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The missing vowels /2

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The missing vowels /2
Message de marit64 posté le 12-12-2012 à 22:53:11 (S | E | F)

Thanks a lot for your comments about this new series. I'm considering all of them.
Since I don't want you to give up, I'll keep on giving you the number of letters for the first weeks and from time to time I'll try not to do it for a few words.
Acting this way will be easier for you and if you have other comments, let me know, please

Let's start.
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

1- To go, move, walk etc from place to place with no definite destination in mind. ..... (dwrn) 6
2- A synonym of "to excite". ..... (lhltr) 6
3- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc. ..... (gbd) 5
4- A person in great need of food, shelter etc. ..... (tttsd) 9
5- The part of a pencil that leaves a mark. ..... (dl) 4
6- Regret about something wrong or bad which one has done. ..... (smrr) 7
7- To trim a tree etc by cutting off unnecessary twigs and branches. ..... (npr) 5
8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people. ..... (fhssl) 7
9- The work of keeping a house clean and tidy. ..... (wskhr) 9
10- A female horse. ..... (rm) 4

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse: The missing vowels /2 de flowermusic, postée le 12-12-2012 à 23:37:08 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Thank you for the new one. That's my try

1- To go, move, walk etc from place to place with no definite destination in mind. ..... (dwrn) 6 wander
2- A synonym of "to excite". ..... (lhltr) 6 thrill
3- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc. ..... (gbd) 5 badge
4- A person in great need of food, shelter etc. ..... (tttsd) 9 destitute
5- The part of a pencil that leaves a mark. ..... (dl) 4 lead
6- Regret about something wrong or bad which one has done. ..... (smrr) 7 remorse
7- To trim a tree etc by cutting off unnecessary twigs and branches. ..... (npr) 5 prune
8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people. ..... (fhssl) 7 selfish
9- The work of keeping a house clean and tidy. ..... (wskhr) 9 housework
10- A female horse. ..... (rm) 4 mare

Have a nice week

Réponse: The missing vowels /2 de headway, postée le 13-12-2012 à 08:15:38 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- To go, move, walk etc from place to place with no definite destination in mind. ..... To Wander.(dwrn) 6
2- A synonym of "to excite". ..... To Thrill.(lhltr) 6
3- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc. ..... Badge.(gbd) 5
4- A person in great need of food, shelter etc. ..... Destitute.(tttsd) 9
5- The part of a pencil that leaves a mark. ..... Lead.(dl) 4
6- Regret about something wrong or bad which one has done. ..... Remorse.(smrr) 7
7- To trim a tree etc by cutting off unnecessary twigs and branches. ..... To Prune.(npr) 5
8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people. ..... Selfish.(fhssl) 7
9- The work of keeping a house clean and tidy. ..... Housework.(wskhr) 9
10- A female horse. .....Mare (rm) 4

Again, thank you for this new one.


Réponse: The missing vowels /2 de dolfine56, postée le 13-12-2012 à 09:37:28 (S | E)
Hello, dear Marit
Here we are...

1- To go, move, walk etc from place to place with no definite destination in mind. ..... (dwrn) 6 to wander
2- A synonym of "to excite". ..... (lhltr) 6 to thrill
3- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc. ..... (gbd) 5 badge
4- A person in great need of food, shelter etc. ..... (tttsd) 9 destitute
5- The part of a pencil that leaves a mark. ..... (dl) 4 lead
6- Regret about something wrong or bad which one has done. ..... (smrr) 7remorse
7- To trim a tree etc by cutting off unnecessary twigs and branches. ..... (npr) 5 to prune
8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people. ..... (fhssl) 7 selfish
9- The work of keeping a house clean and tidy. ..... (wskhr) 9 housework
10- A female horse. ..... (rm) 4 mare

Thanks a lot, dear Marit.
Have a nice week.

Réponse: The missing vowels /2 de swan85, postée le 13-12-2012 à 22:49:03 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- To go, move, walk etc from place to place with no definite destination in mind. (dwrn) 6 to wander
2- A synonym of "to excite". (lhltr) 6 to thrill
3- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc. (gbd) 5 a badge
4- A person in great need of food, shelter etc.(tttsd) 9 Destitute
5- The part of a pencil that leaves a mark. (dl) 4 a lead
6- Regret about something wrong or bad which one has done. (smrr) 7 Remorse
7- To trim a tree etc by cutting off unnecessary twigs and branches.(npr) 5 to Prune
8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people.(fhssl) 7 Selfish
9- The work of keeping a house clean and tidy.(wskhr) 9 the Housework
10- A female horse. ..... (rm) 4n a Mare

Thank you and have a nice week-end

Réponse: The missing vowels /2 de sanna6, postée le 18-12-2012 à 07:28:50 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- To go, move, walk etc from place to place with no definite destination in mind... wander
2- A synonym of "to excite" thrill
3- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc...badge
4- A person in great need of food, shelter etc...destitute
5- The part of a pencil that leaves a mark... lead
6- Regret about something wrong or bad which one has done... remorse
7- To trim a tree etc by cutting off unnecessary twigs and branches... to prune
8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people...selfish
9- The work of keeping a house clean and tidy... housework
10- A female horse...mare

Thanks a lot
Have a nice week!

Réponse: The missing vowels /2 de cyndie21, postée le 23-12-2012 à 18:50:52 (S | E)
hello joueux noel


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