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Message de sai95 posté le 11-10-2009 à 12:27:50

donc pour demain j'ai une presentation en anglais à faire . J'en ai fait une et je souhaiterais avoir vos avis et corrigez-moi s'il vous plaît s' il ya des erreurs. Merci de votre aide.
Hi my name is ***** I am French, I live in ***** but I was born on july nineteenth one (pour l’année je bloque c ‘est 1994)
I have a little brother who is eleven years studying at college and an older brother who studied in business school who is aged twenty two years
My parents were married. My mother is a childminder and my father took the place of ETAM in a company. Etam is just below the frame.
As regards my hobbies, well I play video games, I'm cycling, I read manga. I listen to rock a little rap and r'nb
Now I told you my professional ambition for the future.
I look after my second to make a 1st S. If I get the LAC, I wish to continue my studies towards a storag business and get a degree in the major business schools that requires a good level of English. I am very interested in all aspects, finance, financial transactions.
On television there are documentaries on this subject and although it gives me really want to continue my studies and what I will have a good social situation.
But in this period of economic crisis I doubt a little about my professional success
Modifié par bridg le 11-10-2009 12:29
Modifié par lucile83 le 16-06-2010 16:17
Réponse: Présentation en anglais de seb06000, postée le 11-10-2009 à 12:38:24
je vous laisse les indications de correction

"Hi my name is ***** I am French, I live in ***** but I was born on july (majuscule à corriger, même si nous sommes à l'oral) 1994 ( il faut décomposer en deux: le groupe "19" et le groupe "94" et les accoler)
I have a little brother who is eleven years (il manque quelque chose ou alors dites "he is eleven") studying at college (college est un faux-ami en Français, cela signifie l'université en anglais, attention à la préposition, ce n'est pas "at") and an older brother who studied in business school who is aged twenty two years (idem)
My parents were married. My mother is a childminder and my father took the place of ETAM (mal dit) in a company. Etam is just below the frame (sens?) .
As regards my hobbies, well I play video games, I'm cycling (cycling fonctionne parfaitement mais attention au verbe c'est une activité) , I read manga (marque du pluriel). I listen to rock, a little rap and r'nb
Now I told (temps) you my professional ambition for the future.
I look after my second to make a 1st S (mal dit). If I get the LAC

On television there are documentaries on this subject and although it gives me really want (expression à revoir) to continue my studies and what

But in this period of economic crisis I doubt a little about my professional success
Voilà ce ne sont que des détails!
Réponse: Présentation en anglais de sai95, postée le 11-10-2009 à 12:55:56
Déjà merci pour la rapidité de ta correction ( vive ce forum!!)
Pour le mot "college" je sais pas quoi mettre
Pour le mot ETAM en faite cest un poste dans une entreprise et ce que je voulais dire c'est que ETAM était juste en dessous de cadre (une sorte de grade)
Pour le mot LAC je me suis trompé je voulais ecrire "BAC"
Pour le mot "storag" enfaite je voulais parler d'une filère
Voila encore quelque correction

ps:j'aimerais savoir sur un échelle de 10 combien tu me mets pour mon niveau en anglais .Soit le plus sincère possible pour que sa m'aide.
merci d'avance
Réponse: Présentation en anglais de seb06000, postée le 11-10-2009 à 13:42:54

-pour collège: il n'y a pas de distinction entre collège et lycée au Royaume-Uni et aux USA, donc cherche du côté du mot ' lycée'
-pour Etam: cela semble bien spécifique donc difficile à comprendre pour un anglophone. Mentionne le nom de l'entreprise ou la fonction principale de ton père.
-pour Storag, je dirais 'field'
Concernant la note, difficile de dire je ne connais pas ton professeur (quoique que tu es du Nord/pas de calais donc je peux le connaitre

Réponse: Présentation en anglais de sai95, postée le 11-10-2009 à 13:43:31
J'ai pris en compte tes remarques et voila ce que sa donne :"Hi my name ****** *****I am French, I live in eaubonne but I was born on july nineteen ninety fourI have a little brother he is eleven years old he studying in high school and an older brother he studied in business school he is aged twenty two years
My parents were married. My mother is a childminder and my father took the place of ETAM in a company. Etam is just below the frame (sens?) .
As regards my hobbies, well I play video games, I'm cycling, I read mangas. I listen to rock, a little rap and r'nb
Now I tell you my professional ambition for the future.
After my second I want to go to S 1 because I am strong in math, physics, however, have difficulties in French .If I get the BAC, I wish to continue my studies toward a business school and I hope to graduate in the major business schools that requires a good level of English. I am very interested in all aspects, finance, financial transactions.
On television there are documentaries on this subject and although it gives me really want to continue my studies . I could have a good social situation if I work well
But in this period of economic crisis I doubt a little about my professional success
Modifié par sai95 le 16-12-2009 19:06
Réponse: Présentation en anglais de seb06000, postée le 11-10-2009 à 13:56:36

"Hi my name xxxx I am French, I live in xxx but I was born on july nineteen ninety fourI have a little brother he is eleven years old he studying (conj) in high school and an older brother he studied in business school he is aged twenty two years (expression de l'âge)
My parents were married. My mother is a childminder and my father took the place of ETAM in a company. Etam is just below the frame (sens? cela ne veut rien dire, simplifie au maximum) .
As regards my hobbies, well I play video games, I'm cycling, I read mangas. I listen to rock, a little rap and r'nb
Now I tell you my professional ambition for the future.
After my second I want to go to S 1 because I am strong (voc + preposition) in math, physics, however, have difficulties in French .If I get the BAC, I wish to continue my studies toward a business school and I hope to graduate in the major business schools that requires (conjugaison) a good level of English. I am very interested in all aspects, finance, financial transactions.
On television there are documentaries on this subject and although it gives me really want to continue my studies . I could have a good social situation if I work well
But in this period of economic crisis I doubt a little about my professional success
Sinon cela semble bon!
Réponse: Présentation en anglais de sai95, postée le 11-10-2009 à 14:35:23
ok je vais essayer de corriger les erreurs et vous les montrent
Réponse: Présentation en anglais de sai95, postée le 11-10-2009 à 14:47:51
Hi my name is ******I am French, I live in xxx but I was born on july nineteen ninety fourI have a little brother he is eleven years old he studies in high school and an older brother he studied in business school he is twenty two years old.
My parents were married. My mother is a childminder and my father took the place of ETAM in a company. As regards my hobbies, well I play video games, I'm cycling, I read mangas. I listen to rock, a little rap and r'nb
Now I tell you my professional ambition for the future.
After my second I want to go to S 1 because I am good in math, physics, however, have difficulties in French .If I get the BAC, I wish to continue my studies toward a business school and I hope to graduate in the major business schools that require a good level of English. I am very interested in all aspects, finance, financial transactions.
On television there are documentaries on this subject and although it gives me really want to continue my studies . I could have a good social situation if I work well
But in this period of economic crisis I doubt a little about my professional success
En revanche, pour le mot "require" je n'ai pas trouvé vous pourriez me dire la réponse s'il vous plaît
Modifié par bridg le 11-10-2009 15:10
Modifié par sai95 le 16-12-2009 19:06
Réponse: Présentation en anglais de seb06000, postée le 11-10-2009 à 14:51:26

Non là c'est bon. Vous aviez mis " requires" avec un pluriel mais vous avez corrigé de vous même!
Bon courage
Modifié par seb06000 le 11-10-2009 14:52
Je viens de voir votre réponse pour ETAM j'ai retiré mon commentaire
Réponse: Présentation en anglais de sai95, postée le 11-10-2009 à 14:51:28
Réponse: Présentation en anglais de sai95, postée le 11-10-2009 à 14:58:39
Maintenant il faut que je rajoute des idées mais mon imagination a des limites

Vous n'auriez pas autre chose que je puisse dire s'il vous plait?