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Message de violet91 posté le 21-03-2012 à 23:18:15 (S | E | F)

Bonsoir à toutes et tous, dear friends,

Voilà un thème aux airs de printemps qui va donc ramener le sourire, et se faire la tête sur l'oreiller ou presque.La tête dans les fleurs, on dira. à d'éventuels nouveaux, aux messieurs et non francophones. C'est ' a piece of cake ', you'll see by yourselves.
......................... To humorous easy-going S ! .............................

.................................. Récréation . Thème ludique ...............

A ) Grammaire.

1 ) Oh, mince! Qui a coupé la queue du chat avec un sécateur ? - Le jardinier (+ aux.)
2 )"Qui est le père ? ", demanda-t-il à l'hirondelle qui couvait.
3 ) Bernard, l'alligator de Maurice, est resté pensif devant les chutes du Niagara,c'est bien cela ?
4 ) La girafe, qui souffre d'une névralgie cervico-brachiale, devra porter une minerve pendant six mois . La pauvre !
5 ) Si tu viens sur mes genoux, mon chou, dit le hibou au pou, je ne te lancerai plus de cailloux, mais tu auras des joujoux, mon bijou.
6 ) Le gai helléniste a reçu un chapiteau corinthien sur le coin de la figure. Quelle tuile !
7 ) Cette baleine est fraîche, son regard est vif et elle ne baisse pas les yeux quand on la regarde .
8 ) Le roi et la reine n'ont pas réussi à avoir de dauphin ni de saumon.
9 ) J'ai demandé à la carpe combien de temps elle comptait rester enfermée dans son mutisme. Elle ne m'a pas répondu .
10 ) Le vétérinaire a interdit à la truite dont il a plâtré la queue de retourner à l'eau avant deux mois .
11 ) Deux vaches de même poids à chaque bout d'une balançoire, s'ennuient.

.. .................. ... ...... . ........... .....

B ) Arithmétique ........

a ) Une poule qui a de la fièvre pond des oeufs durs. Les oeufs durs sont vendus 1/3 plus cher que les oeufs frais.
Sachant qu'un oeuf frais est vendu 1,50 F, calculez le bénéfice que fait la poule fiévreuse sur une douzaine d'oeufs.

b ) Un cerf qui circule beaucoup la nuit et traverse des routes nationales très fréquentées, a décidé , pour éviter les accidents, d'électrifier ses bois.
Il a mis une ampoule de 20 watts à chacun de ses 12 andouillers.
Quel est le poids de la batterie que le cerf devra porter en bandoulière.
La batterie pèse 1,5kg pour 24 watts. Son poids est proportionnel au nombre de watts..

c ) Dans la même position depuis 1507, la Joconde a des crampes et souhaiterait étirer les bras . Les dimensions du cadre : 77 cm de haut sur 53 cm de large, ne lui permettent pas.
Quelle doit être la surface du tableau pour que la Joconde puisse étendre ses bras horizontalement , sachant qu'elle a une envergure de 1,80m ?....

d ) L'éléphant a attrapé un gros rhume, il éternue et se mouche sans arrêt. Il faut lui changer son mouchoir toutes les demi-heures.
En imaginant que son rhume dure 8 jours, calculez en hectares , ares et centiares, la surface totale des mouchoirs que l'éléphant va utiliser. Un mouchoir d'éléphant est un carré de 6 mètres de côté. .

..................Extraits d' Alain FOURNIER ...euh ....Jean- Louis. 'Grammaire et arithmétique appliquées et impertinentes'.(1996)

.......... Correction after Easter. Thank you , dear all.

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de dolfine56, postée le 22-03-2012 à 15:30:50 (S | E)
Hello dear Violet,

Thanks a lot for this piece of cake!(wait and see... )
Thème ludique.

A- grammaire.

1) Oh,damn!who has cut the tail of the cat with clippers?
The gardener has !
2- Who is the father? he asked to the swallow which was brooding.
3- Bernard, the Maurice's alligator kept thoughtful in front of the Niagara falls,is that right?
4- the giraffe ,which is suffering from a cervico-brachiale neuralgia,will have to wear a neck brace for six months, poor thing!
5- if you come on my knees, sweetheart,says the owl to the louse,I'll throw you no more pebbles,but you'll have toys, my gem.
6- the cheerful Hellenist has received a corinthian capital in the corner of his face. What a blow!
7-this whale is fresh, her look is bright and it doesn't look down when it is looked at .
8- The king and the queen haven't succeeded in giving birth to neither a dolphin nor a salmon.
9- I asked the carp how long it thinks to be able to remain obstinately silent. It didn't answer me.
10- the veterinary has forbdiden the trout , the queue of wich he has put in a cast,to come back in the river before two months.
11- Two cows, with the same weight on each bottom of a swing, are boring to death.

B) Arithmétique.

a)- a feverish hen lays hard-boiled eggs.Boiled eggs are sold 1/3 more expensive than fresh ones.
Knowing that a fresh egg is sold 1,50 F,calculate the profit gained by the feverish hen,with one dozen eggs.

b)- a stag, which moves a lot during the night,and crosses very busy trunk roads,decided,in order to avoid accidents,to electrify its antlers.
It put a twenty-watt bulb on each of its antlers.
What is the weight of the bank the stag will have to slung over the shoulder.
the bank weighs 1,5 Kg for 24 watts.Its weight is proportional to the number of watts.

c)- In the same position since 1507,Mona Lisa suffers from cramps and would like to be able to strech her arms.The dimensions of the frame, 77cm long and 53 cm broad,don't allow her to do that.
What the surface of the picture should be so that mona Lisa will be able to strech her arms horizontally,knowing her stature is 1,80 m ?

d)- The elephant has caught a cold, it is sneezing and blowing its nose on and on.It has its handkerchief to be changed half-hourly.
Imagining its cold lastes eight days long,work out, in hectares,ares and centiares,the whole surface of handkerchief used by the elephant.
An handkerchief for an elephant is a six metres square.

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de lakata, postée le 22-03-2012 à 16:16:58 (S | E)

Hello Violet, hello Dolfin !

Violet, haven't you forgotten to stone the fruits before cooking your..."piece of clafoutis"?

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de mamou3, postée le 23-03-2012 à 07:08:11 (S | E)
Hello Violet
Thanks for this brainstorming !!!!


1. Oh bother ! Who has cut the tail of the cat with secateurs ? The gardener has !
2. Who is the father ? He asked to the swallow which was sitting on.
3. Bernard, the Maurice's alligator was still thoughtful in front of the Niagara falls, wasn't it.
4. The Giraffe which is suffering from a cervico brachial neuralgia will have to wear a platen machine during six months. The poor !
5.If you come on my knees, my sweet, says the owl to the louse, I'll throw you no more stones but you'll have toys, my gem.
6.The happy Hellenistic received a Corinthian big top on the corner of the face. What a blow !
7. This whale is fresh, its look is bright and it doesn't look down when it is looked at.
8. The king and the queen haven't succeded in having neither a dolphin nor a salmon.
9. I asked to the carp how long it planned to remain locked into its dumbness.It didn't answer back me.
10. The vet forbade the trout whose tail he plastered to return into the water before two months.
11. Two same weight cows on the each end of the see-saw are boring


a. A hen which has fever lays hard boiled eggs. The hard boiled eggs are sold 1/3 more expensifly than the fresh eggs.
Knowing that one fresh egg is sold 1,50 F calculate the benefit that is made by the feverish hen from one dozen eggs.

b. A stag which moves a lot a night along and crosses very frequented national road, decided, to avoid the accidents, to electrify its woods.
It puts a 20 watts bulb on each of its anthers.
How heavy is the battery that the stag will have to carry over the shoulder?
The battery weights 1,5 Kg for 24 watts. Its weight is proportional to the watts number.

c. In the same position since 1507, the Joconde has some cramps and would like to strech her arms.
The frame dimensions : 77 cm high on 53 cm wide, don't allow her.
Which has to be the surface of the picture so that the Joconde can strech her arms horizontally, knowing she has a wingspan of 1,80m ?

d. The elephant has caught a big cold, it sneezes ans wipes one 's nose non stop. Its tissue has to be changed every half hours.
Imagining that its cold lastes during 8 days, calculate in hectares, ares and centiares, the total surface of tissues that the elephant will use. One elephant tissue is a 6 square metres.

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de ariane6, postée le 26-03-2012 à 11:23:58 (S | E)
Hello violet !

A - Grammar

1)"Oh, dear! Who has cut the cat's tail with clippers?" "The gardener has!”

2) "Who is the father?" , he asked the brooding swallow.

3) Bernard, Maurice's alligator, remained deep in thought in front of the Niagara Falls, didn't it?

4) The giraffe, which is suffering from cervical-brachial neuralgia, will have to wear a neck brace for six months. Poor thing!

5)"If you come on my lap, my tiny one", said the owl to the louse, "I won't throw any more pebbles at you, instead I'll give you marbles, my precious one."

6) The gay Hellenist received a Corinthian capital on the edge of his face. What a blow!

7) This whale is fresh, its expression is bright and it doesn't look down when you look at it.

8) The king and queen have not succeeded in having either a dauphin or a salmon.

9) I asked the carp how long it would stay locked in silence. It didn't reply.

10) The vet has forbidden the trout, whose tail he set in plaster, to return to the water within the next two months.

11) Two cows of the same weight, at either end of a see-saw... are bored.

Merci pour cette récréation ! Dès que je pourrai, je m'attaquerai à la deuxième partie !

Modifié par ariane6 le 30-03-2012 18:02

B ) Arithmetic
a) A hen which has high temperature lays hard boiled eggs. Hard boiled eggs are 1/3 more expensive than fresh eggs. Knowing that a fresh egg is sold for 15p, work out the feverish hen's profit on a dozen eggs.
b) A deer which moves around a lot during the night and crosses very busy main roads, decided to light up its antlers to prevent accidents. It put a 20 watt light bulb on each of its tines. What is the weight of the battery the deer needs to strap over its shoulder. A 1.5kg battery provides 24 watts. Weight is proportional to the number of watts...

...Is it a joke? No, it's real!
Lien internet

*** Arithmétiquement, impossible de trouver la solution, dear violet, puisque nous ne connaissons pas le nombre d'andouillers du deer!

c) After being in the same position since 1507, Mona Lisa has cramps and would like to stretch her arms. However the frame's measurements, 77 cm high x 53 cm wide, won't allow her to. Knowing her arm span is 1.80m, what should the surface area of the painting be for the Mona Lisa to be able to stretch her arms?...

d) The elephant caught a heavy cold and can't stop sneezing and blowing its nose. It needs to change its handkerchief every half-hour. Assuming the cold lasts for 8 days, work out in hectares, ares and centiares, the total area of handkerchief the elephant will use. An elephant's handkerchief is a square with side lenght of 6m.

Merci violet, je t'enverrai les images par MP !

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de lakata, postée le 28-03-2012 à 15:23:45 (S | E)

Hello Violet and thank you for this sharp exercise !

Here is the first part of it...

A – Grammar

1) « Oh, drat ! Who's cut the cat's tail with a pair of pruning shears ? » - « The gardener has ! »

2) « Who is the dad ? » he asked the sitting on swallow.

3) Bernard, Maurice's alligator, glazed pensively at the Niagara Falls, didn't it ?

4) The giraffe which is suffering from cervical-brachial neuralgia, will have to wear a surgical collar for six months. Poor little thing !

5) « If you come onto my lap, my dear » the owl said to the louse, « I won't throw pebbles at you any longer but I'll give you some toys, my pet. »

6) A Corinthian capital fell down hitting the cheerful Hellenist on his face. What a blow !

7) This whale is fresh with sharp eyes and not looking down when watched.

8) The king and the queen have failed on their attempt to give birth to a dauphin or...a salmon.

9) I asked the carp how long it intended to remain obstinately silent. But no reply.

10) The vet prescribed that the truit whose tail he'd put in a cast shouldn't go back to the water before two months.

11) Two cows with the same weight, each one at one end of a see-saw, are getting bored...
(Does anybody know how to make the two cows sit down onto the see-saw? That's where the trouble lies...)

To be soon as possible!
- Time's up Lakata!

- Voilààààà ! Voilàààà ! I'm coming !

B) Arithmetic.

a) A hen which is running a temperature is laying hard-boiled eggs. These ones are sold one third more expensive than fresh eggs. Given that a new-laid egg is sold 1.50 francs, work out the profit made by the feverish hen on a dozen eggs.

b) A stag which roves around a lot during the night has to cross very busy main roads. So it's planned to electrify its antlers in order to prevent accidents. That's why it's put a 20-watt bulb on each of its tines. What weight is the battery it will have to sling over its shoulders ? A 1.5 kg battery gives 24 watts and weighs in proportion to the number of watts.

c) In the same position since 1507, Mona Lisa is getting cramp and would like to put her arms out straight. Alas, the frame which is 77 centimetres high by 53 centimetres wide doesn't allow her to. What should be the area of the painting to enable Mona Lisa to stretch her arms horizontally, given her span is 1.80metres ?

d) The elephant has caught a heavy cold and can't help sneezing and blowing its nose without stopping. Its handkerchief needs changing every half-hour. Assuming its cold lasts eight days, work out in hectares, ares and centiares the total area of the handkerchiefs which are to be used by the elephant. An elephant's hankie is 36 square metres in area.

Cette histoire n'est pas un "poisson d'avril" preuve avec cet éléphant paré d'un gigantesque mouchoir de Cholet !

P.S. Je ne donnerai pas les solutions (quand elles existent !) car j'ai bien trop peur de me tromper. Je laisse ce soin à dear Marsou...

Thank you so much, Violet , for these funny exercises. The second one took me much more time than the first one since I had never been used to...using the arithmetical vocabulary when teaching...Better late than never...

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de plumet98, postée le 29-03-2012 à 10:10:24 (S | E)
1) Oh thin ! Who cut the tail of the cat with the clippers ? It's gardener.

2 ) Who is the father ? did asked the swallow is hatching.

3 ) Bernard the alligator of Maurice remined pensive in front of Niagara falls, it's good that ?

4 ) The giraffe which suffers from cervico-brachial neuralgie will have carry a platen machine during six months . The poor!!!

5 ) If you come on my knees, my cabbage saiys the owl at the louse, I shall throu you no more pebbles, but you will have toys my jewel.

6 ) The cheerful hellenistic received the Corinthin big top on the corner of the face. which tile.

7 ) This whale is fresh, her glance is lively and she doesn't lower eyes, when we look at her.

8 ) King and queen didn't make a sucess to have to the dolphin or salmon.

9 ) I asked at the carp how long she planned ( to stay ) to remain locked into her dunbnees. She didn't answer.

10 ) The veterinarian forbade ( at) the trout of whom he plastered the tail to return to the water before the two months.

11 ) Two cows of the same weight in every end of the swing,are bored.

a)Loeuf cuit est vendu 2 F donc le benefice est de 6 F par douzaine
b) le poids de la batterie sera de : 0,625 kg
c) je sais pas
d) nbres de mouchoirs en hect: 1,3824 / en are : 138,24 ares / en cent 138240000 cm2

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de marsu69, postée le 31-03-2012 à 16:37:21 (S | E)
Hello my dearest Violet
I thank you for this entertaining exercice
Here's the first part of my translation . As soon as possible I try to translate the second one (if I have more time)...

1) Damn ! Who's cut the cat's tail with a pair of pruning shears ? The gardener has !
2) "Who is the father ?" he asked the swallow which is brooding .
3) Bernard, Maurice's alligator, remained thoughtful in front of the Niagara Falls, didn't it ?
4) The giraffe which is suffering from cervical-brachial neuralgia, will have to wear a brace neck for six months. Poor little thing !
5) If you come on my lap, my sweetheart, said the owl to the louse, I will never throw again some pebbles at you,then, you will get some toys, my precious .
6) A Corinthian capital has landed on the corner of the gay Hellenist's face. What bad luck !
7) This whale is fresh, its look is bright and it doesn't lower its eyes when you look at it.
8) The king and the queen have not managed to have neither a dauphin nor a salmon .
9) I asked the carp how long it intented to remain silent. It didn't answer.
10) The veterinary surgeon has told the trout, whose tail was in a cast, not to come back to the water before two months .
11) Two cows with the same weight are getting really bored on every side of a seesaw .

To be continued ...

Modifié par marsu69 le 01-04-2012 12:3

Here's the second part of my translation. It was not a piece of cake . I did enjoy myself

A) A hen which has a temperature lays hard-boiled eggs. The hard-boiled eggs are sold one third more expensive than fresh eggs. Given that a fresh egg is sold 1.50 F, work out the profit made by the feverous hen for a dozen eggs.
B) A deer which is used to strolling by night and crossing over busy A roads, made the decision to electrify its antlers to avoid accidents. It put a 20-watt bulb on every one of its antler.
What is the battery weight the deer will have to strap over its shoulder ?
The battery weighs 1.5 kg for 24 watts . Its weight is proportional to the number of watts .
C) In the same position since 1507, the Mona Lisa has got cramps and would like to stretch her arms. Because of the frame dimensions (77cm in height and 53 cm wide), she can't do it .
What should the surface area of the painting be for the Mona Lisa can stretch her arms horizontally, given that her stature is 1.80 m ?
D) The elephant has caught a cold . It keeps on sneezing and blowing its nose . Its handkerchief needs changing every half hour.
Considering its cold goes on for 8 days, convert the total area of handkerchiefs used by the elephant into hectares, ares and centiares . An elephant's handkerchief is a square whose length is 6 meters .

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de eos17, postée le 03-04-2012 à 10:56:49 (S | E)
Hello dear Violet
A "piece of cake" for me !

1-Oh, damn! who has cut the cat's tail with secateurs ? The gardener has.

2-"Who is the father ?"he asked the swallow sitting on its eggs.

3-Bernard, Maurice's alligator,remained gaping and thoughtful in front of The Niagara Falls, is that it ?

4-The giraffe suffering from a cervico-brachial neuralgia, will have to keep a neck brace for six months. Poor thing !

5-The owl says to the louse :"if you come on my knees darling,I won't throw any more pebbles at you but you 'll have toys, my treasure !

6-The happy Hellenist has received a corinthian capital on the corner of his face. welcome !!

7-The whale has a fresh looking with lively eyes and it doesn't look down when we look at it.

8-The King and the Queen haven't succeeded to get either a dauphin or a salmon.

9-I asked the carp how long did it thought to be as dumb as an oyster. It didn't answer.

10-The veterinary has forbidden the trout whose he put the tail in plaster to not come back in the river until two months

11-Two same weigh cows on each end of a see saw, are boring to death.

It's enough all day !Thank you very much . See you soon

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 03-04-2012 à 19:38:10 (S | E)
Hello et merci particulièrement - aux male friends qui revisitent , à toi lakata toujours généreuse en illustrations et aux membres qui ont déjà travaillé dans ce printemps qui sollicite

J'ai bien vu ta remarque, ariane et tes . Ils sont 12 , les andouillers !

Thank you for joining here , keeping on working ' for fun' , with humour and please waiting until next week for my suggestions. Have a lovely Easter time ! .



Réponse: Récréation/Thème de ariane6, postée le 04-04-2012 à 10:57:02 (S | E)

Merci violet, pour la précision... ... Je pense pouvoir les adapter au cerf !

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 10-04-2012 à 19:40:42 (S | E)

Hello dear friends bien ! j'ai eu chaud ( near escape )... pour la première fois que je propose des sujets sur le site soit 4 ans 6 mois 5 jours 1 heure 50 min ...les candidats ne se sont pas bousculés ; d'un peu plus , je n'en avais pas 8 pour avoir 'mes' points d'honneur .

Le prochain texte sera littéraire et de niveau habituel, donc ! A la barre , bientôt.

Merci à vous d'avoir joué dans la cour de récréation . Thanks for playing, then ! So glad to see you again dear np and you too, my son...euh... dearest marsou!

[ Il y a toujours plusieurs possibilités suivant les niveaux de langue , la tonalité qu'on veut donner , le trait plus ou moins appuyé, l'humour . Je proposerai quelques variations , car , moi aussi, je me suis amusée. Deux possibilités de conjugaison rencontrées plusieurs fois sur ce thème : emploi du temps pour le révolu : simple past et temps du bilan dans le présent : present perfect !)]

These are my suggestions on other variations : Lien internet

............................... . Breaktime. / For fun. Translation .........................

Grammar :

-- 1 ) a ) Oh! Blast ! Who on earth has cut the cat's tail with a pair of shears ( or secateurs)? - The gardener has.
b ) Oh ! Blimey ! Who the Hell has cut the cat's tail with a pair of shears ?- It's the gardener !( version ' cockney et simplifiée)

-- 2 ) ' Who is the father ?' inquired the male bird addressing the thatching ( or brooding) swallow.

-- 3 )a ) Bernard, Maurice's alligator, remained ( or kept)reflective when seeing (the) Niagara falls, didn't he?
...........b ) ( Oh!) Bernard ...has remained meditative in front of Niagara falls, hasn't he ? (' he 'because this alligator has been given a name by Maurice ( so old- fashioned) he belongs to and he must be his pet ).

-- 4 a)That giraffe who suffers from cervicobrachial neuralgia will have to wear a neck brace ( or cervical collar / a cervical collar neck brace )for six months ! Poor little thing !
............b ) The giraffe who has such a pain in the neck ( that's for the pun ;' her' is correct) ... ( I'll explain)

-- 5 )a ) If you come and sit on my lap ( or my knee) , honeybunch, said the Owl to the Louse, I shall not throw any more stone at you ; you will get nice little toys, instead, treasure .
.........b ) If you come and sit on my lap, sweetie pie... ; you'll get nice little toys instead , duckie !( cockney)

-- 6 ) a ) The gay Hellenist was unlucky enough to be the one who got a Corinthian capital right onto his face . What a blow !( What a blummer ! = quelle poisse !)
........b ) Hard luck ! A Corinthian capital fell down straight onto the face of a gay Hellenist.

-- 7 ) This whale is fresh, her eyes are expressive ( bright) and it would not ( doesn't) look down when being watched (nice point of view = contemplated) or when being stared at ( rude to do that).

-- 8 )a ) The King and the Queen failed to have either a dolfin ( dauphin) or a salmon .
......b ) No way ! The King and the Queen couldn't find the recipe how to have a dolfin (dauphin) or a salmon.

-- 9 )a ( Well...) I have asked the carp how long it meant to keep silent ( mute) . It never answered me ."
....b ).."..............."...................."...........". And do you think it cared about giving me an answer ?

-- 10 )a ) The vet(erinary) has forbidden the trout whose tail he has just plastered to go back to the river before two months.
......b ) The vet forbade the trout whose tail he had just plastered to dive into the water again before ...

--11 )a ) Two cows with the same weight sitting on each end of a seesaw get bored ( ' bored stiff'), don't they ?
......b ) Two cows with the same weight sitting on each end of a seesaw can't help finding the true meaning of boredom !

..... Sur ces petites broderies anglaises , je vous souhaite bon appétit. To be continued.

* J'ai tâché de resserrer les espaces- virgules , dear np.

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 11-04-2012 à 22:20:45 (S | E)

Good evening, dear all . All yours for a good while , after a busy day.

While enjoying this :Lien internet


-- a ) A hen which has a temperature lays hard boiled eggs. Its hard boiled eggs are sold 1/3 ( one third) dearer than fresh eggs ( new laid eggs ). Assuming a fresh egg is sold 1.50F ( it doesn't mean 1,50 Fahrenheit, but one franc fifty ), you will calculate the benefit the feverish hen does for a dozen eggs.

- Comment faire ?
Je calcule ( pensez donc !)le bénéfice par oeuf dur et je multiplie le chiffre obtenu par 12.

Le bénéfice de la poule fiévreuse :
Bénéfice par oeuf :
1,5 X 1/3 = 0,50 franc
Bénéfice par douzaine :
0,50 X 12 = 6 francs.

-- b ) A stag ( red deer) is keen on night moves ( rambles)
; thus it often finds itself going across very busy main roads ( A roads, that is true for a British one , dear marsu )and it finds it much too dangerous. Therefore, he has made his mind up ( has come to the decision *)to electrify its antlers in order to avoid accidents.
It has fixed a 20- watt bulb on each of his 12 antlers .
How heavy will the battery set it will have to carry over its shoulders be ? The battery set weighs 1.5 kg ( one point five kilo or a kilo and a half ). Its weight is proportional to the number of watts.

Comment faire ?
Une règle de trois ( mais bien sûr ).
Nombre de kg pour 1 watt.
Nombre de kg pour 20 watts.
Nombre de kg pour 12X 20 watts.

Le cerf électrifié :
Poids d'une batterie pour 1 watt :
1,5 : 24 = 0,0625 kg
Poids d'une batterie pour 20 watts :
0,0625 X 20 = 1,25 kg
Poids d'une batterie pour 12 X 20 watts :
12 X 1,25 = 15 kg.

-- c ) Being stuck in the same position ever since (year)1507 ( fifteen hundred and seven), Mon(n)a Lisa has got cramps and dreams of stretching her arms out (actually).
The frame which is 77 (seventyseven) cm tall and 53 (fiftythree) cm wide doesn't give her any chance to do so.
What must the painting's surface be for Mon(n)a Lisa to set her arms free horizontally , assuming her wingspan( arm span, too) is 1.80 m ( one point eighty meter).

Comment faire ?
Pour que la Joconde puisse étendre ses bras , il faut que la largeur du tableau soit au moins égale à son envergure.
Le tableau étant un rectangle, je calcule ( believe me )la surface du tableau en multipliant cette nouvelle largeur par la hauteur qui est rerstée la même .

La Joconde a des crampes dans les bras :
Nouvelle largeur du tableau :
Surface du nouveau tableau :
1,8 X 0,77 = 1,386 m2 ( but da Vinci had made it clear saying ' stand still, will you ?' or ' sit still' by the way !))

-- d ) That elephant has caught such a bad cold ! It sneezes and blows its nose (trunk )ceaselessly .It needs to be given a new handkerchief every half hour .
If you imagine ( and that is easy ) its cold lasts for 8 days ( = its cold is 8 days' long), you will calculate (find out) in hectares (ha), ares (a) and centiares (ca) the entire surface of the handkerchiefs the elephant is going to use .
A handkerchief is a square of 6-meter sides.

Comment faire ?
Je calcule ( je suis partante )le nombre de mouchoirs que l'éléphant va utiliser pendant la durée de son rhume, en convertissant les jours en demi-heures.
Je calcule la surface d'un mouchoir d'éléphant .( ' Et, pourquoi pas ?')
Je multiplie la surface d'un mouchoir par le nombre de mouchoirs utilisés et je convertis ( woilà ) en hectares, ares et centiares.

Les mouchoirs de l'éléphant :
Nombre de demi-heures en 8 jours :
24 X 8 X 2= 384 demi-heures.
Surface d'un mouchoir déléphant :
6 X 6 = 36 m2.
Surface totale des mouchoirs :
36 X 384 = 13 824 m2
Soit :
1 hectare, 38 ares et 24 centiares. ( see lakata , that's it )

......Je vais m'arrêter là pour ce soir . J'espère que , déjà, vous avez pu cogiter ! Have a good night

np for the right position of the dash : a 20- watt bulb. French space behind the comma (virgule)? And its nose for the unfortunate elephant, of course. This one has no name and is nobody's pet as far as we know !

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de lakata, postée le 11-04-2012 à 22:46:15 (S | E)
Excellent ! Bravo à toi, Violet !
Tu as bien mérité cet authentique

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 12-04-2012 à 23:51:50 (S | E)

Bonsoir tardif à tous . Quite busy and nicely lively day, today !

Et alors....une nouvelle de taille : - un anniversaire pas ordinaire : celui de notre chère petite Nina, my littleninablue , toujours aussi vive petite souris à qui je souhaite d'abord une BONNE santé !

- Grand, forcément grand merci à toi lakata , la matheuse du site - qui devais attendre les exercices des autres - pour ce bon point géant qui rappelle tant de bons souvenirs ( j'en ai ' des vrais' dans une petite boîte !). C'est comme le 'mistral gagnant' ,le roudoudou, le ruban de réglisse ou la minuscule boîte ronde au couvercle de couleurs diverses avec du coco dedans ! Do you remember , friends ?

.........Lien internet
( aussi Prix de Rome : violon)

-- 1 ) Différentes façons de 'jurer' ( swear, swore, sworn ) - je m'arrêterai à temps ! Je ne possède d'ailleurs pas tout ce vocabulaire ! Il ne sort ni aux examens , ni aux concours !
......Oh! By Jupiter !Thunders of the Vatican ! Good heavens ! Lord ! Christ [ 'krst ]! Jiminy Cricket ( for the initials ) ! My God ! Gosh ! Dear ( notre ' oh la la' qui amuse les anglophones) ! Dear me, gee, golly, goodness gracious ...Hell's Bells ( thanks for that new one to me , np )
......Moins poli : Damn ! ( peut avoir aussi un sens positif = damn good !Diablement bon!) Blast ! Hoodoo ( ' Peste soit le coquin!' Molière )Crikey [ krki]!...and so on ...
............Grossier : je ne connais pas !
...........Mignonnement cockney - Blimey ['blmi]: mince alors !
Thin est l'adj 'mince' donc bien léger !

-- 2 ) Réponse courte sujet la mieux formulée : faire revenir (une seconde ) l'auxiliaire temporel ou modal, ou verbe( be, have).
.........Who has cut ...? - The gardener (oral appuyé)has.
........ Who cut ....? - The gardener did
.........What had struck you so much ? - The attacks (attentats)had.
.........Whose nose is famous all over the world ? - Cyrano's is !

.......Lien internet
( pour tous et np !)
.......Lien internet

........Lien internet
( for carmen and ariane)

-- 3 ) To inquire [in'kw], to ask very firmly = to be inquisitive [in' kwizitiv]( ' nosy': fourrer son nez partout )- An inquiry , an investigation.
.... to enquire: s'enquérir de , s'informer, demander . (information = les renseignements / Tourists' information : office du tourisme.)

Sur ce , minuit approche - 'time flies' - , je tenterai mieux , demain. Have a good night , all .

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de swan85, postée le 13-04-2012 à 13:26:49 (S | E)
Hello Violet
Here is my work, but unfortunately I have no time to do the second part.

1- Grammaire

1) Oh Dear ! who’s cut the cat’s tail with clippers ? – the gardener has.
2) “Who is the father?, he asked to the swallow which was brooding.
3) Bernard, Maurice’s alligator, remained thoughtful in front of the Niagara Falls, is that right ?
4) The girafe, which is suffering from cervico-brachial neuralgia, will have to wear a neck brace for six months. Poor thing!
5) If you come on my knees, my love, says the owl to the louse, I won’t throw you anymore pebbles, but you will have toys, my darling.
6) The happy Hellenist received a Corinthian capital in the corner of the face. What a blow !
7) This whale is fresh, has a bright glance and doesn’t lower the eyes when we look at it.
8) The King and the Queen have not succeeded to give birth to neither a dolphin nor a salmon.
9) I asked to the carp for how long it intended to remain silent. It didn’t reply to me.
10) The veterinary has forbidden to the trout, whose tail he platered, to do not come back to the water before two months.
11) Two cows of same weight at each end of a seesaw, are looking bored.

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 13-04-2012 à 22:32:01 (S | E)

Hello , dear friends. A bit late, tonight...rehearsal(répétition) and performance (spectacle) not to miss ! I'll do my best for you. Merci infiniment , dear swan , d'arriver quand tu le peux. (et tu seras suivie, I know...)

-- 4 ) A pair of shears : des sécateurs = secateurs , cisailles , grands ciseaux ( (en couture, aussi).( hedges-des haies , comme le hedgehog, le hérisson )/ bushes - buissons , taillis/ shrubs - arbustes( whitethorn , aubépine..)
- Les ' shears' [ z]servent à élaguer , raccourcir, désépaissir . To shear, sheared, shorn : tondre, raser ( la Toison d' Or - The Golden Fleece.)
............... Lien internet

............Nom de Zeus ! Poor cat !
-------Pour ceux et celles qui ont des kiddies / pour votre culture en 'nursery rhymes ' ; celle-ci fascine mes plus petites ( the carving knife) !)
Lien internet
c'est bon pour votre rythme d'élocution(lovely tune)!!

--Clippers : des tondeuses de coiffeur, plutôt. Tweezers: des pinces à épiler.

-- 5 )One swallow doesn't make a spring. . On en est loin , cette année...A saying : un dicton.
........ swallow : avaler ( food, drink /feelings -étouffer, réfreiner/ pride ('rengainer' sa fierté) /'une couleuvre' the alibi ...)

-- 6 ) To brood , to thatch : couver . Comme ' thatch' : le chaume .
Anne Hathaway's* Cottage is such a lovely place to see.(* There, W.Shakespeare married Anne in 1582 ; Stratford / Avon): à voir et regardez bien le clip ...Lien internet

---Lien internet
( maintenu en état remarquable ! National Trust)

-- 7 ) Reflective, cogitative, meditative, contemplative, pensive, pondering, thinking, thoughtful autres.

-- 8 ) Poor little thing
: bravo à celles qui se sont souvenues de Rosie de Bristol, l'éléphante fétiche du zoo et aux 'news' qui annonçaient son 'trépas' : - " Poor little thing".( good memory , lakata or a coincidence ? Or true knowledge ?!
........Je voulais vous poser un petit problème : loupé ! Poor me ! Poor her !... Poor us ! Poor you! Poor them !

-- 9 ) Cheers again for the 'tag' : c'est bien cela = the alligator remained ....., didn't it ? Fine modalité.

-- 10 ) To sit on my lap ( or not !) : s'asseoir ( et câliner) contre mon giron. Partie du corps qui va de la ceinture aux genoux d'une personne assise.

To sit on my knee. (sg)
......... Lien internet

Voilà dans quel état je commence à être...Sur cette sweet lullaby (berceuse', I am leaving you . See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams to all .

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de marsu69, postée le 13-04-2012 à 23:04:27 (S | E)
Hello Dear Violet
Petite page récréative au fil de ta correction ....
Je pense savoir où réside le jardinier
Lien internet

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 14-04-2012 à 23:44:08 (S | E)

Hello ,dear all. Sorry I can't keep long on the site ...another little hour with you, at least ?

Oh! Dear marsou !! l'île de l' Homme , de l' Humain peut pas contenir pareille horreur ! those poor cats ! Sont-ce des anoures ( comme amphibiens , genre grenouilles)d'une autre planète ? ..or, that poor one !Lien internet

..........Ouf !

-- 11 ) Sweet little words to know and use : - the apple of my eye ( la prunelle de mes yeux), honeybunch, dear, dearest, love, sweetheart, baby, 'babe ', duckie, treasure...--Plus amoureux : my beloved [ bi'lvid][bi'lvd] , sweetheart,treasure, mavourneen ( Celtic for my darling), my lover (sensuous and sensual,rather)...
Too cute ! Lien internet

So beautiful and that English ! Lien internet

Lien internet

-- 12 ) An owl [l]: un hibou. A louse [ls ]( pl.rrég lice = a mouse , mice , a spouse , spice !! I'm kidding !)
Adj : lousy [lzi]: adj. lous·i·er, lous·i·est. 1. Infested with lice. 2. Extremely contemptible; nasty: a lousy trick. 3. Very painful or unpleasant: a lousy headache . A lousy man = un ' sale' bonhomme ( je reste polie).
Le jeu de cartes français du ' pouilleux 's'appelle ' Old Maid ' in UK ( Victorian times ) = la ' vieille fille'( péj. maniaque et aigrie).

--13 ) Preposition ' at' marquant l'agressivité : to laugh at , to throw at, to cast at , tao glance at , to stare at ...

-- 14 ) I shall not ...: je ne le ferai pas , car je ne le dois pas . Futur modal non contractable ( = 10 Commandments). C'est la ' volonté' de l'autre qui importe.

-- 15 ) Gay is a word (a noun or an adjective) that primarily refers to a homosexual person (like ' queer'). The term was originally used to refer to feelings of being "carefree", "happy", . Cela s'appelle un glissement de sens. Hellenist n'était sûrement pas un choix anodin. Happy, cheerful sont dégagés d'insinuation. Notre ' gai laboureur ' de l'enfance au piano était ' cheerful'.
--As a tribute Lien internet

-- 15) Nice little toys ne connais pas d'autres petits mots comme dolls qui fait dollies. (np perhaps ?)

--16 ) What a blow ! (littéralement : quel coup !)= calamity ! Catastrophe ! Disaster ! Mishap ! = very unfortunate that was !
Une tuile de toit = a tile ['tl]( carreau, carrelage)

pour eos, swan , nina... qui doivent se rappeler un certain ' accrochage'( Bradbury :' Margot' )
.....' ne pas parler de poésie en écrasant les fleurs sauvages '!

-- 17 ) To look up and down at, to eye with disdain : toiser./ To look down : baisser les yeux.

-- 18 ) A dolphin ( origin. Delphes ? ). En espérant que nulle part , on n'en mange ! To have salmon, some salmon plutôt que ' a salmon' entier ! Ou on parle de ' fishing'.

Not to confuse with un dauphin (1er fils du roi) - the (presomptly) heir to the throne ( Dauphin Louis-Charles at that time : le titre de ' Dauphin' ne date que de 1349 du ' Transport' du Dauphiné au Royaume de France ) :

--Lien internet

# une dauphine ( 2éme Miss)/ la 'Renault dauphine car' ..Nostalgie de prime jeunesse ?

-- 19 ) To plan, to mean, meant, meant , to have in mind : avoir l'intention de. (to mean peut signifier ' insinuer par là' : What do you mean ? Do you mean that I could be lying to you ? Never !)

...mes yeux doivent commencer à être moins vifs que ceux de la baleine , à cette heure ! Encore à reprendre, demain, sorry. Have a good soothing night !

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de lolilola, postée le 15-04-2012 à 02:06:10 (S | E)
This one was again very interesting and not very easy.
Loved the link of "three blind mice". I tried to write down the words and looked at the lyrics after that and did the same for "sleepy baby close your eyes".
Funny because the second sentence of the song I wrote:
"So many impressions in once in gold day" and in fact it was " so many impressions in one single day"

Thank you again for your work.

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 15-04-2012 à 23:17:51 (S | E)
Hello again Back to you for a while.

-- 24 ) Silent ['slnt]= mute ( a choice ).
Dum(b) : pathologie.

-- 25 ) A trout [trt]: une truite, comme celle de Lien internet
and as a tribute as unfortunate late Jacqueline du Pré, Daniel Barenboim 's first wife . wife :Lien internet

-- 26 ) To plaster : plâtrer. A plaster cast : un plâtre.

....................Lien internet

-- 27 ) At each end of a seesaw :à chaque extrémité d'une balançoire ( un peu d'imagination, dear lakata !) .Viendrait du français ci-ça, comme this-that- ! mouvement de 'pendulum' , comme celle-là

..................... ( très dangereuse , en forme de barque, pour un petit observateur : front ouvert ( and stitches : points de suture!)...................... # a swing

-- 28 ) To be bored [' bd] s'ennuyer. Bored to death : à mourir. Bored to one's skull. bored-still: familier. Bored rigid...le pire , vous le chercherez...
Et pour ne surtout pas l'être : Lien internet
( avec lui, jamais ! And also interesting for the pronunciations!)

-- 29 ) To have a temperature [tmpri*](in Farehnheit ). from 100 to 106 ; 38°C > 41°)Fever [' fi:v ] > feverish. The hen must be more than feverish, hot, hot, hot and boiling I should say !

-- 30 ) Fresh eggs à gober ou pas)/fried / scrambled (coucou marit)brouillés/poached (on haddock and toasts or with spinach)/ soft boiled (à la coq ou coque avec des 'mouillettes' to dip )/ hard boiled eggs : there we are ! Mais , comment connaître l'âge d'un oeuf ? Lien internet

-- 31 ) A stag . a ' red deer' ( deer - U : this is too dear! These are two deer !)

A female deer is called a doe or a hind.
A male deer is called a buck or a stag.
A baby deer is called a fawn.

-- 32 ) Antlers : la ramure, les bois du cerf. Un par année d'âge ? 12 ans , le nôtre , alors ?
the stags have antlers which start growing in the spring and are shed each year, usually at the end of winter. Antlers are made of bone which can grow at a rate of 2.5 cm (1.0 in) a day...

Le 'stag ' a un harem. Lifespan : over 20 years in the wild ( en liberté) ; 10 to 13 in captivity .

Shame ! Lien internet

..........Don't miss that if you visit our ' châteaux de la Loire' . Cheverny royal hounds.
Lien internet

.......Et sur cette musique, je vous quitte pour ce soir en espérant avoir travaillé aussi à vous distraire !
......Sweet dreams to all. Bedtime

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 17-04-2012 à 20:19:29 (S | E)

Good evening to all, dear and patient friends ,

' Far away' , yesterday, and training 'a big boy 'for a top level' admittance concours' (for) the whole afternoon , I can be back to you only now : very sorry. This should and will be the final part . I hope you enjoyed the previous ones. Thank you for waiting so nicely with your mouths and eyes closed !

Let's go , Violet !

-- 33 )To come to a decision : décider( to decide) , se résoudre à , to decide ; to make one's mind up après moult tergiversations.( volontairement emphatique)

-- 34 ) Main roads . In the United Kingdom, elles sont notifiées par la lettre A. Soit A roads. Letters AA stand for Automobile Association. Rien à voir , of course avec A.A ( Alcoholics Anonymous )
La lettre M pour motorway : M1, M2,M3...and so on.
.............AA Route Planner: Routes, maps and directions - The AA
.............The AA provides services to motorists: breakdown cover, car insurance, home insurance, life, travel insurance, route planning and motoring advice.
Certains hôtels et restaurants français affichent cette signalisation ' recommandé par AA'. 
   ( sorry for the size, dear lucile ; nothing smaller and it is not to miss it !Quite handy(= convenient).

-- 35 ) A very busy['bizi] road = a road with much traffic ; a jammed road like the ring road around London ou nos Paris périphériques ! Pas confondre avec ' jam jar '!

........Fellini himself and some Italian for elisa, dear !

-- 36 ) To fix :entre autres sens : To set or place definitely; establish: fixed her residence in a coastal village.
b. To determine with accuracy; ascertain: fixed the date of the ancient artifacts.
c. To agree on; arrange: fix a time to meet.
6. To assign; attribute: fixing the blame.
a. To correct or set right; adjust: fix a misspelling; fix the out-of-date accounts.
b. To restore to proper condition or working order; repair: fix a broken machine

-- 37 ) A 20 watts' bulb [blb]( génitif générique) : une ampoule et pas 'l'ampoule: surnom d'un maire - 'grosse tête 'de ma ville d'origine ). Est devenu a 20 watt-bulb. (fi la grammaire )= five year old.(noms à valeur d'adjectifs = invariables).
# pour la' petite' histoire , le général de Gaulle mesurait 1,93 meters = 6,332021 feet (6 feet 363⁄64 inches) ( j'ai toutefois entendu , maintes fois , des anglais curieux me répondre :
--My height is 163 cm.convert it into feet and inches and tell me ?
-It's approx 5 foot 4 inches.( en pieds et pouces, donc)

-- 38 ) a )To weigh [w]Attention à l'orthographe ( weighed [wd])et de ne pas confondre avec ' weight' le poids .
-b ) How heavy was Napoleon 's coronation crown (as Emperor Napoleon I) ? - 8,2kg = 18.11 lb.

-- 39 ) To be stuck ( to stick , stuck , stuck : coller, ' coincer'.
To be stuck standstill : a state characterized by absence of motion or of progress : stop .
Familier : sécher sur une question : to be stuck on a question such as ' How high is the China man ?' . Don't think over it for long ! You should have been puzzled by ' the' ...They are not all the height, are they ? Many French say ' not very tall..'. It is a joke : ' Howhai is the China man ( I know...): it's his name.
Pour la petite histoire encore : Yao Defen of China is the tallest living woman in the world at 2.33 m (7 ft 7 1⁄2 in), as confirmed by Guinness World Records in 2010. The tallest female in medical history was Zeng Jinlian of Hunan, China, who stood 2.48 m (8 ft 1 1⁄2 in) when she died at the age of 17

What's the average height of a Chinese male?
-It depends on where they live. Many Chinese boys in the north are tall may be 5'11 to 6'2''. Many Chinese boys in the south are shorter may be 5'4'' 5'7''.

= 1,62 -1,70.Juste pour ne pas se coucher sans l'information!

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de lucile83, postée le 17-04-2012 à 20:55:14 (S | E)

  yes! of course we can!!   I can, you could!...

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de lakata, postée le 17-04-2012 à 22:11:31 (S | E)

Ah ! Ah ! Ah !!! 

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 17-04-2012 à 22:16:30 (S | E)

You ! Shall I address minimalist Lucile or the naughty pair of you two, 'my'ladies ?! Thanks , anyway, for reading and following my work in details !!

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de lucile83, postée le 17-04-2012 à 22:20:36 (S | E)
I have just changed your picture...
Good night

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 17-04-2012 à 23:35:56 (S | E)

-- YEs! I have seen it. So helpful and teasing ! Good night , sweet dreams to you.

-- 40 )And not the least ! Mona Lisa Lisa Maria Gherardini born in May 1479?) married at the age of sixteen a Mr Del Giocondo(35) and changed her complete name to Lisa Del Giocondo. They had three children !
Ma dona ( madame in Italian ) becoming Mona , then Monna son ' transport' connu pour l' Angleterre et la langue! ) , then back to Mona !. Puis , propriété du roi François Ier de France qui la garda , paraît-il longtemps ...sur le mur de sa chambre à Fontainebleau, puis au Louvre. Passée aumusée du Louvre ( création en 1798): woilà pourquoi elle est là ! Sorry pour la ville de Florence .
Cette peinture à l'huile sur panneau de bois de peuplier de 77 x 53 cm est exposée au musée du Louvre à Paris ( après quelques petits périples dont un vol dee trois ans ( back to Firenzepar un vitrier italien (patriote) du musée !). La Joconde est l'un des rares tableaux attribués de façon certaine à Léonard de Vinci.

Le voleur était l'Italien Vincenzo Peruggia, un vitrier qui avait participé aux travaux de mise sous verre des tableaux les plus importants du musée. Il conserve le tableau pendant deux ans dans sa chambre à Paris, il était caché dans le double fond d'une valise de bois blanc, sous son lit. De retour en Italie, il propose de le revendre le 10 décembre 1913 à un antiquaire florentin, Alfredo Geri, qui avait passé une petite annonce pour acheter des œuvres d'art et qui donne l'alerte. Geri ayant prévenu la police, Peruggia est arrêté dans la chambre de son hôtel (rebaptisé par la suite hôtel Gioconda), et n'est condamné qu'à 18 mois de prison, la presse italienne saluant son patriotisme. Le 4 janvier 1914, après des expositions à Firenze et à Rome, le tableau revient solennellement au Louvre[8],[6] où il est désormais placé sous une surveillance accrue . Son prix est inestimable. Na !

Un 'nuts', un 'fada' fana , comme dirait Pagnol suivi de Violet ,lui a un jour jeté un caillou sur le ' coin de la figure' faisant éclater un peu de croûte ( de peinture !). Résultat pire pour ses crampes et le reste : elle est sous vitre blindée , ce qui , à mon sens , gêne la vue mais..
Now look and learn new words ! This is great :
Lien internet

Pour ceux que cela intéresse, Marcel Duchamp en a fait une ' sacrée' caricature on en parle encore !

-- 42 ) Cramps [crps], cramping or ' pins and needles ( épingles et aiguilles) : des fourmis ! L'anglais est plus parlant, don't you think ? Next time you'll visit her, will you hand her a banana or magnesium tablets ?! Poor dear ! Lien internet
. Her reincarnation ? There is so much gossip and researches about Mona Lisa's true identity.
Cramps and cramping peuvent se référer aux douleurs menstruelles, it is true npbut ...?

-- 43 ) The painting's surface should be better expressed as the painted surface or area..

-- 44 ) To let her arms set free. Ouf ! PHEW !

-- 45 ) Problème d'envergure : laquelle ? Oiseau, avion, humain : wingspan ( arm span it depends) / envergure, importance : envergure , scope / 'Valeur', notoriété : stature. ...and so on. On pouvait dans l'exercice réduire à ' span' . › ... › AnthropometryBody Size › Description and procedure for measuring arm span distance, also known as wing-span or reach.Arm Span › ... › Anthropometry › Body Size › LengthsCached - Similar
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Description and procedure for measuring arm span distance, also known as wing-span or reach
La longévité : lifespan.

-- 46 )Et nous voilà avec ' Sneezy' ( 'Atchoum!') and Dumbo's Grandda elephant. To catch( caught, caught) a chill : attraper froid . Result : to have a bad cold.

-- 47 ) Ce mot incroyable de 12 si pas 13 lettres : a handkerchief/ handkerchiefs. En compréhension orale , cela effraie tous les élèves ( test à trous!). Méchante la prof !. For the fun of it ! > kerchief ( français : couvre-chef: where has the French hat gone ? )< A hanky/ hankies : all right to say. ( made of material from Cholet or not , parce que ceux- là ,ils font pleurer, chantait-on, ' ma mie Annette ).

..............Back to 1898 .
Lien internet
( on ne parle pas ainsi de nos jours , np ;créé par un barde breton : coucou dolfine ). Cela a quelque chose de charmant , non ? Pour les vrais Vendéens .

Et pour nous tous , mieux vaut acheter des ' tissues' [tisju:z] en papier , hygiéniques et jetables . mais certains messieurs âgés aiment encore à déployer un grand vrai mouchoir and ' blow their noses' en plein film si pas au concert. Ils ont la peau sans doute fragile !

.......And this is it ! Woilà donc pour cet exercice amusant et correction ludique ( pour moi, déjà ). Il se fait tard 11.34 PM pour les remerciements sincères et illustrés . ( je relirai demain, thanks , grazie, gracias und danke.)

........Very good night to all ! Sweet dreams , if you have dreams. Night-night.

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de mamou3, postée le 18-04-2012 à 06:15:45 (S | E)
dear Violet pour ce cours magistral de vocabulaire animalier en situations inédites et pour le cours de calcul associé !!!

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de lakata, postée le 18-04-2012 à 11:03:41 (S | E)

Et voici l'heur(e) des remerciements, louanges et ovations qui a sonné !

Merci donc à toi, Violet , que je louhouhou en poussant un énorme HOUHOUHOURRAH !!!

Car une fois de plus, on en a pour son argent...

Toutefois...(to be continued)

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de lakata, postée le 18-04-2012 à 12:13:07 (S | E)
...Suspense torride, je te l'accorde, et tu m'en vois désolée, mais le téléphone, etc.

Toutefois, disais-je donc, une erreur, heureusement sans conséquence, s'est malencontreusement (as usual) glissée dans l'énoncé du
6) de la partie grammaticale : il ne s'agit pas en effet d'un chapiteau corinthien, mais bien d'un
chapiteau...CORINCHIEN comme en témoigne l'illustration ci-jointe !
Une seule lettre erronée, et voilà la désinformation à l'oeuvre...Où ne va-t-elle pas se ...nicher !
Que veux-tu, dear Violet, ta culture t'aura égarée, mais je suis sûre que nous aurons tous à coeur de te pardonner.

Modifié par lakata le 18-04-2012 12:25

Réponse: Récréation/Thème de violet91, postée le 18-04-2012 à 13:16:20 (S | E)

Hello, incredible and hilarious lakata ( impayable' in French slang , quand ' ça te prend !' ), these days ! I love it ! Where on earth did you fetch( pick) this accurate ' gif' ? Well done and thanks a lot for your comments and humour ! Did you ever think of ' Satyricon' by Petrone and his ' Beware of the dog' . Look at the warning ! You must have been a happy Latinist , mustn't you ?

Dear mamou, too.
( I'll probably add some explanation for a Corinthian capital, as I am told it may not be known by ' man of the street' ( le commun des mortels) ! They don't say anything about' woman of the street'(parce qu'elles ne traînent pas dans les rues !) , although most members here are educated ladies!.. Yet, right for learners and visitors.
Voici déjà un capitole néo- corinthien Lien internet
Ordre corinthien : repris abondamment par les Romains, il est une variété plus ornée de l'ordre ionique. On le reconnaît facilement grâce aux feuilles d'acanthe de son chapiteau. Il tire son origine de la ville de Corinthe en Grèce où il est apparu voici 2400 ans.

...Gosh ! It would smash and ruin anyone's face , even the merriest's. ( Pantheon )

...........Today's lesson : keep away Corinthian capitals ! ( never get too close to Corinthian capitals )

................. Mais quelle invitation au voyage et ciel bleu !

See you later. Have a lovely day, dear all !


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