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My report/in a restaurant

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My report/in a restaurant
Message de zanica05 posté le 27-05-2011 à 09:12:01 (S | E | F)

I need help to correct this part of my report, could you help me please?
Thank you for your answers.

My personal tasks

In the Wolfgang’s restaurant, I was a hostess. So, I answered on the phone, I took reservations, I was a coat check also. When customers arrived in the restaurant, I had to check them. If they are all arrived, I have a system on the computer to check them “all arrived” or “partly arrived” and if the customers are important customers, “VIP” was written next to their name. Most of the time I repeated this sentence “just wait a few minutes please” because we had a lot of reservations, and even if we didn’t have a table, people didn’t care to wait for a table.
It was very easy to learn this system on the computer even if I had never used it before. The girls who worked with me were really nice, they showed me everything!
Sometimes I wanted to work in the dining room like a waitress because I love this job, but they don’t accept girls. And when I watched the waiters, I wanted to tell them some advices for the service because some of them were not very professional!
I think that I could still work in this restaurant because people were very gently with me, and they respect everyone. I was “the French girl” for them and they were surprised of my knowledge in English because they find that French is difficult to learn. And they were even more impressed that I speak French, Bosnian, and English!

8. Shopping in New York City

The thing I was doing the most during my leisure time is shopping in Manhattan. I couldn’t stop because every day you can find new things in the stores. I returned to Belgium with two enormous suitcases!
The famous Fifth Avenue is located in the borough of Manhattan, This Avenue is a chic shopping “street” and the most expensive shopping street in the world.
Most of the world's luxury boutiques are located on Fifth Avenue, which include the famous clothing stores; Saks, Bendel, Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Versace and Gucci and jewelers Cartier, Tiffany and Bulgari.
Also there is the Empire State Building, Metropolitan Museum of Art and the skyscrapers surrounded by St. Patrick's Cathedral.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2011 11:11

Réponse: My report/in a restaurant de sherry48, postée le 27-05-2011 à 16:28:48 (S | E)
Hi, I have a few suggestions to get you started.
In the (this is ok, but another preposition is a little better for locations) Wolfgang’s restaurant, I was a hostess. So, I answered on the phone, I took reservations, I was a coat check (you may prefer to use check as your verb, but if you prefer the noun, it's usually coat check girl)also. When customers arrived in the restaurant, I had to check them in. If they are (keep the tense uniform -from the beginning it has been in the past) all arrived, I have a system on the computer to check them “all arrived” or “partly arrived” and if the customers are important customers, “VIP” was written next to their name. Most of the time I repeated this sentence “just wait a few minutes please” because we had a lot of reservations, and even if we didn’t have a table, people didn’t care to wait for a table.
It was very easy to learn this system on the computer even if I had never used it before. The girls who worked with me were really nice, they showed me everything!
Sometimes I wanted to work in the dining room like (as) a waitress because I love this job, but they don’t accept girls. And When I watched the waiters, I wanted to tell them some advices for the service because some of them were not very professional!
I think that I could still work in this restaurant because people were very gently (adjective, not adverb) with me, and they respect everyone. I was “the French girl” for them and they were surprised of (at) my knowledge in English because they find that French is difficult to learn. And they were even more impressed that I speak French, Bosnian, and English!

8. Shopping in New York City

The thing I was doing the most during my leisure time is shopping in Manhattan. (reorganize this sentence)I couldn’t stop because every day you can find new things in the stores. I returned to Belgium with two enormous suitcases!
The famous Fifth Avenue is located in the borough of Manhattan. This avenue is a chic shopping “street” and the most expensive shopping street in the world.
Most of the world's luxury boutiques are located on Fifth Avenue, which include the famous clothing stores; Saks, Bendel, Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Versace and Gucci and jewelers Cartier, (the noun,jewelers doesn't go first)Tiffany and Bulgari.
Also there is the Empire State Building, Metropolitan Museum of Art and the skyscrapers surrounded by St. Patrick's Cathedral.


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