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Exposé/Las Vegas

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Exposé/Las Vegas
Message de cypifou posté le 01-12-2011 à 15:47:30 (S | E | F)

j'ai un exposé de 3 min à faire pour demain à l'oral;je voudrais juste savoir si mon texte est à peu près correct s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance.

In 1855, mormon farmers settle down in the middle of the desert of Mojave, in a place called Las Vegas by Spanish which means "the fertile valleys ". Las Vegas is situated within Clark County in an arid basin on the desert floor, surrounded by dry mountains. In 1857, the farmers leave and the American army occupy a space by building Fort Baker in 1864. Las Vegas becomes an important place between Los Angeles and Albuquerque, with mineral spring and railway line. It’s at about the 1905s when the village is built and in 1911 when it acquires the city status. How, in the space of hundreds of years, this city, formerly a swamp, to reach in appearing from the desert and becoming one of the most important attractions of the world?

Two major changes contribute to the development of the city at the beginning of 1930s:
- The completion of the nearby Hoover Dam in 1935, its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. Oskar Hansen's memorial at the dam which reads in part "They died to make the desert bloom."
- The legalization of gambling in 1931. The game under all its forms becomes totally legal in Las Vegas and contributes to appear of hotels casinos and the famous strip: an boulevard where are situated the biggest hotels and casinos of the city. One of the first hotels builds is Flamingo, followed by Sahara or still Tropicana.

Las Vegas is an internationally renowned major resort city for gambling, shopping, fine dining, shows, or marriage. The prostitution develops, the city becomes more and more known. A city at the beginning with a bad image, was largely managed by the Sicilian Mafia (Cosa Nostra) which tries to clear thousands of dollars, it is quickly transformed there 30 years into world attraction thanks to investors' intervention. Casinos and attractions multiplied and the biggest stars to perform as Elvis Presley or Franck Sinatra, and fake monuments are built there, the Effeil tower or still the Arc de Triomphe. In the years 1960-1970, Las Vegas is one most big cities of the Nevada which try to diversify her clientele to become more family. The mass tourism increases and contributes to the growth of Las Vegas called also "Sin City" who means «the city of the sin". The Desk of the Census of the United States carries an estimation of the population of the city to 552 539 inhabitants in 2006. A city always construction with more and more beautiful hotels, Bellagio, Caesar luxury hotel or Palms Casino Resort with the suite of Hugh Hefner Sky Villa in 40 000 dollars at night a sunny climate and a low tax system.

Las Vegas is currently for someone capital of the game, the easy money, to live it up, or for the other one capital of the vice, prostitution, drugs, the madness and the prohibition. Las Vegas, Sin city, the city where everything is allowed: what happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-12-2011 16:05


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