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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de axol38 posté le 27-11-2011 à 16:06:01 (S | E | F)

J'ai fait un dialogue en anglais sur la déforestation, et j'aimerais s'il vous plaît que vous regardiez pour voir s'il y a quelques fautes
Je vous remercie.

- My first feeling is a real sadness and indignation, in recent years, one hectare of Amazon forest was sold every 18 seconds on average to farmers. It’s incredible! You are endangering plant and animal biodiversity.
- Have you no shame! You who are at the director of the most company over bovine, you contribute enormously to deforestation, as shown our study, 80% of the deforestation is due to battery farming! It’s a shame! What is even more incredible is that the Brazilian state has over $ 41 milliard for agriculture
- This study was established by the bank world, the Brazilian government, institutes research and renowned scientists.
- Yes but I control the origin of meat. Moreover, among our claims, we wish to impose a tax on the foreign meat importation to preserve local agriculture.
- You, it’s the world as you condemn. As local population that you evicted from their land. You don’t think about they.
- Don’t confuse any, there have policies and we. Bio fuels is another debate and our association have never militate for this energy

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-11-2011 16:22

Réponse: Correction/déforestation de gerondif, postée le 27-11-2011 à 16:56:02 (S | E)

retravaillez votre texte que vous avez dû un peu trop faire "mécaniquement", d'où un charabia de mot-à-mot:
"You who are at the director of the most company" vous qui êtes à la direction de la plus grande compagnie ?

l'ordre des mots est resté à la française:
"bank world",(la banque mondiale?)
"institutes research" (les instituts de recherche?)
"Don’t confuse any, there have policies and we". (Ne confondez pas tout, il y a les politiques et nous ?)
en traduisant ces phrases dépourvues de sens, on retrouve vos phrases françaises.

En parlant de forêts qu'on abat, retravaillez votre texte pour éviter un remake de
"Massacre à la tronçonneuse" lors de votre oral ou remise de devoir.

- My first feeling is a real sadness and indignation, in recent years, one hectare of Amazon forest was sold every 18 seconds on average to farmers. It’s incredible! You are endangering plant and animal biodiversity.(phrase correcte, c'est peut-être le début du devoir donné par le professeur?)
- Have you no shame! You who are at the director of the most company over bovine, you contribute enormously to deforestation, as shown our study, 80% of the deforestation is due to battery farming! It’s a shame! What is even more incredible is that the Brazilian state has over $ 41 milliard for agriculture
- This study was established by the bank world, the Brazilian government, institutes research and renowned scientists.
- Yes but I control the origin of meat. Moreover, among our claims, we wish to impose a tax on the foreign meat importation to preserve local agriculture.
- You, it’s the world as you condemn. As the local population that you evicted from their land. You don’t think about they.
- Don’t confuse any, there have policies and we. Bio fuels is another debate and our association have never militate for this energy

Réponse: Correction/déforestation de axol38, postée le 27-11-2011 à 20:19:03 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ces instructions


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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