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Scrambled words '138'

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Scrambled words '138'
Message de marit64 posté le 16-11-2011 à 21:47:59 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A type of long-tailed bird, the male of which has brightly-coloured feathers. ..... (hasptena)
2- A person who walks about while asleep. ..... (wsalkeeerpl)
3- To wet slightly. ..... (smnoeit)
4- To feel a prickling sensation. ..... (gteiln)
5- Any wild plant, especially when growing among cultivated plants or where it's not wanted. ..... (edew)
6- A building in which grain, hay etc are stored. ..... (rbna)
7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm(s) round. ..... (sgpar)
8- A synonym of "awkward". ..... (mcslyu)
9- A synonym of "hate". ..... (theadr)
10- An object intended to support a person in the water till he can be rescued. ..... (blyfoiue)

I wish you the best of luck.

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '138' de flowermusic, postée le 16-11-2011 à 22:23:55 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Wednesday night .... yes ... and my try

1- A type of long-tailed bird, the male of which has brightly-coloured feathers. ..... (hasptena) pheasant
2- A person who walks about while asleep. ..... (wsalkeeerpl) sleepwalker
3- To wet slightly. ..... (smnoeit) moisten
4- To feel a prickling sensation. ..... (gteiln) tingle
5- Any wild plant, especially when growing among cultivated plants or where it's not wanted. ..... (edew) weed
6- A building in which grain, hay etc are stored. ..... (rbna) barn
7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm(s) round. ..... (sgpar) grasp
8- A synonym of "awkward". ..... (mcslyu) clumsy
9- A synonym of "hate". ..... (theadr) hatred
10- An object intended to support a person in the water till he can be rescued. ..... (blyfoiue) lifebuoy

Have a nice week

Réponse: Scrambled words '138' de elisa21, postée le 16-11-2011 à 22:27:18 (S | E)
Hello, dear Marit

1- A type of long-tailed bird, the male of which has brightly-coloured feathers. pheasant
2- A person who walks about while asleep. sleepwalker
3- To wet slightly. to moisten
4- To feel a prickling sensation. to tingle
5- Any wild plant, especially when growing among cultivated plants or where it's not wanted. weed
6- A building in which grain, hay etc are stored. barn
7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm(s) round. to grasp
8- A synonym of "awkward". clumsy
9- A synonym of "hate". hatred
10- An object intended to support a person in the water till he can be rescued. lifebuoy

Marit. Have a nice week.

Réponse: Scrambled words '138' de headway, postée le 17-11-2011 à 08:13:05 (S | E)

1- A type of long-tailed bird, the male of which has brightly-coloured feathers. ..... Pheasant.
2- A person who walks about while asleep. ..... Sleepwalker.
3- To wet slightly. ..... Moisten.
4- To feel a prickling sensation. ..... Tingle.
5- Any wild plant, especially when growing among cultivated plants or where it's not wanted. ..... Weed.
6- A building in which grain, hay etc are stored. ..... Barn.
7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm(s) round. ..... Grasp.
8- A synonym of "awkward". ..... Clumsy.
9- A synonym of "hate". ..... Hatred.
10- An object intended to support a person in the water till he can be rescued. ..... Lifebuoy.

Roll on next week


Réponse: Scrambled words '138' de dolfine56, postée le 17-11-2011 à 09:51:58 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
How is the weather in Canada? not too cold?

1- A type of long-tailed bird, the male of which has brightly-coloured feathers. ..... (hasptena)pheasant
2- A person who walks about while asleep. ..... (wsalkeeerpl)sleepwalker
3- To wet slightly. ..... (smnoeit)to moisten
4- To feel a prickling sensation. ..... (gteiln) to tingle
5- Any wild plant, especially when growing among cultivated plants or where it's not wanted. ..... (edew)weed
6- A building in which grain, hay etc are stored. ..... (rbna)barn
7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm(s) round. ..... (sgpar)to grasp
8- A synonym of "awkward". ..... (mcslyu)clumsy
9- A synonym of "hate". ..... (theadr)hatred
10- An object intended to support a person in the water till he can be rescued. ..... (blyfoiue)lifebuoy

Thanks a lot, dear Marit, enjoy that week.

Réponse: Scrambled words '138' de clairefr, postée le 19-11-2011 à 17:35:40 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1- pheasant
2- sleepwalker
3- moisten
4- tingle
5- weed
6- barn
7- grasp
8- clumsy
9- thread
10- life buoy

for this game

Réponse: Scrambled words '138' de sanna6, postée le 23-11-2011 à 07:31:47 (S | E)

1- A type of long-tailed bird, the male of which has brightly-coloured feathers. .....pheasant
2- A person who walks about while asleep. .....sleepwalker
3- To wet slightly. ..... moisten
4- To feel a prickling sensation. .....tingle
5- Any wild plant, especially when growing among cultivated plants or where it's not wanted. .....weed
6- A building in which grain, hay etc are stored. .....barn
7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm(s) round. ..... graps
8- A synonym of "awkward". ....clumsy
9- A synonym of "hate". ..... hatred
10- An object intended to support a person in the water till he can be rescued. .....lifebuoy

Merci beaucoup Marit

Très bonne journée à vous

Réponse: Scrambled words '138' de swan85, postée le 23-11-2011 à 13:05:02 (S | E)

Hello Marit

Here are my replies :

1/Pheasant - 2/ Sleepwalker - 3/ Moisten - 4/ Tingle - 5/ Weed - 6/ Barn - 7/ Grasp - 8/ Clumsy - 9/ Hatred - 10/ Lifebuoy

Thank you very much Marit


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