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Correction/ abstract (1)

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Correction/ abstract
Message de sable27 posté le 24-06-2012 à 14:47:14

bon je ne suis vraiment pas très forte en anglais j’essaye de suivre les cours sur le site mais bon ce n'est pas encore ça
j'ai rédiger un abstract mais je voulais votre avis quand pensez vous ?

This report presents a harmonization of the scripts of connection and a study with the aim of the implementation of VLAN of production to protect it against the viruses and the interventions.
At first it shows us the analysis realized with the aim of a harmonization of scripts of connection between several sites, as well as the way the realization and the debuggings were set up.
Secondly it shows us the various stages of a study carried out within a multinational as well as its main difficulties.
This conclued that the report harmonization of the scripts of connections allows to realize the repetitive tasks of a way standardized with both production sites. The study, as for her demonstrates that the implementation of this solution is indispensable and shows the difficulty of realization of this one in a multinational.

Ce rapport présente une harmonisation des scripts de connexion et une étude en vue d’une implémentation de VLAN de production afin de la protéger contre les virus et les intrusions.
Dans un premier temps il nous montre l’analyse réalisé en vue d’une harmonisation de scripts de connexion entre plusieurs sites, ainsi que la manière dont la réalisation et les débogages ont été mis en place.
Dans un second temps il nous montre les différentes étapes d’une étude réalisée au sein d’une entreprise internationale ainsi que ses principales difficultés.
Ce rapport conclued that the harmonisation des scripts de connexions permet de réaliser les tâches répétitives de façon uniformisée avec les deux sites de production. L’étude, quant à elle démontre que la mise en place de cette solution est indispensable et montre la difficulté de réalisation de celle-ci dans une entreprise internationale.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-06-2012 15:13
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Réponse: Correction/ abstract de lucile83, postée le 24-06-2012 à 15:13:37

Voici la traduction automatique que j'ai obtenue:

This report(relationship) presents a harmonization of the scripts of connection and a study with the aim of an implementation of WHAM of production to protect her(it) against the viruses and the interventions.
At first he(it) shows us the analysis realized with the aim of a harmonization of scripts of connection between several sites, as well as the way the realization and the debuggings were set up.
Secondly he(it) shows us the various stages of a study carried out within a multinational as well as his(its) main difficulties.
This conclued that the report(relationship) harmonization of the scripts of connections allows to realize the repetitive tasks of a way standardized with both production sites. The study, as for her demonstrates that the implementation of this solution is indispensable and shows the difficulty of realization of this one in a multinational.

et la vôtre:

This report presents a harmonization of the scripts of connection and a study with the aim of the implementation of VLAN of production to protect it against the viruses and the interventions.
At first it shows us the analysis realized with the aim of a harmonization of scripts of connection between several sites, as well as the way the realization and the debuggings were set up.
Secondly it shows us the various stages of a study carried out within a multinational as well as its main difficulties.
This conclued that the report harmonization of the scripts of connections allows to realize the repetitive tasks of a way standardized with both production sites. The study, as for her demonstrates that the implementation of this solution is indispensable and shows the difficulty of realization of this one in a multinational.

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