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Lettre motivation/correction

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Lettre motivation/correction
Message de berlyn posté le 07-10-2012 à 16:11:11 (S | E | F)

j'ai une lettre de motivation à réaliser en anglais et je pense avoir fait un grand nombre de fautes..
Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît?
Merci d'avance !!


August, 6th 2012

Dear Sir

I am ninteen years old and I am in a law faculty called xxx in xxx. I would like to improve my english and validate my three years of law with the Erasmus programm. I will have complete my second year in June 2012.
For me, this programm is a chance because in my futur life I would like to work in the internationnal law so the English is very important. More with that experiance, I could meet lot of people of other country and so learnt their customs while doing my studies. Moreovers, I could meet other people of France and so make friends worldwide.
More, do this program in Finland is very cool. In fact it's a country which attracts me, due to its historry, its culture, its museum.
I know several stuidents who had some experiance with the Erasmus programm in various country of Europe; all said that Erasmus was a very good things because you can improve your English et do your studies together. It motivates me strongly
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discussing about that during the coming interview.

Yours faithfully

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-10-2012 16:59

Réponse: Lettre motivation/correction de soumaia1, postée le 07-10-2012 à 21:21:43 (S | E)
Hello berlyn,
Here you have some of my remarks:

I am ninteen years old and I am in a law faculty called xxx in xxx. I would like to improve my english and validate my three years of law with the Erasmus programm. I will have (il manque une préposition) complete my second year in June 2012. For me, this programm is a chance because in my futur life I would like to work in the internationnal law so the English is very important. More with that experiance, I could meet lot of people of(une autre préposition) other country(à mettre au pluriel) and so learnt their customs while doing my studies. Moreovers, I could meet other people of(autre préposition) France and so make friends worldwide. More, do (pensez à une autre forme du verbe) this program in Finland is very cool. In fact it's a country which attracts me, due to its historry, its culture, (ajoutez une conjonction au lieu de la virgule) its museum. I know several stuidents who had some experiance with the Erasmus programm in various country of Europe; all said that Erasmus was a very good things because you can improve your English et??? do your studies together. It motivates me strongly Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discussing xxx about that during the coming interview.

Good luck


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