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Dénombrables / Indénombrables (1)

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Dénombrables / Indénombrables
Message de taconnet posté le 29-10-2008 à 16:47:04 (S | E | F)


La distinction traditionnelle entre noms dénombrables et indénombrables est le reflet de deux modes de fonctionnement des noms anglais.
Ces modes de fonctionnement affectent:
- L'emploi des déterminants :
I love music ──► J'aime la musique (music : uncountable)──> pas d'article
She has a wonderful voice ──► Elle a une voix merveilleuse ( voice : countable)──> emploi de l'article a
- Accord des noms dénombrables :
There are three chairs in my room.
Il y a trois chaises dans ma chambre (chair : countable) ──> marque du pluriel : chairs (accord avec are)

Les noms dénombrables désignent ce que l'on peut compter. Ils ont deux formes : singulier et pluriel.

Les noms indénombrables désignent ce que l'on ne peut pas compter.

Ils présentent les particularités suivantes :

- Ils sont invariables.
- Ils ne sont jamais précédés de l'article indéfini a/an
- Ils sont suivis d'un GV au singulier.

Dans un dictionnaire anglais
un nom dénombrable est suivi de la lettre [C]──► Countable.
un nom indénombrable est suivi de la lettre [U] ──► Uncountatable.

Remarque :

A partir d'indénombrables anglais on peut « fabriquer » des dénombrables à l'aide de piece , feeling ou sense

par exemple :

Happiness [U]
Her eyes shone with happiness ──► Ses yeux rayonnaient de bonheur.
Everyone seeks happiness ──► Tout le monde recherche le bonheur.

mais pour dire :
Soundain, un bonheur indescriptible l'envahit
on dira :
An indescribable feeling of happiness welled up in him, suddenly.

Niveau :
Correction :vendredi 7 novembre 2008

Traduire les phrases suivantes.

1- La police ne dispose que de peu d'indices.
2- On a peu d'informations sur la disparition du jeune garçon.
3- J'ai trop de travail et bien peu de temps. Je ne peux pas sortir ce soir.
4- Cet élève a fait des progrès étonnants depuis le début de l'année.
5- L'humour anglais n'est pas toujours drôle.
6- Le gendre de mon oncle a un humour remarquable.
7- Les bonnes nouvelles sont rares de nos jours.
8- Il a acheté un joli meuble pour sa chambre.
9- Mon pantalon a besoin d'être raccomodé.
10- A cause de la grève sauvage des éboueurs, les trottoirs étaient jonchés de détritus.
11- Une franche hostilité s'était établie entre le patron et ses employés.

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de casscassy, postée le 30-10-2008 à 00:10:42 (S | E)
Merci pour la leçon, ça m'aide.

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de nanette33, postée le 30-10-2008 à 19:56:55 (S | E)
Bonsoir Taconnet,

1- The police has only a few clues.
2- We have little information about the disappearance of the young boy.
3- I have too much work and very little time. I can't go out tonight.
4- This pupil made surprising progress since the beginning of the year.
5- English humour is not funny every time.
6- My uncle's son-in-law has a remarkable sense of humour.
7- Good news is rare nowadays.
8- He bought a beautiful piece of furniture for his bedroom.
9- My pair of trousers needs to be mended.
10- Because of the wild strike of the garbage men, pavements were strewn with rubbish.
11- A frank hostility set up between the boss and his employees.

Very interesting!

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de pepe69, postée le 02-11-2008 à 16:10:35 (S | E)
Hello taconnet,
Thanks for this grammatically interesting exercise.

Here is my try:

1. The police has only got a few clues.

2. We have few pieces of information about the disappearance of the young boy.

3. I have too much work and not enough time. I can't go out this evening.

4. This pupil has made astonishing progress since the beginning of the year.

5. British humour(humor in US) is not always funny.

6. My uncle's son-in-law has a remarkable sense of humour.

7. Nowadays, good news is rare. (Prov. no news is good news!).

8. He bought a nice piece of furniture for his bedroom.

9. My pair of trousers(of pants US) needs to be mended.

10. Because of the wild strike of the dustmen, the pavements were strewn with litter.

11. An unequivocal hostility had been set up between the boss and his employees.

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de maya92, postée le 02-11-2008 à 16:45:08 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet,

1 - The Police have got only few clues
2 - We have few news item about the young boy disappearance
3 - I've got too much work and not enough time. I can't go out this evening
4 - This pupil has made amazing progress since the beginning of the year
5 - British humour is not always funny
6 - My uncle's son-in-law has a remarkable sense of humour
7 - Good news is rare nowadays
8 - He's bought a nice piece of furniture for his room
9 - My trousers needs to be mended
10 - Due to the strike of the dustmen, the pavements were littered with
11 - An unconcealed hostility has been established between the boss and his

Thank you, that was very intereting

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de port58, postée le 02-11-2008 à 17:43:58 (S | E)
Merci Taconnet

1- Police has only few clues.
2- We have got few pieces of information on the disappearing of the young boy.
3- I've got too much work and very few time. I can't go out tonight.
4- This student has made remarkable progress since the beginning of the year.
5- English humour is not always funny.
6- My uncle's son-in-law has a remarkable sense of humour.
7- Good news prove rare nowadays.
8- He bought a nice piece of furniture for his bedroom.
9- My trousers need to be repaired.
10- Due to an illegal strike from dustmen, pavements were covered with refuse.
11- A clear hostility has started between the boss and his employees.

Modifié par port58 le 03-11-2008 22:58

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de dolfin56, postée le 03-11-2008 à 14:59:38 (S | E)
Hello taconnet, thanks to you.

1-Police has only a few clues.
2-We have few peaces of information about the young boy disappearance.
3-I have too much work and very few time, I can't go out to-night.
4-This pupil has made surprising progress since the begining of the year.
5-British humour isn't always funy.
6-My uncle's son-in-law has a memarkable sense of humour.
7-good news is rare, nowadays.
8-he bought a nice peace of furniture for his bed-room.
9-My pair of trousers needs to be mended.
10-Because of the dustmen's wild strike , pavements where stewn with rubbish.
11-An out-and-out hostility had been set in between the boss and his employees.

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de violet91, postée le 03-11-2008 à 19:16:04 (S | E)
Hello everybody!..

1 ) The police have gathered a few clues only.

2 ) Very little is known about the missing young boy.

3 ) I am overworked and short of time,actually. I can't go out tonight.

4 ) This pupil has wonderfully improved his results since the beginning of the schoolyear.

5 ) English humour is not always that funny !

6 ) My uncle's son-in-law has a remarkable sense of humour.

7 ) Good news is rare these days.

8 ) He has bought (bilan) a lovely piece of furniture for his bedroom, you know.

9 ) My pair of trousers needs mending.

10 ) Pavements were all filthy with litter because of the dustmen's wildcat strike.(=litter was scattered all over the pavements..)

11 ) Some feeling of true hostility had risen between the boss and the employees.

"All by myself" like C.Dion!...

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de ariane6, postée le 03-11-2008 à 22:40:48 (S | E)
Hello taconnet !
1- The police only have few clues.
2- There is little information about the young boy's disappearance.
3- I have too much work and precious little time. I can't go out tonight.
4- This pupil has improved surprisingly well since the beginning of the year.
This pupil has made unexpected progress since the beginning of the year.
5- English humour is not always funny.
6- My uncle's son-in-law has a remarkable sense of humour.
7- Nowadays, good news is rare.
8- He bought a nice piece of furniture for his bedroom.
9- My trousers need to be mended.
10- Because of the dustmen's illegal strike, rubbish was strewn all over the pavement.
11- There was open hostility between the boss and his employees.
Thank you !

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de nefertiti, postée le 04-11-2008 à 17:00:29 (S | E)

1. The police has only very few clues.
2. We have little informations about the diseapparance of the young boy.
3. I have too much work and very little time. I can't go out this evening.
4. That pupil has made surprising progress since the beginning of the year.
5. English humour is not always funny.
6. The son-in-law of my uncle has a notable sense of humour.
7. Good news are uncommon nowadays.
8. He has bought a nice piece of furniture for his bedroom.
9. My trousers needs to be repaired.
10. Because of the strike of the dustmen, pavements were full of waste.
11. A true hostility has been set up between the boss and his employees.

Thank you.

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de lakata, postée le 05-11-2008 à 15:32:47 (S | E)

Bonjour Taconnet.

1)- The police have only few clues.

2)- We have not much information about the missing young boy.

3)- I have too much work and very little time. I can't go out tonight.

4)- This pupil has been making unexpected progress since the schoolyear started.

5)- English humour is not always funny.

6)- My uncle's son-in-law has a remarkable sense of humour.

7)- News is seldom good, these days.

8)- He has bought a nice piece of furniture for his room.

9)- My pair of trousers needs mending.

10)- Due to the dustmen's wildcat strike, the pavements were littered with rubbish.

11)- Some feeling of obvious hostility had developed between the boss and his employees.

Many thanks for giving us this exercise.

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de coferam, postée le 06-11-2008 à 17:38:19 (S | E)

Hello taconnet,

1/ The police has only a few clues.
2/ We have few informations about the disappearance of the young boy.
3/ I have too much work and very little time. I can't go out tonight.
4/ This pupil has made amazing progress since the beginning of the year.
5/ The English humour is not always funny.
6/ My uncle's son-in-law has a remarkable sense of humour.
7/ The good news is seldom Nowadays .
8/ He has bought a nice piece of furniture for his room.
9/ My pair of trousers needs to be mended.
10/ Because of the wild strike of the dustmen, pavements were strewn with rubbish.
11/ A sincere hostility had been established between the boss and his employees.


Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de taconnet, postée le 07-11-2008 à 19:52:35 (S | E)

Voici quelques remarques grammaticales.

Phrase 1.

Le nom "police" doit être précédé de l'article défini "the".

The police are on his track.
The police are unable to find him.

Remarquez que le verbe qui suit "police" est au pluriel

Distinction entre little et a little - few et a few

little ──► peu de + nom singulier.

a little ──► un peu de + nom singulier.

few ──► peu de + nom pluriel.

a few ──► quelques + noms pluriel.


Phrase 2


Phrase 3

Work et time (singulier) ──► emploi de much et little.

Phrase 4

Progress [U] ──► suivi d'un verbe au singulier.
His progress is very slow.
Ses progrés sont très lents.
Ne pas oublier de mettre, dans cette phrase, le verbe au present perfect: emploi de since ( depuis le début de l'année)

Phrase 5
Humour [U]
L'humour anglais ──► British humour (sans article).
The film is only funny if you appreciate British humour.

Phrase 6

Sense of humour.

Phrase 7

News[U] est toujours suivi d'un verbe au singulier.

The news is good ──► Les nouvelles sont bonnes.
Here is the news ──► Voici les nouvelles.
An interesting piece of news ──► Une nouvelle intéressante.

Phrase 8

furniture [U]est toujours suivi d'un verbe au singulier.

furniture is expensive ──► les meubles sont chers.
a piece of furniture ──► un meuble
Dans cette phrase le verbe est naturellement au "preterit"
Where did you buy that dress ? - I bought it from a friend for £10.
I bought my car second-hand.

Phrase 9

Trousers est toujours suivi d'un verbe au pluriel.
A pair of trousers ──► un pantalon.
Mon pantalon est déchiré ──► My trousers are torn.
On évitera de dire « My pair of trousers is torn ».
En revanche on dira :
I need a new pair of trousers for work.
I need a new pair of trousers to go with this jacket.

Remarque sur l'emploi de need.

Need peut être suivi d'un gérondif qui a un sens passif

Your coat needs brushing ──► Votre manteau a besoin d'être brossé.

On dit aussi
need to be washed , mended, cleaned ....

Notez aussi l'expresion « be in need of ».
The whole house is in need of decorating
The house is in need of a thorough clean.

Phrase 10

litter[U] ──► détritus
rubbish[U] ──► détritus - ordures- immondices - déchets - décombres

The steets were litterd with rubbish.
Pavement[C] ──► pavements(pluriel)
Ici employé au pluriel (sans article) ──► the pavements

Phrase 11

Hostility[U] ──► pas d'article indéfini
Open hostility ──► hostility that is clearly shown.

Voici ma proposition.

1- The police have little evidence / The police have few clues.
2- We have little information on the disappearance of the young boy.
3- I have too much work and little time. I can't go out tonight.
4- This pupil has made noticeable progress since the beginning of the shoolyear.
5- British humour is not always funny.
6- My uncle's son-in-law has a remarkable sense of humour.
7- Good news is rare nowadays.
8- He bought a nice piece of furniture for his bedroom.
9- My trousers need mending.
10- Due to the dustmen's wildcat strike, pavements were strewn with litter.
11- There was open hostility between the boss and his employees.

Je vous remercie de votre participation.

Réponse: Dénombrables / Indénombrables de port58, postée le 08-11-2008 à 08:26:41 (S | E)




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