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Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants

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Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants
Message de lucile83 posté le 03-01-2012 à 14:12:16 (S | E | F)
to all of you

Hello and let's start a new translation

Correction vers le 10 janvier
Mind the traps and enjoy yourselves

- Salut Tom, salut Mike, comment ça va ?
- Salut Kevin, ça va. Tu as passé de bonnes vacances ? et papa Noël ? qu’est-ce qu’il t’a apporté ? moi j’ai eu plein de cadeaux.
- Moi aussi, plein ! et papa Noël eh ben il m’a apporté un Dino Train, et plein d’autres choses.
J’aurais préféré rester à la maison ce matin avec papa, maman, et mon papy qui est venu nous voir, mais maman a dit que je devais aller à l’école. Hier après-midi je suis allé au parc avec mamy, j’ai joué avec des copains pendant une heure puis il s’est mis à pleuvoir des cordes ! On a pu s’abriter heureusement et mamy a appelé maman pour qu’elle vienne nous chercher en voiture.
- Allez Kevin, la maîtresse nous attend, il faut rentrer en classe. On continuera à discuter quand ce sera la récré.

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de dolfine56, postée le 03-01-2012 à 22:14:10 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
Thanks for this brain warm up....

-Hello Tom,how are you?
-Hi, Kevin,it's o.k. did you enjoy your holidays? and what about Santa Claus? what did he bring to you?I have received many gifts.
-So have I,a load of gifts! and Santa Clauss, well,he brought me a Dino Train, and many other things.
I would have prefered to stay at home this morning, with daddy and mum and with my grandad who came to see us, but Mum said that I must go to school. Yesterday, in the afternoon, I went to the park with mamy, I have been playing for one hour with my friends,until it began coming down in buckets! fortunatly,we have been able to take shelter from the rain, and grandma asked mum to get us and drive us back home.
come on,,Kevin, the teacher is waiting for us,we have to return to class.We will keep on talking during the playtime.

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de plumet98, postée le 04-01-2012 à 05:05:36 (S | E)

Hello , Lucile !!!!

- Hello Tom, hello Mike how are you ?
- Hello Kevin, well. You had go a good holidays ? and Father Christmas ? What did bring ? I had had full of presents.

- I too, full and Father Christmas well he had bring for me a Dimo train and somethink else.

I would have prefered to stay at home this morning wich Father, Mother, and my Grandfather who he came to see us, but Mummy had said that I had to go to school. Yesterday aftermoon I went to the park wich Grandmother, I had played wich guys during one hour than it had begun to rain of ropes ! Fortunately, we were able to shelter and Grandmother had called Mummy for she comes us by car.
-go ,Kevin the teacher waits us, we must go in classeroom.
We will continued to discuss when it will be a recrea. ( recreation ? ).

Thanks et

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de snowy-winter, postée le 04-01-2012 à 07:16:57 (S | E)

-Hi Tom,hi Mike,how do you do?

-Hi Kevin,how do you do? have you spent your holidays?and Santa Claus?what did he

bring to you? me I had plenty of gifts.

Me too ,plenty!and Santa Claus well he brought to me a Dino train and many other


I would rather have stayed home this morning with Mom and Dad,and my gradpa who

came to see me'but mom said that I had to go to school.Yesterday afternoon I went

to the park with my grand ma,I played with friends fot an hour then it started

raining ropes!Fortunately we were able to shelter and grandma called Mom to come

and fetch us by car.

-Go Kevin,the teacher wait for us,we must to return to class.We will continue to

discuss when it's the rececc.

Happy New Year.

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de maya92, postée le 05-01-2012 à 11:32:47 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile, bonne et belle nouvelle année,

- Hi Tom, Hi Mike. How are you ?
- Hi Kevin, fine and you ? Did you have a nice holiday ? What did Father Christmas bring you ? Me, I had a lot of presents
- Same for me, a lot, He brought me a Dino Train and many others...I'd rather stay home this morning with Mum and Dad and also my Grandad who came to visit us, but Mom said I had to go to school. Yesterday I went to the park with Granny, I played with my pals during one hour and then it began to pour down ! Fortunately, we managed to shelter and Granny phoned Mum to pick us up
- Come on, Kevin, the teacher's waiting for us, let's go back to school, we'll talk again during the break

Merci Lucile, je suis toujours sidérée par la maturité de ces petits bouts...

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-01-2012 21:41

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de mamou3, postée le 06-01-2012 à 07:28:58 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

Hello Tom, Hello Mike, How are you ?
Hello Kevin, fine. Did you have a nice holiday ? And what about Father Christmas ? What did he bring to you ?
I got many gifts. Same for me, a lot ! And Father Christmas, he brought me a Dino Train and many other things too.
In the morning I'd rather stay at home with my Dad, Mum and my papy who came to visit us but Mum told that I must go to school.
Yesterday afternoon I went to the park with Mamy, I played with friends for one hour then it's gettting rainy. Fortunately we could shelter and Mamy called Mum so that she picks us up by car.
Let's go Kevin, the teacher is waiting for us, we have to go into the classroom. We'll continue to discuss during the break.

Modifié par mamou3 le 06-01-2012 07:33

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de headway, postée le 06-01-2012 à 15:20:18 (S | E)
Hello and Happy New Year,

Here"s my try:

Hi Tom, hi Mike, how are yous doing?
Hi Kevin, good. How was holls?
Santa came? What did he get you? Showered with presents myself.
Same here,got loads! Well Santa, well he got me a Dinosaur Train and loads of other stuffs.
I would have prefered to stay home this AM along with Daddy, Mum and Granpy who's visiting, but Mum said I had to go to school.
Yesterday PM I went to the park with Granny, had been playing there for an hour with fellows then it started to pour with rain! We managed to get out from the rain and granny rang Mum to collect us.
Now, now Kevin, teacher's waiting, off to the classroom we go now! We'll go back to talking at break-time.

Will probably edit it in a wee while


Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de clairefr, postée le 07-01-2012 à 08:45:31 (S | E)
Hello Lucile, and thank you for this exercise !

- Hi Tom, hi Mike, how are you?
- Hi Kevin, I'm fine. Did you enjoy your holidays ? What about Santa ? What did he bring you ? I get many presents.
- Same for me ! and Santa, yeah, he brought me a Dino Train and many other things.
I would have preferred to stay at home this morning with Mum, Dad, and Grandpa who came to see us, but Mum said I had to go to school. Yesterday afternoon I went to the park with Grandma, I played with my friends for one hour and then it started to rain ! Fortunately, we found a shelter and Grandma called Mum sot that she drive us back.
- Go on Kevin, the teacher is waiting for us, we have to go back to class. We'll talk again at the next break.

Have a nice weekend !

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de nick27, postée le 07-01-2012 à 12:24:14 (S | E)

- Hi Tom, hi Mike, how's it going?
- Hi Kevin, good! Did you have a good time during your holiday? And what about Santa? Did he bring you many presents? I got many!
- Me too, a lot! Santa, well, he brought me a Dino train and so many other things.
That morning I'd just have preferred to stay home with my dad, my mom and my grandpa, who came to visit us, but mom said I had to go to school. Yesterday in the afternoon I went to the park with my granny, I played with some friends for one hour, then it started to pour ! Fortunately we could take shelter and grandma called my mom to ask her to come and pick us up by car.
- OK Kevin, now the teacher is waiting for us, we've got to get back in. We'll get back to the conversation at break.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-01-2012 08:49

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de coccinelle1214, postée le 08-01-2012 à 07:30:29 (S | E)

- Hello Tom, hello Mike, how are you?
- Hello Kevin, I am well. Are you enjoy about you holidays? And what did you brought Santa Klaus? I had my full of gifts.
- Me too! Well Santa Klaus gift me a Train, and many other things.
I would have preferred to stay home this morning with my mother and father and my grand father who came to see us, but mother said I must go to school. Yesterday afternoon I went to the park with grand mother, I played with friends for an hour then it started raining very strong! It has been happily and shelter and grans mother called mam to come and fetch us by car.
- Kevin, the teacher is waiting for us, we must return to class. We will continue to discuss when it will be recreation.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-01-2012 08:50

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de blily83, postée le 10-01-2012 à 19:28:02 (S | E)
Bonne année et merci lucile pour cet exercice.
- Hello Tom, Hello Mike, how are you?
- Hello Kevin, well. Your holiday spent good? And Santa Claus? What did he bring? I received a lot of presents.
Me too,full! And Santa Claus bring a Dino Train, and many others thongs. I would like to stay at home this morning with dad, mum, and my grandfather who came to see us, but mum said that I must go to school. Yesterday, in the afternoon I went to the park with grandmother, I played with my friends during one hour then it rained! We were able to shelter and grandmother called mum to come and to bring back by car.
-Come on Kevin, the teacher is waiting for us, we must go on in class. We will continue to discuss during the recreation.

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de ckarine38, postée le 11-01-2012 à 11:54:10 (S | E)
Thanks Lucile for this exercise,

And Happy New Year

- Hi Tom, Hi Mike, How is it going ?
- Hi Kevin, How are you ? Did you spend good holidays ? and Santa Claus ? What did he bring to you ? Me, I had plenty of gifts.
- So do I, a lot of ! and Santa Claus hum, he brought me a Dino Train, and more things.
I would have stayed at home this morning with Mum and Dad, My grand father came to see us, but mummy told me to go to school. Yesterday afternoon, I came to the park with grand-ma, I played with friends during one hour and then it ran cats and dogs ! We could shelter and Grand-Ma called Mummy in order to pick them up by car.
- Come on Kevin, the teacher is waiting for us, we have to enter into our classroom. We will discuss on next break.

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de lucile83, postée le 11-01-2012 à 12:34:37 (S | E)

Merci à toutes et tous pour vos efforts!
Voici ma proposition:

-Hi Tom, hi Mike, how are you ?
-Hi Kevin, I ‘m fine. Did you have a nice holiday? And Santa Claus? What did he bring you? I got lots of presents.
-So did I, lots of them! And Santa, well he brought me a Dino Train, and lots of other things.
I would have preferred to stay home this morning with dad, mum and granddad who is staying with us for a few days, but mum said I had to go to school. Yesterday afternoon I went to the park with grandma, and I played with some friends for an hour then it started raining cats and dogs! We were lucky enough to get a shelter and grandma phoned mum to tell her she should come and pick us up.
-Well come on Kevin, our teacher is waiting for us; we have to go back to class. We‘ll talk again when we have a break.

Attention au futur à la fin car pour la plupart d'entre vous, vous avez contourné le problème mais certains sont tombés dans le piège. On n'emploie pas le futur dans une subordonnée de temps.
Point de grammaire à voir ou revoir ici:
Lien internet

Voici la proposition de notre dear American friend afin que vous puissiez voir les différentes façons de traduire, ce que je trouve toujours très intéressant, sachant que certains mots sont américains bien sûr comme 'recess' au lieu de 'break', 'mom' au lieu de 'mum'.

- Hi Tom, hi Mike, how are you/how's it going?
- Hello Kevin, I'm fine. Did you have a nice holiday? What did Santa bring you? I got lots of presents.
- Me too, gobs/lots/oodles! Santa brought me a Dino Train and lots of other things.
- I wanted to stay (at) home this morning with mom and dad and grandpa who is staying with us, but Mom said I had to go to school. Yesterday afternoon I went to the park with grandma. I played with some friends for an hour and then it started raining cats and dogs! Luckily we were able to shelter ourselves and grandma called mom so she would come fetch us in her car.
- Come on, Kevin, the teacher is waiting (for us); we've got to get back to class. We'll continue our discussion/catch up at recess.

Bonne lecture et bonne journée à vous

Réponse: Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants de chreli, postée le 23-01-2012 à 10:02:19 (S | E)

Hello tom, hello mike, how are you ?
Hello Kevin, it°s a right. Did you have good holidays? And Santa Claus ? what did he bring to you?Me, I had many presents.
Me too, many! And Santa Claus , he brought me a Dino train and many other things.

I would like to stay in my house this morning with dad and mum, and my grandfather, who went to see us, but mum said I do to the school. Yesterday afternoon, I went to the park with grandma, I played with my friends for one hour and it started to rain ropes. Fortunately we could shelter and grandma called mum to come and fetch us by car.

Go Kevin, The teacher waits us you must go to the classroom. We will be continue to talk when it will be the playtime.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-01-2012 00:10
Merci de lire le corrigé juste au-dessus.


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