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Message de anadelicious posté le 08-07-2010 à 11:30:03 (S | E | F)
je dois m'inscrire à l'université et pour cela je dois envoyer une lettre de motivation en anglais et j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide
J'ai commencé comme ca, je pense qu'il y a des erreurs.
Pouvez-vous m'aider et indiquer les fautes s'il vous plaît? Merci pour vos réponses.
After having taken knowledge of the lesson of your establishment on your Internet site.
I present to you my candidature for the training in professional license trades speciality “Technical sales representative in international business” within your university.
At the time of these two years of forlarion of BTS International business, I carried out various training courses which emphasized my attraction for the commercial exchanges in an international context. Today, I would wish to look further into this field.
This formation enabled me to develop the direction of relational, of listening and of the negotiation, I could help with the realization of the sale of the products and the services of the company.
I am convinced that I could learn much from your professors, in order to achieve my goal which requires knowledge necessary to the international business, as has long run, to obtain a station with responsibility with international dimension.
I am determined to prove that my investment will be worthy of my results.
I hope of any heart that you will be able to accommodate me in your establishment and asks you to approve, Madam, Sir, my best greetings.
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-07-2010 15:02
Réponse: Lettre de motivation anglais-université de may, postée le 10-07-2010 à 03:45:53 (S | E)
Bonsoir anadelicious,
J'essayerai de corriger votre lettre. Pourtant, c'est vous qui devriez l'entretenir pour obtenir plus de sens.
I present (to you) my candidature ( autre mot) for the training in professional license trades speciality ( manquer un préposition) “Technical sales representative in international business” within (autre préposition) your university.
(At the time of) During? (these) the past two years of forlarion

This formation enabled me to develop the direction (skill?)of relational( un nom), of listening and of
I am convinced that I could learn much ( a lot) from your professors, in order to achieve my goal which requires (article) knowledge necessary to the international business (, as has long run,) to obtain a station

I am determined (forme active ) to prove that my investment will be worthy of my results.(voulez vous dire que cela prouvera par votre résultat?)
I hope (of any heart) that you will be able to accommodate me in your establishment and asks you to approve, Madam, Sir, my best greetings.
Bonne chance,
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