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Structures comparatives (thème)

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Structures comparatives (thème)
Message de taconnet posté le 09-09-2009 à 15:08:03 (S | E | F)


Je vous propose de traduire quelques phrases sur le thème de la comparaison.
Ces phrases mettent en oeuvre des structures parfois mal perçues par les apprenants.
Une mise au point est donc nécessaire.

1- Je l'ai trouvé en meilleure santé que lorsque je l'avais vu à l'automne dernier.
2- Les plages de la Méditerranée sont bien moins polluées qu'autrefois.
3- Je préfère la cuisine chinoise à la cuisine antillaise : la première est beaucoup moins épicée que la seconde.
4- Certains gagnent autant d'argent en une année que d'autres en dix ans.
5- Elle a perdu beaucoup moins de poids qu'elle l'espérait.
6- En hiver le soleil se couche de plus en plus tôt.
7- Il travaille deux fois plus que sa fille et gagne deux fois moins.
8- ─ « Oh, grand-mère, que vous avez de grandes dents !»
─ « C'est pour mieux te manger mon enfant !» ( The little red riding hood story)
9- Il y a eu deux fois moins de monde au festival cette année que l'an passé.
10- L'américain moyen consomme trois fois plus d'énergie que son homologue européen.

Niveau :
Correction : Jeudi 17 septembre 2009.

Bonne rentrée et bon travail.

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de moony59, postée le 10-09-2009 à 12:33:34 (S | E)
Bonjour Taconnet,

Voici ma proposition.

1:I've found him/her better than when I saw him/her the latest Autumn.
2:Mediterranean beaches are less polluted than before.
3:I prefer Chinese cuisine to Caribean one's.The former is far less spicy than
the latter.
4:Some people earn as much money as in one year than others in ten years.
5:She lost far less weight than she expected.
6:In Winter the sun sets earlier and earlier.
7:He works twice as much as his daughter and earns half as much.
8:-Granma,what big teeth you have!
-The better to eat you with my dear!
9:There are half as people at the festival than last year.
10:An average American consumes three more times energy than an European man.

Merci pour cet exercice.J'attends la correction avec impatience.A bientôt.

Modifié par moony59 le 10-09-2009 18:17

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de dolfine56, postée le 10-09-2009 à 14:47:55 (S | E)
Hello taconnet,
with the start of the new school year, English exercices are back too...
for this first one.

1- I have found him in a best health than when I saw him last Autumn.
2- The Mediterranean beaches are much less polluted than in the past.
3- I prefer Chinese cooking to West Indian one: the first one is far less spicy than the second one.
4- some people earn as much money during one year as others during ten years.
5- she lost far less weight than she'd have expected.
6- in winter,the sun sets earlier and earlier.
7- he works twice as much as his daughter, and earns half as much as her.
8-<< Oh, granny,what big teeth you have!>>;"The better to eat you with, my dear >>
9- there were half as many people during the festival this year as last year.
10- the average American consumes three more times energy than his European counterpart.

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de nanette33, postée le 11-09-2009 à 23:11:30 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet!

1- I think he/she is in better health than when I had seen him/her last autumn.
2- The Mediterranean beaches are much less polluted than in the past.
3- I prefer chinese cooking to Caribbean cooking, the first one is much less spiced than the second.
4- Some people earn as much money in one year as others in ten years.
5- She has lost far less weight than she was expecting.
6- In winter, the sun sets earlier and earlier.
7- He works twice as much as his daughter aind earns half as much as her.
8- "Oh, granny, what big teeth you have" "the better to eat you with, my dear".
9- There were as half many people to the festival this year as last year.
10- The average American uses three times more energy than his European counterpart.

Thank you very much for this exercice of the new school year.

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de micka, postée le 11-09-2009 à 23:37:19 (S | E)

Merci pour cet exercice!

1- Je l'ai trouvé en meilleure santé que lorsque je l'avais vu à l'automne dernier.
I found him in better health than when I saw him last autumn.

2- Les plages de la Méditerranée sont bien moins poluées qu'autrefois.
Mediterranean beaches are much less polluted than before.

3- Je préfère la cuisine chinoise à la cuisine antillaise : la première est beaucoup moins épicée que la seconde.
I prefer Chinese cooking to West Indian cooking: the former ist much less spicy than the latter.

4- Certains gagnent autant d'argent en une année que d'autres en dix ans.
Some people win as much money in one year as others do in ten years.

5- Elle a perdu beaucoup moins de poids qu'elle ne l'espérait.
She has lost less weight than she hoped.

6- En hiver le soleil se couche de plus en plus tôt.
The sun goes down earlier and earlier winter.

7- Il travaille deux fois plus que sa fille et gagne deux fois moins.
He works twice as much as his daughter and wins twice as less.

8- ─ « Oh, grand-mère, que vous avez de grandes dents !»
─ « C'est pour mieux te manger mon enfant !» ( The little red riding hood story)
Oh, Grand-mother, What big teeth you have!
All the better to eat you!

9- Il y a eu deux fois moins de monde au festival cette année que l'an passé.
There was twice as few people at the festival as last year.

10- L'américain moyen consomme trois fois plus d'énergie que son homologue européen.
A middle-class American consumes three times as much energy as his European counterpart.

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de lakata, postée le 13-09-2009 à 17:53:28 (S | E)
Bonjour taconnet, et merci pour cet exercice toujours bien utile, surtout pour moi !

1) I found him better than when I saw him last autumn.

2) Mediterranean beaches are far less polluted than they used to be.

3) I prefer Chinese cuisine to the West Indian one : the former is much less spicy than the latter.

4) Some earn as much in one year as others in ten years.

5) She lost much less weight than she had expected.

6) In winter, the sun sets earlier and earlier.

7) He works twice as much as his daughter and earns half as much.

8) " Grandma, what big teeth you have got !"
" The better to eat you with, my dear!"

9) There were half as many people at the festival as last year.

10) The average American consumes three times as much energy as his European counterpart.

Thank you !

Modifié par lakata le 18-09-2009 18:20

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de ariane6, postée le 14-09-2009 à 13:28:20 (S | E)
Hello taconnet,

1 - I found him in better health than when I saw him last autumn .

2 - The Mediterranean beaches are rather/much less polluted than they were in the past.

3 - I prefer Chinese food to Antillean food: the former is much less spicy than the latter.

4 - Some people earn more money in a year than others do in ten years.

5 - She has lost much less weight than she had hoped.

6 - In winter, the sun sets earlier and earlier.

7 - He works twice as hard as his daughter and he earns half as much.

8 -"Oh, Grandmother, what big teeth you have!"
-"All the better to eat you with, my child !" 

9 - This year there were half the number of people at the festival than there were last year.

10 - The average American consumes three times more energy than his European counterpart.

Merci pour cet exercice... pas facile, !!!

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de clarou11, postée le 16-09-2009 à 16:25:22 (S | E)

1- When I saw him last autumn, I had found him in better health.
2- The Mediterranean beaches are much less polluted than in the past.
3- I prefer Chinese cooking to West Indian cooking : the former is much less spicy than the latter.
4- Some people earn as much in one year as others in ten(years).
5- She lost much less weight than she had hoped.
6 - In winter, the sun sets earlier and earlier.
7 - He works twice as hard as his daughter and he earns half as much.
8 -"Oh,Grandma, what big teeth you have!"
-"All the better to eat you with, my child !" 
9 - This year there were half as many people at the festival as there were last year.
10 - The average American consumes three times as much energy as his European counterpart.

Merci pour cet exercice qui m'a obligée à me "plonger" dans mon livre de grammaire. J'ai aussi fait appel à mon professeur pour la traduction de certaines phrases

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de sandra83, postée le 17-09-2009 à 13:16:13 (S | E)

Voici ma tentative.

1- I have found him in a best health than when I saw him the last autumn.
2- The Mediterranean beaches are much less polluted than years ago.
3- I prefer Chinese cooking to West Indian one: the first one is far less spicy than the second one.
4- Some people win as much money in a year as others in ten years.
5- She lost less weight than she would have hoped.
6- In winter,the sun sets earlier and earlier.
7- He works twice as hard as his daughter, and wins half as much as her.
8-" Oh, grandma, what big teeth you have!";" All the better to eat you with, my child "
9- There were half as many people in the festival this year as the last year.
10- The average American consumes three more times energy than his European counterpart.

J'attends la correction, sans conviction !
Il faut dire que ce n'était pas facile.

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de taconnet, postée le 17-09-2009 à 16:37:55 (S | E)

Voici quelques remarques lexicales et grammaticales.

1- Better et best.

Ne pas confondre better avec best.
Better est un comparatif. Best est un superlatif.

They say British TV is better than American.
On dit que la télé britannique est meilleure que l'américaine.

Some people believe British TV is the best in the world.
Certaines personnes croient que la télé britannique est la meilleure du monde.

2- Ne pas confondre last week/year/autumn avec the last week/year/autumn.

Last year ──► l'année dernière.
The last year ──► la dernière année.

3- Used to signale essentiellement un contraste entre l'événement décrit et le moment présent.

Used to se traduit par autrefois, à cette époque-là , jadis.
─ Do you go to the cinema very often ?
─ Not now but I used to ──► Non, mais autrefois j'y allais souvent.

4- Latter est un adjectif ou un pronom qui signifie : le second /ce dernier.
Il souvent employé en association avec the former : le premier : celui-là.
On ne les emploie que lorsque l'on compare deux éléments.

I visited Boston and Providence; I can't tell whether I prefer the former to the latter.
J'ai visité Boston et Providence; je ne peux pas dire si je préfère la première ville à la seconde.

5- Faire la distinction entre
To win ──► gagner lors d'une compétition ou par le fruit du hasard.
I am confident we will win the tournament.
She has won £25,000 on the national lottery.

To earn──► acquérir par le fruit de son travail.
She'll be earning $ 20,000 a year.

to gain ──► suppose un accroissement
I think I gained valuable experience.

6- Autant que

As much + nom indénombrable + as
She drinks as much coffee as I do.
Elle boit autant de café que moi.

As many + nom dénombrable pluriel + as
I've made as many mistakes as him / he did.

7- To anaphorique

Pour éviter une répétition, l'infinitif est parfois réduit à sa particule TO, appelée « to anaphorique », qui peut être précédé de NOT.
Cette tournure elliptique est courante avec used to, ought to , have to et des verbes tels que to want, to refuse, to intend , to expect, to prefer , to hope ...

People don't eat as much bread as they used to*.
Les gens mangent moins de pain qu'autrefois.
* sous-entendu «eat»

8- Deux fois plus

A la différence du français qui emploie un comparatif de supériorité, l'anglais emploie un comparatif d'égalité.

La France est deux fois plus grande que la Grande-Bretagne.
France is twice as large as Britain.

Trois fois ──► three times.
Quatre fois ──► four times.

De même on traduira deux fois moins par : half as ou half as many... as (voire 5-)

Trois fois moins ──► a third as much/many ... as
Quatre fois moins ──► a quarter as much/many

9- Voici quelques phrases pour compléter le sujet.

Le taux de chômage en France est presque trois fois plus élevé qu'aux États-Unis.
The unemployement rate in France is almost three times as high as it is in the US.

Il y a trois fois moins de condamnés à mort blancs que noirs dans les prisons américaines.
There are a third as many whites as there are blacks on death row in America.

Il y a quatre fois moins d'élèves en allemand qu'en anglais dans ma faculté.

There are a quarter as many students in German as in English in the university I go to.

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de taconnet, postée le 17-09-2009 à 17:18:07 (S | E)
Voici la correction que je vous propose :

1-I found him in better health than when I saw him last autumn/fall.
2-The Mediterranean beaches are much less polluted than they used to be.
3-I prefer Chinese cooking to West Indian cooking : the former is less spicy than the latter.
4-Some people make* as much money in one year as others in ten.
5-She has lost much less weight than she had hoped to.
6-In winter the sun sets earlier and earlier.
7-He works twice as hard as his daughter and earns half as much.
8- « Oh, Grandma, what big teeth you have !»
─ « All the better to eat you with, my child ! »
9- There were half as many people at the festival this year as last year.
10- The average American consumes three times as much energy as his European counterpart.

* to make money ──► gagner de l'argent.

Des liens : The little red riding hood.

Lien Internet

Lien Internet


Après three times /four times ... mais jamais après twice, on peut employer aussi un comparatif de supériorité :
three times as large as ... = three times larger than ...
Mais cette structure calquée sur le français n'est pas d'un emploi courant.

Je vous remercie de votre participation.

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de lakata, postée le 18-09-2009 à 19:15:04 (S | E)

Merci pour cette correction détaillée, taconnet.

Ta remarque finale m'a été très utile car j'ignorais, ou avais oublié, que twice ne pouvait être suivi d'un comparatif. J'ai donc supprimé cette phrase fautive au numéro 9 de mon essai.

Réponse: Structures comparatives (thème) de wolfgang, postée le 02-12-2009 à 13:04:42 (S | E)
1- I have found him healthier than when I had met him on last autumn
2- Méditerranean beaches are far less polluted than once.
3- I prefer eating chinese cuisine than carribean cuisine : first one is far less spicy than the second one.
4- Someones earn as much money during a year than others during 10 years
5- she has lost far less weight than expected .
6- In winter sunsets take place earlier and earlier .
7- He works twice more than his daughter but earns twice less.
8- ─ « Oh, grandmother, how big your teeth are!»
─ « so that I can eat you better, my child!» ( The little red riding hood story)
9- It has been this year twice less crowded at this festival than last year
10- The average american would consume three times more energy than his european homolog.

Some words may be at the right place ....


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