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Faire les courses-Thème

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Faire les courses-Thème
Message de lucile83 posté le 11-08-2011 à 12:17:22 (S | E | F)

Voici un thème assez facile que tout le monde peut traduire
Je vous donnerai ma proposition vers le 20 août
Enjoy yourselves!

Jane veut aller faire des courses et ce dont elle a le plus besoin ce sont des légumes et des fruits. Elle voit de belles salades mais elle se demande combien elles coûtent car il n’y a pas de prix. Elle en prend une quand même, ainsi que des tomates, des carottes, des pêches, du raisin et un melon.
A la caisse elle donne un billet de 50 livres car elle n’a pas de monnaie et n’a pas pris sa carte de crédit. Au retour elle passe à la poste et achète des timbres. Elle range ce qu’elle a acheté dans le frigo, sauf le melon qui serait alors trop froid à son goût.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-08-2011 20:53
Merci de lire la correction donnée ici:
Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lucile83, postée le 20-08-2011 à 16:24:00 (S | E)

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de welcome, postée le 11-08-2011 à 14:48:54 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup Lucile83
J'ai été ravie de tenter cette traduction.
Bonne journée à vous.

Jane wants to do the shopping and what she needs over all are vegetables and fruits. She spots some beautiful salads but she wondered how much does they cost because there is no price indicated. Anyway, she takes one of them along with tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon.
At the supermarket checkout she gives a £50 banknote, because she is short of money and she didn't take her credit card. On the way back she goes to the post-office and buys some stamps. She stores what she bought in the fridge, except the melon that would be too cold to her liking.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de dolfine56, postée le 11-08-2011 à 15:14:30 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
What a good idea...---

Jane wants to go shopping ,vegetables and fruit are what she needs most. She notices beautiful lettuces but she wonders how much they cost,because the price isn't given.She still takes one along with tomatoes,carrots, peaches,grapes and one melon.
On the checkout,she gives a fifty-pound note because she has no change,and she has not taken her credit cart. On her way back, she goes to the Post Office and buys some stamps.She puts what she have bought in the fridge,except the melon that would be too cold for her taste.

Hurrah for fruit and vegetables, very good for a healthy diet...

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de dvn44, postée le 11-08-2011 à 15:16:57 (S | E)

Jane will going grocery shopping and she needs the most fruits and vegetables. She can see nice lettuces but she wonders how much they cost, because there is no price tag. Anyway, she picks up one of them, plus tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grape and one melon.

On the checkout, she gives a £50 banknote since she has no change and no credit card with her. On the way back, she stops by the post office to purchase some stamps. She puts all what she has bought into the fridge, but the melon which would be too cold to her taste.

Modifié par dvn44 le 11-08-2011 16:44

Modifié par dvn44 le 11-08-2011 16:50

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de toufa57, postée le 11-08-2011 à 15:20:17 (S | E)
Hello lucile,

Jane wants to go shopping and what the most she requires are vegetables and fruits. She sees beautiful salads but wonders how much they cost because ther is not price. She takes one all the same, as well as tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon. At the cash, she gives a 50 pounds bill because she hasn't change and didn't take hercredit card. On the way back, she goes to the post office and buys stamps. She puts what she has bought into the fridge except the melon which would be cold for her liking.


Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lenenou, postée le 11-08-2011 à 15:56:36 (S | E)
merci pour cet exercice sympathique!

Jane wants to go shopping and vegetables and fruits are what she needs the most. She sees beautiful letuces but she wonders how much they cost because there is no price. She takes one nevertheless, with tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and one melon. At checkout she gives a 50 Pounds note because she doesn't have any change and hasn't taken her credit card. On the way back, she goes to the Post Office and buys some stamps. She put all she have bought in the fridge, except the melon wich would be too cold to her.

Modifié par lenenou le 16-08-2011 13:30

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de ng, postée le 11-08-2011 à 16:41:17 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

Jane wants to go shopping and fruit and vegetables are what she needs the most.She sees beautiful lettuces but wonders how much they cost because she can’t see any price.She takes one all the same, and also tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and one melon.
At the check-out she gives a fifty-pound note, because she hasn’t got any change and she didn’t take her credit card.On her way back she goes to the post office to buy some stamps.She puts what she has bought in the fridge, except the melon which would be too cold to her taste.

Modifié par ng le 15-08-2011 17:46

Modifié par ng le 20-08-2011 18:44
Lucile. Is it better so?

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de endemyon, postée le 11-08-2011 à 19:14:51 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

Jane wants to go shopping and what she needs the most are vegetables and fruits.She sees beautiful salads but wonders how much they cost because she can't see any price.She takes one anyway, and also tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grape and one melon.
At the check-out she gives a £50 bill, because she has no change and didn't take her credit card.On her way back she goes to the post office to buy some stamps.She puts what she has bought in the fridge, but the melon which would be too cold for her taste.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de templiers, postée le 11-08-2011 à 20:13:51 (S | E)
Hello Lucile!

Thanks for this very good exercise!

Jane wants to go shopping and she especially requires vegetables and fruit.She glances at some fine-looking lettuces but she wonders how much they coast because no price is specified.Anyway she selects one of them with some tomatoes,carrots,peaches,grape and one melon.
At the cash-desk,she pays with a fifty pounds note since she has no change and she hasn't taken her credit card with.On the way back,she enters the Post-office in order to buy some stamps.She stores everything she bought in the fridge but the melon which   would be too cold to her taste.

Modifié par templiers le 15-08-2011 18:25

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de matou94, postée le 12-08-2011 à 22:11:14 (S | E)
Hello Lucile and everybody

Thanks a lot, Lucile, for this exercise

Jane wants to go shopping, and vegetables and fruits are what she needs the most.
She looks some beautiful lettuces but she wonders how much they cost, because there is no price. Anyway, she takes one of them, along with tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and one melon.
At the cash desk, she gives a fifty livre-sterling (bank)note, because she has not change and she didn't take her credit card.
On the way back, she goes to the Post-Office for to buy some stamps.
She puts all her shopping into the fridge, except the melon wich would be too cold for her taste.

Reminder of the healthy diet : five fruits and vegetables a day are recommended

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de mapi, postée le 13-08-2011 à 15:11:22 (S | E)

Jane wants to go shopping and she mostly needs vegetables and fruits .
She sees beautiful lettuces but she wonders how much they cost because there isn't any price .
Even so she takes one , she also takes tomatoes , carrots,peachs , grapes and a melon .
She hasn't got any change,and she hasn't got her credit card, so she gives a fifty pound note at the cashdesk .
On the way home , she drops by the post office and buys some stamps .
She puts all her purchase in their proper place in the fridge, except the melon which would have been too cold to her taste .

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-08-2011 16:37

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lakata, postée le 13-08-2011 à 16:53:29 (S | E)

Hello Lucile! and many thanks for this always useful kind of exercise.

Going shopping.

Jane wants to go shopping and what she needs most are vegetables and fruit. She notices beautiful lettuces but wonders how much they may cost since their price is not specified. She takes one anyway, along with some tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon too.
At the cash desk/till, she gives a 50-pound note because she has no change and hasn't taken her credit card. On the way back, she drops into the post office for some stamps. She puts all her shopping into the fridge except the melon which would be too cold for her taste.

P.S. I can't help wondering the reason why Jane puts her stamps into the fridge...

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lucile83, postée le 13-08-2011 à 17:19:03 (S | E)
Hi lakata,

That is because she likes sending a breath of fresh air together with some news.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lakata, postée le 14-08-2011 à 08:21:58 (S | E)

Thank you dear Lucile for this helpful piece of information. I've got it, now !

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de plumet98, postée le 14-08-2011 à 22:23:06 (S | E)
Janes wants to do the shopping and that she must needs they are vegetable and fruit. She sees beautiful salade but she asks how much is it because not price.
She takes this one all the same,as well as tomatoes, carots, peachs, grapes and one melon.
At the checkout she gives a fiften_lives she haven't money and she haven't takes her credit card.
On to return she pasts at post office and buy the stamps.
She arrandes that all she bought into frigde, except melon that will be too cold at her taste.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de barakbiga, postée le 14-08-2011 à 22:56:59 (S | E)

Jane wants to go shopping, and fruits and vegetables are what she needs the most. She sees nice lettuces but she wonder how it does cost, as the price is not displayed. Nevertheless, she takes one, and tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes, melons as well. At the checkout, she gives 50 pounds note because she does not have change and has not taken her credit card. On her way back, she goes to the post office and buys stamps. She put what she has bought tidily in the refrigerator, except the melon that could be too cool to her view.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-08-2011 08:06

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de moleam, postée le 15-08-2011 à 09:04:19 (S | E)

Jane wants going shopping and the most she needs is vegetables and fruit. She spots some nice lettuces but she is wondering how it costs because there is no price. Anyway she takes one and also tomatoes,carrots,peaches,grape and one melon. At the cash desk she gives a fifty pounds banknote because she has no change and has not taken her credit card. On the way back she passes by the post office and buys some stamps.Into the fridge she stores what she bought except the melon which would be then too cold for her taste.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-08-2011 09:49

Modifié par moleam le 15-08-2011 17:10

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de co, postée le 15-08-2011 à 10:27:33 (S | E)

Jane wants to go shopping and what she needs more are vegetables and fruits. She notices nice lettuces but she wonders how much they cost because there is no price. She takes one all the same, with tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and one melon.
At the cashdesk she gives a 50 pounds note because she has no change and hasn't taken her credit card. On the way back she comes to the post office and buys some stamps. She puts what she bought in the refrigerator, except the melon which would be too cold to her taste.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-08-2011 12:36

Modifié par co le 16-08-2011 07:42

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lou31, postée le 15-08-2011 à 14:08:01 (S | E)
Hello Lucile et ...hello à tous..

Jane wants to go shopping and what she most needs are some vegetables and some fruits. She sees beautiful lettuces but she wonders how much they cost because there is no price. She takes one still an all along with some tomatoes, some carrots, some peaches, grapes and one melon.
To the cash she gives 50 pounds note because she has not change and she has not taken her credit card. On the way back she goes to the Post Office and buys some stamps. She puts what she has brought in the frigde except the melon would be too cold for her taste.

Modifié par lou31 le 15-08-2011 20:47

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de lucile83, postée le 15-08-2011 à 14:55:58 (S | E)

Je viens d'avancer la date à laquelle je vous donnerai ma proposition,ce sera le 20 août.

J'ai déjà remarqué des erreurs telles que:
-les anglais payaient en livres et non en pounds...+ emploi du mot composé...
-le participe passé de take serait take...
-le mot salade serait forcément salad...
-le mot bill serait un billet en BE? ou en AE?...
-le verbe tidy conviendrait pour ranger les achats dans un frigo...ou dans sa chambre?..
-le verbe ask oneself ne serait pas un peu trop intellectuel ici, concernant des salades...
-have à la 3e personne du singulier du présent/present perfect serait have...

à vos claviers pour certains
cliquez sur le E du titre de votre message pour le modifier
Il vous reste 5 jours 1/2!

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de tsuki, postée le 15-08-2011 à 17:29:08 (S | E)
Hi !

That's exactly what I was looking for : some French to English translation

Jane veut aller faire des courses et ce dont elle a le plus besoin ce sont des légumes et des fruits. Elle voit de belles salades mais elle se demande combien elles coûtent car il n’y a pas de prix. Elle en prend une quand même, ainsi que des tomates, des carottes, des pêches, du raisin et un melon.
A la caisse elle donne un billet de 50 livres car elle n’a pas de monnaie et n’a pas pris sa carte de crédit. Au retour elle passe à la poste et achète des timbres. Elle range ce qu’elle a acheté dans le frigo, sauf le melon qui serait alors trop froid à son goût.

=> Jane wants to do the shopping, vegetables and fruits are what she needs the most. She notices nice lettuces but she wonders how they cost because there is no price. Nevertheless, sha takes one with some tomatoes, carotts, peaches, a bunch of grape and a melon.
At the cash desk, she gives a 50 pound-note because she hasn't got any change and she doesn't take her credit card. On her return, she goes to the post and buy some stamps. In the fridge, she puts everything she bought but the melon, which would be too cool for her.

Thanks for the exercise !

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-08-2011 18:04

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de swan85, postée le 15-08-2011 à 20:11:25 (S | E)

Jane wants to go shopping and what she needs particularly are vegetables and fruits.
She sees beautiful lettuces but she is wondering what do they cost because there is no price.
Finally she takes one as well as tomatoes, carrot, peaches, grapes and melon.
She gives to the cashier a £50 note because she has no change and she didn’t take her credit card.
On her way back she enters to the Post Office and buys stamps.
She tidies up what she has bought into the fridge, except the melon which would be too cold for her taste.

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de pinson38, postée le 15-08-2011 à 20:41:58 (S | E)

Jane wants to go shopping and what she more needs are vegetables and fruits. She sees beautiful salads but she wonders how much they cost because there is no price indicated. She takes one as well as tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grape and a melon. In the cashdesk, she gives a bill of fifty pounds because she has no change and she had not her credit card with her. By returning at home , she goes to the postoffice and buys stamps. She tidies up (puts) what she bought in the fridge except the melon which would then too cold to her taste

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-08-2011 20:49

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de sizou38, postée le 15-08-2011 à 22:19:08 (S | E)
Hello lucile,

Bon exercice de réflexion;

Jane wants to go shopping and what she most needs is vegetables and fruit.
She notices beautiful salads but she wonders what they would cost because there’s no price label. Nevertheless she takes one of them as well as tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon.
At the cash desk she gives a fifty pound bank note because she hasn’t got any change and hasn’t taken her credit card. On her way back she goes to the post-office and buys some stamps. She puts her shopping into the fridge, but the melon which would then be too cold to her taste.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-08-2011 22:49

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de cristofer10, postée le 16-08-2011 à 01:24:28 (S | E)

Jane wants shopping but vegetables and fruits are what she needs more. She sees beautiful salads but wondered how much it cost because there is no price.Anyway,she takes a salad,tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon.At paying-box she gives a 50 livres ticket because she has no money and did not take her credit card.Coming back she goes to the post office to buy stamps. She puts what she has bought in the fridge, except the melon which would be too cold for her taste.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-08-2011 08:21

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de bougainviller, postée le 16-08-2011 à 01:45:35 (S | E)

Jane wants to go the shopping, she need full salad and fruits. she can see the beautuful salad but she wonders your price because not a tickets. She takes one of them along with tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon.
she gives 50 pound because she has not the money and she didn't take her crédit cart. On the way back; she goes to the post offfice and she buy the stamps.She tidy what she has bough in the fridge exept the melon, it is too cold for him

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-08-2011 08:22

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de pepe69, postée le 16-08-2011 à 13:53:45 (S | E)
Thank you ever so much lucile.

What a good idea to do the shopping, but take care we don't turn red our debit card!

Jane wants to go shopping, and vegetables and fruits are what she needs the most. She notices beautiful salads but she wonders how much they cost, because the price isn't shown. Nevertheless, she takes one, as well as tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and one melon.

At the cashdesk, she gives a fifty pounds note because she has no change, and she didn't take her credit card. One the way back, she goes to the post office and buys stamps. she puts what she have bought in the fridge, except the melon that would be too cold to her taste.

A very old member!

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-08-2011 20:51
Hello pepe! glad to see you here!

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de asmaeghannami, postée le 16-08-2011 à 19:57:17 (S | E)

Jane veut aller faire des courses et ce dont elle a le plus besoin ce sont des légumes et des fruits. Elle voit de belles salades mais elle se demande combien elles coûtent car il n’y a pas de prix. Elle en prend une quand même, ainsi que des tomates, des carottes, des pêches, du raisin et un melon.
A la caisse elle donne un billet de 50 livres car elle n’a pas de monnaie et n’a pas pris sa carte de crédit. Au retour elle passe à la poste et achète des timbres. Elle range ce qu’elle a acheté dans le frigo, sauf le melon qui serait alors trop froid à son goût.

Jane wants to do shopping, and all she needs is vegetables and fruits. she saw a lot of salads but she asks herself how much it coute. she bouth it, and tomatoes to, some carrots, peaches, raisin, and one melon.
In the Cashdesk she gives a tiket of 50 pounds because she does not have monney and she does not take her card.

Je suis vraiment désolée si la traduction est nulle, mais je n'ai pas voulu traduire sur internet ,je veux apprendre à le faire moi même.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-08-2011 20:54
pour ce bel effort!

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de clairefr, postée le 16-08-2011 à 22:10:22 (S | E)
Hello everybody and thank you Lucile for this exercise !

Jane wants to go shopping and what she needs the most is vegetables and fruits. She sees beautiful lettuces but she wonders how much they cost as there isn't any price. She takes one of them anyway, and also tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon. At the cash desk she gives a 50 pounds note because she doesn't have any change and she didn't take her credit card. On the way back, she stops by the Post Office and buys some stamps. She puts what she bought in the fridge, except the melon which would be too cold to her taste.

Modifié par clairefr le 16-08-2011 22:46

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de ariane6, postée le 16-08-2011 à 22:28:17 (S | E)
Hello !

Jane wants to go shopping and what she needs most are vegetables and fruit.
She notices some beautiful lettuces but wonders how much they cost as the price isn't marked. Still, she gets one, as well as tomatoes, carrots, peaches, grapes and a melon.
Getting to the checkout, she hands over a fifty pound note, as she has no change and hasn't brought her credit card with her. On the way back she stops at the post office where she buys some stamps. She puts her shopping into the fridge, all except the melon which would become too cold for her liking.

Thank you lucile !

Réponse: Faire les courses-Thème de max83, postée le 17-08-2011 à 16:20:44 (S | E)
Hello, Lucile

Voici, ma contribution.

Jane wants to do shopping and what she needs the most are vegetables and fruit. She sees beautiful lettuces but she wonders how must they cost because there is no price. She picks up one nevertheless with tomatoes,carrots,peaches,grapes and a melon. At the checkout, she gives a fifty- pound-sterling banknote because she has no money and she has not taken a credit card. On the way back, she goes to the post office and buys some stamps. She tidies what she has bought in the fridge, except the melon which would be too cold for her taste. 

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-08-2011 18:49
Mise en forme standard


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