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Correction/ lettre motivation

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Correction/ lettre motivation
Message de youbigo posté le 29-03-2012 à 23:20:34 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous !

J'ai une lettre de motivation à envoyer en anglais et vu que je suis pas vraiment sûre de moi je voudrais votre avis. Y a-t-il des éléments à corriger ?
Merci d'avance de votre aide

Voici la lettre :

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like, through this letter, to submit my application to integrate, next year, the Law and English language section.
Currently in class of Scientific Terminale at Lycée ****, I plan to pursue my studies in the environment of Law.
Indeed, my professional project is to join up the Police. I am convinced that Law is the best formation I could receive for the exams that I will have to pass.
The introduction to the Anglo-Saxon Law and the comparative study of both legal systems interests me sharply. I am awared of current issues of Europe and it seems essential to me, to focus on our european neighbours, like the United-Kingdom.
The scientific section is not the one that offers further social and general culture teachings, but my interest for History, Geography, Policy and culture is still as strong. I have enriched it through personal readings or movies.
Otherwise, I believe that the section in which I evolved brought me a certain rigor, a method, that could be an asset for Law.
My learning of English since I was eight has provided me a good command of the language, that I enriched throughout my studies.
Several trips to the United-States, first on the west coast in 2010 then to New-York last summer, have been a great opportunity to enrich my personal culture and above all to practice the language.
Travelling is one of my interests, and that's why I would be very enthusiastic about a total immersion abroad. This stay as part of my studies would permit me to discover and to experience another way of life, way of thinking and a new access to universitary teaching.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward the opportunity to personally discuss about my motivations and am available for any complementary information.
Yours faithfully.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-03-2012 06:06

Réponse: Correction/ lettre motivation de notrepere, postée le 30-03-2012 à 06:26:20 (S | E)

The introduction to the Anglo-Saxon Law and the comparative study of both legal systems interests me sharply. I am awared of current issues of Europe and it seems essential to me, to focus on our european neighbours, like the United-Kingdom.
The scientific section is not the one that offers further social and general culture teachings, but my interest for History, Geography, Policy and culture is still as strong. I have enriched it through personal readings or movies.
Otherwise, I believe that the section in which I evolved brought me a certain rigor, a method, that could be an asset for Law.
My learning of English since I was eight has provided me a good command of the language, that I enriched throughout my studies.
Several trips to the United-States, first on the west coast in 2010 then to New-York last summer, have been a great opportunity to enrich my personal culture and above all to practice the language.
Travelling is one of my interests, and that's why I would be very enthusiastic about a total immersion abroad. This stay as part of my studies would permit me to discover and to experience another way of life, way of thinking and a new access to universitary teaching.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to personally discuss about my motivations and am available for any complementary information.

In red: to delete

Réponse: Correction/ lettre motivation de youbigo, postée le 30-03-2012 à 16:41:32 (S | E)
Merci pour la correction, les points d'exclamation c'est un problème dans la syntaxe ?
Et comment pourrais-je traduire le mot filière ?

Réponse: Correction/ lettre motivation de lucile83, postée le 30-03-2012 à 17:15:57 (S | E)
Vous pouvez faire un double clic sur le mot clé et obtenir ainsi un dictionnaire en ligne qui vous donnera toutes les informations.

Réponse: Correction/ lettre motivation de notrepere, postée le 31-03-2012 à 01:27:13 (S | E)

Je n'ai pas compris ce que vous voulez dire "The scientific section"


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