some days and they felt a little alone without their friends.
That's why mothers and grand-mothers are come to conclude it was useless to get bored each one separately and it was better to meet for playing together.
So, Kevin went for the day to Tom's house who after is gone to Kevin's house during two days while her mother enjoying free time.
The day after Kevin went to Mike's house for the afternoon and the night. Last Friday Kevin went back to Tom's house where Bob joined them.
Tom's mother invited everybody to the swimming pool the morning, they had a lunch together and played during afternoon and in the evening they decided that Kevin will go to sleep at Tom's house.
They were so much happy together that would have been pity to separate them. Tomorrow morning Kevin will have an invitee ; it's Laura who will spend the day with him.
He slept at her home two weeks ago and they have been very happy to see again each other.
I don't know if Laura will sleep at Kevin's house because she is a little girl very shy. I will see what her mother will tell me tomorrow morning.
Are you a little lost about all that program ? Don't be worry, so am I !

Thanks a lot

Modifié par sanna6 le 19-03-2013 20:12

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de violet91, postée le 19-03-2013 à 20:28:58 (S | E)
Hello dear Lucile . Thank you for this text which is not that easy to follow and disentangle ..

The children (around me) have been on holiday for a few days and sometimes feel a little lonely without their school-friends. That is why their mummies and grannies have come to the conclusion there is no point in keeping them apart and bored each on one side and they would be much better off meeting and playing together . So Kevin went and spent one day at Tom's who himself came round to Kevin's for the next two ones, while his mother could thoroughly enjoy ( was fully enjoying) her free time . The following day Kevin went and spent the afternoon and night at Mike's that time . Last Friday, Kevin went to Tom's again where Bob joined them . Tom's Mum took the 'happy lot' to the swimming-pool in the morning , they had lunch together there, then spent all afternoon playing and in the evening, it was decided that Kevin would stay at Tom's overnight . They were having such fun that it would have been a shame (heartbreak)to split them up. Tomorrow morning, Kevin is having (has) a guest at home : it is Laura who is going to spend all day with him . He had slept at hers two weeks ago and they had been really happy to see each other again . I don't know whether (if) Laura will sleep at Kevin's, for she is a very shy little girl. I 'll see by myself what her Mum says to me ( tells me)tomorrow morning .
Are you getting a bit lost in all that programme ? Don't worry ! So am I !

..Laura and Kevin spent such a lovely day together they just would not separate. Therefore, Laura's Dad took Kevin to spend another night at Laura's when he came and fetched his daughter at about ( round )6 p.m . Kevin's parents, in their turns, went and fetched their son the next day ..without taking Laura back with them .
Are you still following ? I myself find it a little hard to .

Well ! I am glad we don't know anything about the rest of Kevin's holiday. Let's imagine it went on and on, till the holiday was over ! I am not sure I won't have forgotten something or put it in the wrong order .

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de lucile83, postée le 20-03-2013 à 22:13:21 (S | E)

Un peu en retard sur mes prévisions horaires, mais je suis sûre que vous me pardonnerez
Merci à toutes et tous pour vos efforts et vos traductions amusées, pertinentes, émues et sensibles. Cela représente de grands moments de partage avec les petits loulous quels qu'ils soient.

Voici ma proposition:
The children have been on holidays for a few days and they sometimes feel a little lonely without their classmates. That is why the mothers and grandmothers came to the conclusion that being bored all alone was unnecessary, and that it would be better for the children to meet and play together. Kevin then spent the day at Tom’s who came later to Kevin’s for two days in a row while his mother enjoyed her free time. The following day Kevin went to Mike’s for the afternoon and the night as well . Last Friday Kevin went back to Tom’s house where Bob joined them. Tom’s mother took everyone to the swimming pool in the morning, they had lunch all together, spent their afternoon playing, and in the evening they decided that Kevin would spend the night at Tom’s. They were so happy together that it would have been a shame to split them up. Tomorrow morning Kevin will have a guest; it is Laura and she will stay with him for the whole day. He spent the night at her house two weeks ago and they were very glad to meet again. I don’t know whether Laura will sleep at Kevin’s as she is quite a shy little girl. I’ll see what her mum tells me tomorrow morning. Are you a little lost in the whole programme? Don’t worry, so am I.

-J’avais ajouté un petit bonus amusant ; comme certains ont traduit (ahh les bons élèves !) je suis obligée de donner ma proposition que voici :
Laura and Kevin spent such a lovely day together that they did not want to leave each other. So Laura’s father took Kevin with him for the night when he took Laura back home around 6.00 pm. Kevin’s parents themselves went to Laura’s the following day …without taking Laura back with them. Are you still following? I am having some trouble.

Quelques commentaires
-Since est suivi du point de départ de l’action, pas d’une durée; on dira donc for a few days. Et on emploiera ici le present perfect (have been on holidays for a few days)
-Mom est américain ; vacation aussi
-Holiday or holidays …. Grande question….
j’ai trouvé ceci écrit par un professeur anglais et je pense que la différence est bien décrite. Pour faire beaucoup plus simple vous pouvez penser à 1 jour = a holiday/ plusieurs jours = holidays

1.I might be over-generalizing here, but I would say that 'holidays' usually refers to a period of time when the school/college/business/factory etc is closed, hence 'the summer holidays', 'the Easter holidays' and 'the Christmas holidays':
-I can't wait for the summer holidays. Six whole weeks of rest and relaxation!
It is when we refer to our own plans that it becomes 'holiday':
-I am going on holiday for two whole weeks.
For that reason, you might get both versions within one sentence:
-The summer holidays begin next week, but I am not going on (my) holiday until the end of July.
-The holidays were great, especially the last week when I went on holiday to Spain.
-We always try not to go on holiday during the school holidays.
Again at risk of over-generalizing, I would say that we would not normally use a posessive with the plural form - we say 'the holidays'. However, with the singular form it is ok to say 'my holiday'.
Hence, in your two sentences above, I would change the second one. But be aware that they convey (to me, anyway) different ideas:
1 - I will spend my summer holiday in Cornwall.
2 - I will spend the summer holidays in Cornwall. (To me, this one implies that if the school/university holidays last for two months, I am going to spend those two months in Cornwall!)

Source: Lien internet

-Quand on se déplace on emploie la préposition ‘to’ ; j’ai vu ‘go at’ , c’est impossible.
-Je ne sais pas si/je me demande si…on a ici une alternative et on traduira ‘si’ par ‘whether’ , pas par ‘if’ qui exprime le conditionnel.
-Pour les temps des verbes, le texte commence au présent puis passe tout de suite au passé car je raconte ce qui s’est passé pendant les premiers jours, après la décision des mamans de regrouper les enfants. Je parle aussi au futur car certains événements vont avoir lieu (tomorrow) , et au conditionnel pour la concordance des temps que vous adorez je le sais. Il suffit de ne pas perdre le fil du récit .. dur dur oui.
-Attention au mot altogether qui n’a pas le sens de tous ensemble (all together)
-Swimming pool s’écrit en 2 mots sans trait d’union
-Attention de ne pas inventer en disant qu’ils ont déjeuné à la piscine…un mot en trop et le texte est modifié.

Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à les poser sur le forum; j’y répondrai avec plaisir.
Encore merci pour votre participation et votre enthousiasme

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de mamou3, postée le 21-03-2013 à 07:50:40 (S | E)
Thank you very much for this exercise and your explanations

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de sanna6, postée le 21-03-2013 à 20:27:12 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile,

Merci beaucoup pour cette correction ainsi que pour les explications que vous avez notées.
Je me demandais s'il vous plaît ?
- The children have been on holidays for a few days and they sometimes feel a little lonely without their classmates.
Du fait qu'il y ait "sometimes" on ne peut pas du tout utiliser un temps lié au passé, on se doit de garder seulement le présent ?
et puis sur cette phrase aussi :
- I’ll see what her mum tells me tomorrow morning.
Est-ce le même cas concernant l'exception sur le futur et la proposition de temps ?
En vous remerciant

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de lucile83, postée le 21-03-2013 à 21:55:55 (S | E)
Hello sanna

The children have been on holidays for a few days and they sometimes feel a little lonely without their classmates.
...comme je dis dans la correction le texte commence au présent. Le present perfect n'est pas un temps du passé; c'est un temps qui fait la liaison entre le début d'une action et son déroulement actuel. Les enfants sont en vacances depuis quelques jours et ils se sentent parfois un peu seuls..etc

- I’ll see what her mum tells me tomorrow verrai bien ce que sa maman me dit demain; je me focalise sur l'instant présent dans le futur du lendemain; il n'y a pas forcément de concordance des temps, ni d'allusion au non emploi du futur dans une subordonnée de temps.
J'espère avoir répondu à vos interrogations
See you later

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de notrepere, postée le 22-03-2013 à 05:50:40 (S | E)
Chère Lucile

Merci mille fois pour cette nouvelle histoire de Petit Kevin.   J'ai quelque chose pour toi...

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de lakata, postée le 22-03-2013 à 07:19:26 (S | E)
Thank you so much, Lucile, for your correction.
Particularly for giving us the way to resolve the thorny question of holiday/holidays!

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de lucile83, postée le 22-03-2013 à 07:31:06 (S | E)
Glad if I can help you to solve one or two questions
Thank you dear np for that picture. I like it very much

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de sanna6, postée le 22-03-2013 à 12:56:51 (S | E)
Merci Lucile pour votre réponse ...Je vais revoir avec ce que vous me dites.
Un bon après midi!

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de swan85, postée le 22-03-2013 à 13:15:42 (S | E)

Thank you very much Lucile for your theme, I spent a very interesting time trying to follow the busy Schedule of these little friends.

Réponse: Kevin en vacances /Thème de lucile83, postée le 23-03-2013 à 17:02:01 (S | E)

    Yes swan...How lovely those flowers are!


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