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Message de benoit55 posté le 08-02-2011 à 18:57:51 (S | E | F)
j'ai une rédaction pour vendredi à faire en anglais à partir d'un document. Il s'agit d'une couverture de National Geographic sur le pétrole.
Mon sujet est de décrire le document puis de l'analyser.
This is a front cover of a famous american magazine called “National Geographic” speacialized in environmental issues. It was published in june 2004. Dans ce numéro, The tittle is “The End of cheap oil”. The picture which is in the cover show a highway. It’s accurately a bird eye view of an “s” shaped highway. There is much traffic which means the traffic is moving at a slow pace. The quantity of cars shows indispensable car are. Indeed, nowadays, we depend way too much on cars and others moyens de tranports.
At some point in our daily activities, we all draw upon a reserve of one or more of earths natural resources. One of the most crucial of these being crude oil. It and its derivatives are used as primary sources of energy and thus, crude oil it is constantly in high demand.
It’s why, the high level of drilling is consistently depleting the earth’s supply of many natural resource. Now, oil is not a renevable source of energy. So, this phenomenon brings about a increasing of price of oil. As a result, supply chain managers must take action today to prepare for the end of the Oil Age tomorrow.
They want to find kind of energies and to change energies which are hazardous for the earth. For example, nuclear energy. Energies which respect ecosystem namely cleans energies. I think that we could find them en s’interressant to solar energy.
To conclude, the problem of oil and environmental issues were become majors part nowadays. Besides, the summit of Copenhague tried yo aswer this questions.
Pourriez-vous me corriger et me dire ce que je dois changer ( les mauvaises tournures, les incompréhensions)?
D'avance merci.
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-02-2011 18:59
Réponse: Essai/pétrole et environnement de notrepere, postée le 08-02-2011 à 19:42:19 (S | E)
Au faut traduire tout le texte français
This is a front cover of a famous american magazine called “National Geographic” speacialized in environmental issues. It was published in june 2004. Dans ce numéro, The tittle is “The End of cheap oil”. The picture which is in the cover shows a highway. It’s
At some point in our daily activities, we all draw upon a reserve of one or more of the earth's natural resources. One of the most crucial of these being crude oil. It and its derivatives are used as primary sources of energy and thus, crude oil it [à supprimer] is constantly in high demand.
They want to find kind of energies and to change energies which are hazardous for the earth. For example, nuclear energy. Energies which respect ecosystem [pluriel], namely cleans energies
To conclude, the problem of oil and environmental issues were become majors part nowadays. Besides, the summit of Copenhague tried yo answer this [accorde 'questions'] questions.
Réponse: Essai/pétrole et environnement de benoit55, postée le 09-02-2011 à 17:54:08 (S | E)
Merci pour ta réponse. Peux-tu me dire si tout est maintenant correct ?
This is a front cover of a famous American magazine called “National Geographic” speacialized in environmental issues. It was published in June 2004. In this issue, the title is “The End of cheap oil”. The picture which is in the cover shows a highway. It’s a bird’s-eye view of an “s”-shaped highway. There is some traffic which means the traffic is moving at a slow pace. The quantity of cars shows how indispensable they are. Nowadays, we depend way too much on cars and others means of transport.
At some point in our daily activities, we all draw upon a reserve of one or more of the earth’s natural resources. One of the most crucial of these being crude oil. It and its derivatives are used as primary sources of energy and thus, crude oil is constantly in high demand.
This is why, the high level of drilling is consistently depleting the earth’s supply of many natural resources. Now, oil is not a renewable source of energy. So, this phenomenon brings about an increase of the price of oil. As a result, supply chain managers must take action today to prepare for the end of the Oil Age tomorrow.
They want to find others energies and to change energies which are hazardous for the earth. For example, nuclear energy. Energies which respect ecosystems namely clean energies. We could be found by interesting to solar energy.
To conclude, the oil and environmental issues were become majors problems nowadays in our society. We must so change our behaviour and scientist should find others energies to save our earth and to replace the oil. Besides, the summit of Copenhague tried to answer these questions.
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