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Scrambled words '95'

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Scrambled words '95'
Message de marit64 posté le 05-01-2011 à 22:14:38 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A small container in which peppercorns are ground into a powder. ..... (ieelp-plpmr)
2- The person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme. ..... (iaedmrnsmt)
3- The mark made by the tip of the finger. ..... (pnrefrgntii)
4- A strong alcoholic drink. ..... (qlriou)
5- To stop or hinder someone from doing something. ..... (htiiibn)
6- A synonym of "belt". ..... (dieglr)
7- A bowl for washing oneself in. ..... (ansbi)
8- An unexpected, especially dangerous happening or situation. ..... (mygrnceee)
9- Dead skin under the hair which falls off in small pieces. ..... (udfarndf)
10- A synonym of "unwilling". ..... (ltraenctu)

Good luck and have fun!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '95' de elisa21, postée le 06-01-2011 à 00:35:15 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- A small container in which peppercorns are ground into a powder. pepper-mill
2- The person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme. mastermind
3- The mark made by the tip of the finger. fingerprint
4- A strong alcoholic drink. liquor
5- To stop or hinder someone from doing something. inhibit
6- A synonym of "belt". girdle
7- A bowl for washing oneself in. basin
8- An unexpected, especially dangerous happening or situation. emergency
9- Dead skin under the hair which falls off in small pieces. dandruff
10- A synonym of "unwilling". reluctant

I haven't found the first

Thanks a lot and good night

Réponse: Scrambled words '95' de headway, postée le 06-01-2011 à 08:47:41 (S | E)
Good morning,

1- A small container in which peppercorns are ground into a powder. .....Pepper mill.
2- The person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme. .....Mastermind.
3- The mark made by the tip of the finger. ..... Fingerprint.
4- A strong alcoholic drink. ..... Liquor.
5- To stop or hinder someone from doing something. ..... To inhibit.
6- A synonym of "belt". ..... Girdle.
7- A bowl for washing oneself in. ..... Basin.
8- An unexpected, especially dangerous happening or situation. .....Emergency.
9- Dead skin under the hair which falls off in small pieces. .....Dandruff.
10- A synonym of "unwilling". .....Reluctant.

Have a good day.


Réponse: Scrambled words '95' de dolfine56, postée le 06-01-2011 à 09:50:18 (S | E)
Hello dear marit,
How are you in this new year?

1- A small container in which peppercorns are ground into a powder. ..... (ieelp-plpmr)a pepper mill
2- The person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme. ..... (iaedmrnsmt)a mastermind
3- The mark made by the tip of the finger. ..... (pnrefrgntii)the fingersprint
4- A strong alcoholic drink. ..... (qlriou)a liquor
5- To stop or hinder someone from doing something. ..... (htiiibn)to inhibit
6- A synonym of "belt". ..... (dieglr)girdle
7- A bowl for washing oneself in. ..... (ansbi)a basin
8- An unexpected, especially dangerous happening or situation. ..... (mygrnceee)an emergency
9- Dead skin under the hair which falls off in small pieces. ..... (udfarndf)dandruff.
10- A synonym of "unwilling". ..... (ltraenctu)reluctant

Thanks a lot dear Marit, enjoy your week, and walking in the snow...

Réponse: Scrambled words '95' de eos17, postée le 06-01-2011 à 15:26:44 (S | E)
Hello dear marit
for this new Scrambled words
1-Pepper mill
5-To inhibit
Have a nice week . See you soon

Réponse: Scrambled words '95' de violet91, postée le 06-01-2011 à 21:56:50 (S | E)
hello dear and cheerful marit from Shashawinigan ! Thank you for keeping us entertained with your nice game .

to you : all the very best ,dear. And to the players , as well !

1- A small container in which peppercorns are ground into a powder:pepper mill needs a good grap and a good grip.
2- The person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme: mastermind (good game too for logicians )
3- The mark made by the tip of the finger.: fingerprint: "elementary, my dear"
4- A strong alcoholic drink. :liquor with moderation, marit, even if it is bitterly cold in Canada!
5- To stop or hinder someone from doing something.: inhibitlike Bashful, the dwarf : give him some liquor to disinhibit him !
6- A synonym of "belt". girdle: don't cry on mine!(shoulder!)
7- A bowl for washing oneself in. : basin: hand me the sugar -basin, will you?
8- An unexpected, especially dangerous happening or situation.: emergency Please, send for Dr House ! .....
9- Dead skin under the hair which falls off in small pieces. : dandruff (uncountable, of course!)Berrrrk!...use "Heads and shoulders" shampoo..
10- A synonym of "unwilling". : reluctant: that's a bad girl, this is!

Have a good night when it comes down!..

Réponse: Scrambled words '95' de laila, postée le 07-01-2011 à 03:19:17 (S | E)
hello Marit
1- A small container in which peppercorns are ground into a powder.pepper-mill (ieelp-plpmr)
2- The person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme.mastermind (iaedmrnsmt)
3- The mark made by the tip of the finger.fingerprint (pnrefrgntii)
4- A strong alcoholic drink. liquor (qlriou)
5- To stop or hinder someone from doing something.inhibit (htiiibn)
6- A synonym of "belt".girdle(dieglr)
7- A bowl for washing oneself in. basin (ansbi)
8- An unexpected, especially dangerous happening or situation. emergency (mygrnceee)
9- Dead skin under the hair which falls off in small pieces. dandruff (udfarndf)
10- A synonym of "unwilling". reluctant (ltraenctu)
Thank you

Réponse: Scrambled words '95' de swan85, postée le 07-01-2011 à 13:49:04 (S | E)

Hello Marit

1/ Pepper-Mill
2/ Mastermind
3/ Fingerprint
4/ Liquor
5/ To inhibit
6/ Girdle
7/ Basin
8/ Emergency
9/ Dandruff
10/ Reluctant

Thanks a lot your work
See you soon.

Réponse: Scrambled words '95' de nina80, postée le 07-01-2011 à 18:27:52 (S | E)

Hello Marit,

1 - pepper mill
2 - mastermind
3 - fingerprint
4 - liquor
5 - to inhibit
6 - girdle
7 - basin
8 - emergency
9 - dandruff
10- reluctant
Marit, see you soon


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