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Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 7' (1)

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Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 7'
Message de marit64 posté le 16-01-2008 à 22:31:28 (S | E | F)


Find the words beginning with the letter "H".

1-What do you call a stone put at a grave, usually with the name of the dead person on it, the date of his birth and death? .............
2-It's a large lump on the back of an animal, person. ............
3-A synonym of "purse". ............
4-The joint by means of which a door is fastened to a door-frame, a lid is fastened to a box etc and on which the door, lid etc turns when it opens or closes. .............
5-It's an animal with long ears, like a rabbit but slightly larger. ............
6-The mass formed by rows of wax cells in which bees store their honey. ............
7-A small usually square piece of cloth or paper tissue used for wiping or blowing one's nose into. ............
8-What do you call a thin ring of metal, wood etc? ............
9-A group of animals of one kind that stay, or are kept, together. .............
10-A synonym of the noun "hate". .............

Good luck and have fun!
You'll receive the answers next Wednesday.
Have a very nice week!
So long

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 7' de marie11, postée le 17-01-2008 à 00:30:38 (S | E)

1-What do you call a stone put at a grave, usually with the name of the dead person on it, the date of his birth and death? HEADSTONE
2-It's a large lump on the back of an animal, person.HUMP
3-A synonym of "purse".HANDBAG
4-The joint by means of which a door is fastened to a door-frame, a lid is fastened to a box etc and on which the door, lid etc turns when it opens or closes.HINGE
5-It's an animal with long ears, like a rabbit but slightly larger.HARE
6-The mass formed by rows of wax cells in which bees store their honey.HONEYCOMB
7-A small usually square piece of cloth or paper tissue used for wiping or blowing one's nose into.HANDKERCHIEF
8-What do you call a thin ring of metal, wood etc? HOOP ??!!
9-A group of animals of one kind that stay, or are kept, together.HERD
10-A synonym of the noun "hate". HATRED

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 7' de chrislondon, postée le 18-01-2008 à 19:35:49 (S | E)
<1. headstone
2. hump
3. handbag
4. hinge
5. hare
6. honeycomb
7. handkerchief
8. hoop
9. herd
10. hatred
Thanks Marit!

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 7' de marit64, postée le 23-01-2008 à 21:32:48 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

for your nice work!

Here are the answers:
1-headstone (pierre tombale) 2-hump (bosse) 3-handbag (sac à main)
4-hinge (gond, charnière) 5-hare (lièvre) 6-honeycomb (rayon de miel)
7-handkerchief (mouchoir) 8-hoop (cerceau) 9-herd (troupeau)
10-hatred (haine).

Thanks a lot for your participation.
So long




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