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Scrambled words '46'

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Scrambled words '46'
Message de marit64 posté le 13-01-2010 à 21:29:12 (S | E | F)


Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- Without the power of speech. ..... (mdbu)
2- A synonym of "adult". ..... (wpr-ougn)
3- A deer's horn. ..... (netarl)
4- Wanting or needing food. ..... (nyhrug)
5- To put completely under the surface of a liquid. ..... (riemsme)
6- To mix or throw together. ..... (luejbm)
7- Slightly red. ..... (ehddris)
8- Any of the tubes that carry the blood back to the heart. ..... (envi)
9- A synonym of delicious, succulent. ..... (muyym)
10- An instrument for sharpening. ..... (phrnserae)

Good luck and have fun!

I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '46' de ariette, postée le 13-01-2010 à 21:47:00 (S | E)

1 dumb
2 grown-up
3 antlers
4 hungry
5 immerse
6 jumble
7 reddish
8 vein
9 yummy
10 sharpener

yummy yummy ! thank you for your personal delightful 'food for thought'

Réponse: Scrambled words '46' de brettdallen, postée le 13-01-2010 à 21:53:19 (S | E)
Hi Marit,
I've just come back from work so I'm a bit "late"...
Here we go:

1- Without the power of speech. ..... (mdbu)DUMB
2- A synonym of "adult". ..... (wpr-ougn)GROWN-UP
3- A deer's horn. ..... (netarl)ANTLER
4- Wanting or needing food. ..... (nyhrug)HUNGRY
5- To put completely under the surface of a liquid. ..... (riemsme)IMMERSE
6- To mix or throw together. ..... (luejbm)JUMBLE
7- Slightly red. ..... (ehddris)REDDISH
8- Any of the tubes that carry the blood back to the heart. ..... (envi)VEIN
9- A synonym of delicious, succulent. ..... (muyym)YUMMY
10- An instrument for sharpening. ..... (phrnserae)SHARPENER

This one was particularly easy!
Thanks for doing the job!

Réponse: Scrambled words '46' de dolfine56, postée le 14-01-2010 à 11:00:01 (S | E)
Hi, dear marit,
how are you in your cold and snowy , nevertheless beautiful, country?

1- Without the power of speech. ...dumb
2- A synonym of "adult". ...grown-up
3- A deer's horn. ...antler
4- Wanting or needing food. be hungry
5- To put completely under the surface of a liquid. immerse
6- To mix or throw together. jumble
7- Slightly red. ...reddish
8- Any of the tubes that carry the blood back to the heart. ...vein
9- A synonym of delicious, succulent. ...yummy
10- An instrument for sharpening. ...sharpener.

Thanks for not to leave our precious neurones getting rusty...

Réponse: Scrambled words '46' de eos17, postée le 14-01-2010 à 12:07:26 (S | E)
Hello Marit
I thank you for your mail and your words every week .
1-Without the power of speech :DUMB
2-A synonym of "adult" :GROWN UP
3-A deer's horn :ANTLER
4-Wanting or needing food :HUNG
5- To put completely under the surface of a liquid. To IMMERSE
6- To mix or throw together.TO JUMBLE
7- Slightly red. REDDISH
8- Any of the tubes that carry the blood back to the heart.VEIN
9- A synonym of delicious, succulent. YUMMY
10- An instrument for sharpening. SHARPENER

Have a nice week .

Réponse: Scrambled words '46' de nina80, postée le 14-01-2010 à 19:25:05 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1 - dumb
2 - grown-up
3 - antlers
4 - hungry
5 - to immerse
6 - to jumble
7 - reddish
8 - vein
9 - yummy
10- sharpener

Réponse: Scrambled words '46' de marit64, postée le 20-01-2010 à 22:10:53 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

You've done a great work.

Here are rhe answers:

1-dumb (muet) 2-grown-up (grand, adulte) 3-antler (corne) 4-hungry (affamé)
5-immerse (immerger) 6-jumble (mélanger, emmêler) 7-reddish (rougeâtre)
8-vein (veine) 9-yummy (délicieux, succulent) 10-sharpener (aiguisoir).

Thanks a lot for your participation.

So long


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