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Verbe + préposition (1)

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Verbe + préposition
Message de taconnet posté le 19-09-2008 à 01:03:11 (S | E | F)


Choisir la préposition qui convient pose d'autant plus de problèmes que le français et l'anglais n'ont pas la même logique en ce qui concerne les termes grammaticaux. Si l'on boit dans un verre en France, they drink out of a glass in England !
D'autre part, dans certain cas, on utilise une préposition dans une langue et pas dans l'autre, et vice versa bien sûr ! Nous écoutons la radio, mais outre-Manche, they listen to the radio.
On a tendance à traduire à par to ce qui n'est malheureusement pas toujours le cas.

Le but de l'exercice est de traduire la préposition française "à"

Munissez-vous d'un dictionnaire.
correction : mercredi 24 septembre 2008

1- J'emprunte rarement des livres à la bibliothèque.
2- La jeune veuve avait beaucoup de mal à faire face à son travail et à trois enfants en bas âge.
3- Pendant longtemps, les parents adoptifs avaient caché à leur enfant la vérité sur ses origines.
4- On a fourni des couvertures, des vivres, et de l'eau potable aux victimes de l'inondation.
5- Le candidat a avoué avoir touché à la drogue dans les années 1960, quand c'était la mode.
6-Un petit chien avait réussi, on ne sait comment, à survivre à l'incendie qui s'était déclaré dans l'appartement.
7- Je suis désolé, mais je ne peux pas me fier entièrement au nouveau comptable que nous venons d' engager.

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de violet91, postée le 19-09-2008 à 15:09:19 (S | E)
)Hello,taconnet! How nice "to start the day" with your first exercise !

1) I seldom borrow books from the Library.

2) The young widow could hardly face and cope with both her own job and her three little ones to look after.

3)The adoptive parents had hidden the truth from their child about his /her origins for a long time.

4) The victims of the flood have been given blankets,food and drinkable water.

5) The candidate confessed having tried drugs in the sixties when it was in the fashion.(up-to-date).(simple past ,because the one I am thinking of admitted it a few years ago !).

6) We just don't know(God knows..) how a little dog had managed to survive the fire which had flared up(broken out is so more casual) in the flat.

7) I am sorry but I can't quite rely on(=trust) this new accountant we have just hired (= taken on).

See you..violet expecting your great lenience!..

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de nefertiti, postée le 19-09-2008 à 16:01:19 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet, thank you for that exercise !

1. I rarely borrow books at the library.
2. The young widow had many difficulties to cope with her work and three young children.
3. For a long time, the adoptive parents have hidden the truth of his origins to their child.
4. We have supplied blankets, food and drinking water to the victims of the flood.
5.The applicant has admitted of having used drugs during the sixties, when it was in the fashion.
6. A little dog has succeed, we do not know how, to live through the fire which had been declared in the flat.
7. I am sorry but I can not totally rely on the new accountant we have just hired.

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de maya92, postée le 19-09-2008 à 16:54:41 (S | E)
hello Taconnet

1 -I seldom borrow books from the library
2 - It was very hard for the young widow to deal with her work and her 3 small
3 - For a long time, the adoptive parents had hidden the truth about his/her
origins to their child
4 - The victims of the flood have been provided with blankets, supplies and
drinkable water
5 - The candidate has admitted touching drug in the sixties when that was
6 - A little dog had succeeded, one doesn't know how, to survive the fire
that had broken out in the flat
7 - I'm sorry but I can't entirely trust the new accountant we have just

Thank you Taconnet and welcome to you and your exercises

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de lakata, postée le 19-09-2008 à 16:59:44 (S | E)

Hello Taconnet !

1) I seldom borrow books from the library.

2) The young widow was struggling with her work and two small children.

3) The adoptive parents had for long concealed from their child the truth about their origins.
- not sure to have put "for long" at the right place...
- "their" in "their origins" could also concern the parents instead of the child...Ambiguous, isn't it ? What to do in this case ?

4) The casualties of the flooding were / have been supplied with blankets, provisions and drinking water.

5) The candidate confessed he had touched drugs during the sixties, when it was trendy.

6) A little dog had managed, nobody knows how it did it, to survive the fire that had broken out in the flat.

7) I'm sorry, but I can't totally trust the new accountant we have just hired.

Gratefully, Taconnet. Really !

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de dolfin56, postée le 20-09-2008 à 22:25:31 (S | E)
taconnet, thank a lot for this exercise!

1- I seldom borrow books from the libery.
2- It was very hard, for the young widow to cope with her work and three young children, in the same time.
3- For a long time, the adoptive parents had hidden the truth about his/her origins to their child.
4- The victims of the flood have been provided with blankets, supplies and drinkable water.
5- The candidat has admitted having tried drogs, in the sixties, when it was fashoniable.
6- Nobody knows how a little dog had managed to survive the fire that had broken out in the flat.
7- I'm very sorry, but I can't totally rely the new accountant we have just engaged.

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de coferam, postée le 22-09-2008 à 18:27:37 (S | E)
Hello taconnet,

1 / I rarely borrow books at the library.
2 / The young widow had many issues in her work and with her three kids very young.
3 / For a long time, the adopted parents had hidden to their child, the truth about his origins.
4 / The victims of the flood have been provided with blankets, supplies and drinkable water;
5 / The candidate has admitted to have took of the drug in the sixties, when it was the fashion.
6 / A little dog had managed to live through the fire which had declared in the flat.
7 / I am sorry, I can't entirely, rely me at the new accountant we have just hired.


Réponse: Verbe + préposition de ariane6, postée le 22-09-2008 à 19:05:04 (S | E)
Bonjour taconnet,

1- I rarely borrow books from the library.
2- The young widow had a lot to cope with, what with her work and her three small children.
3- For a long time, the adoptive parents concealed from their child the truth about his (her) origins.
4- The victims of the flood were provided with blankets, food and clean drinking water,
5- The candidate confessed to having taken drugs in the 1960s ( the Sixties) when they were fashionable.
6- Somehow, a little dog had managed to survive the fire that started in the appartment.
7- I'm sorry, but I just can't trust the new accountant we've just hired.


Réponse: Verbe + préposition de intrepid34, postée le 22-09-2008 à 22:30:19 (S | E)
Hi guys and guyettes:


Now, let's see what Mister Taconnet has to say!

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-09-2008 09:46
Jugements de valeur effacés.

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de taconnet, postée le 22-09-2008 à 23:40:37 (S | E)
Bonjour intrepid.

Il s'agit d'un forum "exercices."

Vous n'avez donc aucun commentaire à faire, et en aucun cas vous ne pouvez vous permettre de porter un jugement de valeur sur le travail des participants qui ne sont pas des élèves !!!

Faites plutôt l'exercice proposé, cela vous mettra davantage en valeur.

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de intrepid34, postée le 23-09-2008 à 09:38:00 (S | E)
For Mister Taconnet

It's just that ol' professionalism coming through - in the form of praise.
Good on y'all!

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de lucile83, postée le 23-09-2008 à 09:49:57 (S | E)
Bonjour intrepid34,

taconnet a bien réagi et a dit ce qu'il fallait dire; j'ai simplement effacé les jugements de valeur dans votre post.
Incident clos, en espérant qu'il ne se renouvelle pas.

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de aud18, postée le 23-09-2008 à 10:34:41 (S | E)
Hello ! Here my work :
1/ I rarely get books out the library.
2/ The young widow took trouble to face his work and three young children.
3/ For a long time, the adoptive parents had hidden the truth from their child on his origins.
4/ We have supplied the victims of the flood with covers, supplies, and drinking water.
5/ The candidate confessed to having touched drugs in the 60's, when it was in fashion.
6/ A little dog had managed, we don't know how, to survive the fire which had broken out in the flat.
7/ I'm sorry, but I can't rely wholly on the new accountant we've just taken on.

Thanks a lot taconnet !

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de mbouka, postée le 24-09-2008 à 00:32:22 (S | E)
2- The young Widow had dificulties to work and to take care of three young chilgren.
Au 3- je pense qu'il est preferable d'utiliser "foods" à la place de "suplies".

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de taconnet, postée le 24-09-2008 à 11:35:35 (S | E)

Remarques liminaires :

1 - Emprunter à ──► to borrow from
et son pendant "préter" qui ne construit pas de la même façon :
-to lend sb sth
Can you lend me 20$ until Friday ?
-to lend sth to sb
Reluctantly, I agreed to lend it to her.

Rarement ──► rarely, seldom ou hardly ever (presque jamais)

2- Idiotisme :
Have one's work cut out : to accomplish a task only with the greatest difficulty

« We shall have our work cut out to get the house ready in time for the wedding reception.»

« You will have your work cut out to persuade him to come.»

3- Selon le contexe on peut aussi employer foster
Cacher à ──► conceal from.
construction : conceal sth from sb
« Don't try to conceal anything from me.»

4- D'une manière générale le "ON" français se traduit en anglais par le "PASSIF"

On vous demande au téléphone
You are wanted on the phone

5- Avouer ──► to confess to, to admit, or to own up to
Tous ces verbes sont suivis d'un gérondif

« He admitted having stolen the money.»
« They owned up to stealing the car.»

A la mode
Fashionable - in fashion - in vogue.
noter : be the fashion
« Eastern religions such as Buddism used to be the fashion in the 60s.»

"Toucher à" dans le sens de avoir été tenté de, d'avoir essayé de
To experiment with.

6- Réussir à :
- Manage to + INF
- Succeed in + V-ing

Somehow (adv)
- In some way, or by some means, although you do not know how.
« Don't worry we will get the money back somehow » (d'une manière ou d'une autre)
- For some reason that is not clear.
« I never liked him somehow.»
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais il ne m'a jamais été sympathique.

7- faire confiance à ──► trust

- Distinction à faire entre s'embaucher et embaucher/engager.

There was a long queue of workers ready to sign on, but we could only take on a few of them.

Il y avait une longue file d'ouvriers prèts à s'embaucher, mais on ne pouvait en engager que quelques-uns.

Voici ma proposition :

1- I hardly ever borrow books from the library.
2- The young widow had her work cut out to cope with her job and three small children.
3- For a long time, the adoptive/foster parents had concealed the truth about his origins from their child.
4- The flood victims were provided/supplied with blankets, food and drinking water.
5- The candidate declared he had experimented with drugs in the 1960s when it was fashinable.
6- A little dog had managed somehow to survive the fire which had broken out in the flat.
7- I'm sorry, but I can't fully trust the new accountant we've just hired/taken on.

Je vous remercie de votre participation.

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de trucmuch, postée le 24-09-2008 à 19:00:18 (S | E)
J'arrive un peu après la guerre, mais je vous fais part de mon travail, merci d'avance

1-I rarely borrow books at the library.
2-The young widow had trouble handling her work and three little children.
3-For a long while, the adoptive parents had hide the true to theit child on his origins.
4-We provided blankets, provisions and drinking water to the flood victims.
5-The candidat admit being addict to drug in the 1960s, when it was the fashion.
6-A little dog has succeded, we don't say how, to outlive at the fire which was declare in the flat.
7-I'm sorry, but I can't trust at all to the new accountant we have just take on.

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de violet91, postée le 25-09-2008 à 22:14:39 (S | E)
Good evening,taconnet,

Just a few remarks if you don't mind me telling you..le doigt dérape parfois sur la touche.

Remarques préliminaires
- Can you please lend me 20$..?
- (Public) Library.with a capital L is common use.
- Adoptive (law) # foster(nourriciers)
- He admitted..
- They owned up to stealing..

Phrase 3) The adopted child can be a boy as well as a girl so: His/her origins.

Comme je ne veux pas mourir "idiote" et les autres non plus ,l'idiotisme au UK ou US s'appelle bien : idiome, anglicisme, briticisme...ou ailleurs, américanisme? Formule "plaquée" pratiquement intraduisible car propre à son pays ,sa langue, son histoire, sa culture...= to be fed up to the ear-holes,for instance.? Can you please explain to me the expression "to have one's work cut out to..? Je n'ai pas très bien compris non plus "s'embaucher" et "embaucher"(oui)Is it "to start work at.." and "to hire"?

Thank you for understanding a touch of help..and answering my question. See you.

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de taconnet, postée le 25-09-2008 à 23:17:28 (S | E)
Bonjour violet.

Je tiens à vous remercier d'avoir relu attentivement ma correction.
Oui, il m'arrive d'oublier des mots ou des lettres, mais est-ce bien grave ?

J'ai bien dit liminaires(voir ce mot sur le dictionnaire) et non préliminaires
En ce qui me concerne je n'ai jamais vu le mot library écrit avec un L.

Quant à votre remarque lexicale sur le mot "idiotisme" vous trouverez sa signification en ouvrant le dictionnaire. Ici son emploi est tout à fait justifié.

Pour ce qui est des autres expressions je vous renvoie vers deux ouvrages remarquables. Lisez-les.
Je constate que vous ne savez pas tout !!
Alors pourquoi jouer au professeur !! Surtout avec moi qui fait de l'anglais pour le plaisir !

Dictionary of English idioms - Penguin.
English idioms J.Seidl - Oxford

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de lucile83, postée le 26-09-2008 à 15:27:11 (S | E)
Il est normal de demander des explications sur le forum et de signaler des fautes possibles;violet91 a été courtoise;taconnet un peu moins en tentant de 'rabaisser' le membre demandeur.
Je ne comprends pas cette agressivité.
Un peu de bon sens s'il vous plaît pour adopter un comportement sain et digne!

Modifié par webmaster le 27-09-2008 13:53

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de violet91, postée le 26-09-2008 à 16:45:18 (S | E)
Oh! Hellooooo,taconnet,
You should take it easy..if you do English for fun!...

-Just go to each British or American town and look for "the Public Library". Or ask Google, otherwise..

Moreover, could you please explain to me the expression to have one's work cut out for.(not to).?


Finalement ,avec recherche franco-anglaise à deux nous arrivons à l'idiome "bien de chez nous" : avoir du pain sur la planche! So "she was not out of the wood, was she?"

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de taconnet, postée le 27-09-2008 à 09:28:00 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet.

Déjà en haut et à droite, je peux lire :

« Vancouver's public library »

Lien Internet

Pour ce qui est de l'expression "to have one's work cut out to", il suffisait de chercher "work" sur n'importe quel dictionnaire.
Par exemple sur « Harrap's shorter », on peut lire :

I'll have my work cut out to finish in time.
J'aurai beaucoup de mal à finir à temps.

You'll have your work cut out with him.
Il vous donnera du fil à retordre (il vous donnera beaucoup de mal)

Lien Internet

Vous trouverez ceci:

« Have your work cut out »(for you) : to be faced with a difficult task

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de mamy40, postée le 27-09-2008 à 11:05:22 (S | E)
Monsieur Taconnet,
Je ne fais pas vos exercices car vous me semblez trop "pointu" !
A la lecture des propositions des candidats à cet exercice, je vois que vous n'aimez pas les demandes d'explications, cf. Violet91 par exemple...
Merci à Lucile83 de "recadrer" avec gentillesse et courtoisie.
Quant à votre lien Internet, en descendant au-delà de la première image, vous auriez dû voir que le mot Library est aussi écrit avec une majuscule !
Bonne journée et cordialement.

Réponse: Verbe + préposition de lilmam, postée le 17-05-2009 à 02:46:13 (S | E)
1-I rarely borrow books from library
2-the windower was not able to deal with his job and his little children
3-For long time,the adoptive parents have hidden their child the truth about his origins
4-People supply the victims of inundation with blankets,food and clean water.
5-The candidate confess to have touching drugs in 1960,when it was popular
6-A little dog survive by miracle at the fire that destroy the apartment
7-I'm sorry but i can entirely trust the new comptable that we just hire

voila ce que j'ai pu faire,je ne suis pas tres forte en traduction,j'espere mameliorer avec le temps.merci




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