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Message de fann2music posté le 18-04-2011 à 09:35:43 (S | E | F)

Voila, il faut que j'écrive un article de journal correspondant au titre :
Ohio Taxidriver Sentenced for Murder

A taxi driver kill a student
The young woman, Emma McCarty, vanished since 2 weeks whose the parents haven’t heard from her, was found dead one week ago. A forest warden found her in the Springfield wood who he works. It’s a student in a communication sector from Indianapolis (IN). She lived in the Columbus campus, she was found 30 miles from her house. The technicians criminal investigation think about a murder. They think she was strangled. The autopsy confirm this theory, the death should date from 2 weeks. The investigators recounted her timetable before her death : someone saw her in 2 taxi one week ago. It’s the last time that someone seen her. The taxi driver is suspected and he cannot be found. The police officers started a search to find the suspect. He was found in California. He confessed the murder without difficulty and he was placed under police custody. Before her disappearance, Emma went up in the taxi. The driver made her advances, she refused it. Offended, he strangled her to “take revenge”. After, he put her in his boot. He got rid of her corpse in the wood where the forest warden found her. He risks at least 20 years in prison.

Si vous pouviez m'aider en me disant s'il y a des fautes.
Merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2011 13:54

Réponse: Écrire un article de journal de notrepere, postée le 18-04-2011 à 18:26:20 (S | E)

A taxi driver kill (1) a student
The young woman, Emma McCarty, vanished since 2 weeks whose the parents haven’t heard from her, was found dead one week ago. (2) A forest warden found her in the Springfield wood who he works. It’s a student in a communication sector from Indianapolis (IN). She lived in the Columbus campus, she was found 30 miles from her house. The technicians (7) criminal investigation think about a murder. They think she was strangled. The autopsy confirm (1) this theory, the death should date from 2 weeks (9). The investigators recounted her timetable before her death : someone saw her in 2 (10) taxi one week ago. It’s the last time that someone seen (11) her. The taxi driver is suspected and he cannot be found. The police officers started a search to find the suspect. He was found in California. He confessed (12) the murder without difficulty and he was placed under police custody. Before her disappearance, Emma went up (13) in the taxi. The driver made her (14) advances, she refused it. Offended, he strangled her to “take revenge”. After, he put her in his bootin the boot of his taxi. He got rid of her corpse in the wood where the forest warden found her. He risks at least 20 years in prison.

(1) accorde
(2) Phrase à refaire; attention: il y a deux semaines = 2 weeks ago; Her parents haven't heard from her since... yesterday, last month, last year, etc.
(3) qui ou où?
(4) on n'utilise pas 'it' pour une personne
(5) ce mot n'a pas de sens dans le contexte
(6) une autre préposition
(7) forme possessive
(8) pas le bon verbe (penser/réfléchir à?)
(9) maladroite
(10) a?
(11) forme du verbe
(12) préposition manquante
(13) traduction littéralement du français; en anglais on dit: got into the taxi.
(14) 'her' est mal placé: Evans denied making sexual advances to her.

Modifié par notrepere le 19-04-2011 14:54
Abuelocansado is correct. I didn't know "boot" meant "trunk" .

Réponse: Écrire un article de journal de anonyme, postée le 19-04-2011 à 10:36:02 (S | E)
Pardon notrepere, mais "boot" en anglais britannique désigne aussi le coffre ou malle d'un véhicule automobile. Il est vrai qu'il s'agit d'un taxi américain et que fann2music aurait dû employer "trunk" .. Sorry!

Bonne journée !

Réponse: Écrire un article de journal de hughy, postée le 19-04-2011 à 12:39:53 (S | E)
Non, N.P. a raison, la phrase devrait être : in the boot of his car.
Désolé d'avoir donné la réponse.

Réponse: Écrire un article de journal de anonyme, postée le 19-04-2011 à 13:44:03 (S | E)
Bonjour hughy,

Je pense que l'observation de notrepere porte sur le sens du mot "boot" et non sur la construction grammaticale. Il écrit bien "dans sa botte? Bien sûr, une très grande botte" ce qui confirme qu'il s'interroge sur le sens de "boot" car mettre un cadavre dans une botte impliquerait une très grande taille de cette chaussure ...

Je ne sais si "mettre quelque chose dans la malle" (en parlant d'une automobile, évidemment) se traduit littéralement en anglais ("to put something in the trunk -américain- in the boot -anglais" est-ce orthodoxe ??)



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