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The Right Attitude (1)

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The Right Attitude
Message de denzel posté le 22-06-2007 à 14:24:31 (S | E | F)

An exercise for Nature and Ecology

Complete the text with the following words:

preserve - ivory - renewable - catalytic - recycling - car-pooling - fur - sort out - endangered - wind farms - lead-free - aware.

a. For a few years now, we have been encouraged to ............. our household waste in order to make ........ easier : glass, paper and plastic should be thrown away into different containers.
b. Cars have been improved as well: .......... converters and .......... petrol are now common and may reduce air pollution.
c. In some countries, people have organized to use cars more efficiently; ........ consists in sharing a ride, which allows people to save on petrol and to ............ the environment.
d. Consumers have become ........... of the necessity to protect ......... animal species ; so, animal products such as ......... and .......... are no longer fashionable.
e. Whenever it is possible, ........... sources of energy should be favoured because they are clean and inexhaustible; for example, more and more ...........are up on high windy plateaux.

Correction, mercredi 27 juin 2007

Modifié par bridg le 22-06-2007 14:28

Réponse: The Right Attitude de ariane6, postée le 22-06-2007 à 14:42:07 (S | E)
Hello Denzel!

a. For a few years now, we have been encouraged to sort out our household waste in order to make recycling. easier: glass, paper and plastic should be thrown away into different containers.
b. Cars have been improved as well: catalytic converters and lead free petrol are now common and may reduce air pollution.
c. In some countries, people have organized to use cars more efficiently; car-pooling consists in sharing a ride, which allows people to save on petrol and to preserve.. the environment.
d. Consumers have become aware. of the necessity to protect endangered.. animal species so animal products such as ivory and fur are no longer fashionable.
e. Whenever it is possible, renewable sources of energy should be favoured because they are clean and inexhaustible; for example, more and more wind farms are up on high windy plateaux.

beaucoup, c'est une très bonne idée!

Réponse: The Right Attitude de micka, postée le 22-06-2007 à 15:12:57 (S | E)

a. For a few years now, we have been encourage to sort out our houshold waste in order to make recycling easier: glass, paper and plastic should be thrown away into different containers.
b. Cars have been improved as well: catalytic converters and lead-free petrol are now common and may reduce air pollution.
c. In some countries, people have organized to use cars more efficiently; car-pooling consists in sharing a ride, which allows people to save on petrol and to preserve the environment.
d. Consumers have become aware of the necessity to protect endangered animal species so animal products such as flur and ivory are no longer fashionable.
e. Whenever it is possible, renewable sources of energy should be favoured because they are clean and inexhaustible; for example, more and more wind farms are up on high windy plateaux.

Merci beaucoup!

Réponse: The Right Attitude de marie11, postée le 22-06-2007 à 18:03:25 (S | E)

Complete the text with the following words:

preserve - ivory - renewable - catalytic - recycling - car-pooling - fur - sort out - endangered - wind farms - lead-free - aware.

a. For a few years now, we have been encouraged to sort out our household waste in order to make recycling easier: glass, paper and plastic should be thrown away into different containers.
b. Cars have been improved as well: catalytic converters and lead-free* petrol are now common and may reduce air pollution.
c. In some countries, people have organized to use cars more efficiently; car-pooling consists in sharing a ride, which allows people to save on petrol and to preserve the environment.
d. Consumers have become aware of the necessity to protect endangered animal species so animal products such as ivory and fur are no longer fashionable.
e. Whenever it is possible, renewable sources of energy should be favoured because they are clean and inexhaustible; for example, more and more windfarms ** are up on high windy plateaux.

* lead-free = unleaded
** Pourquoi pas windmills ?
Modifié par willy le 22-06-2007 18:17
Wind farm = éoliennes, parc d'éoliennes.
There may be several windmills on a single wind farm.

Lien Internet

Juste une petite remarque à Willy.
windfarm en un seul mot et non wind farm !!
Juste pour le plaisir de corriger ce qu'on a voulu corriger .
Modifié par lucile83 le 23-06-2007 15:20
oops... we can say ;windfarms/wind-farms/ wind farms.

Modifié par willy le 23-06-2007 18:31
"Wind farm" dans le Collins.

Réponse: The Right Attitude de chrislondon, postée le 22-06-2007 à 18:55:49 (S | E)
Bonsoir Denzel,
a. sort out/ recycling
b. catalytic/ lead-free
c. car-pooling/ preserve
d. aware/ endangered/ ivory/ fur/
e. renewable/ wind -farms
Merci beaucoup.

Modifié par chrislondon le 13-09-2007 00:05

Réponse: The Right Attitude de nick27, postée le 23-06-2007 à 12:54:54 (S | E)

a. For a few years now, we have been encouraged to sort out our household waste in order to make recycling easier : glass, paper and plastic should be thrown away into different containers.
b. Cars have been improved as well: catalytic converters and lead-free petrol are now common and may reduce air pollution.
c. In some countries, people have organized to use cars more efficiently; car-pooling consists in sharing a ride, which allows people to save on petrol and to preserve the environment.
d. Consumers have become aware of the necessity to protect endangered animal species ; so, animal products such as fur and ivory are no longer fashionable.
e. Whenever it is possible, renewable sources of energy should be favored because they are clean and inexhaustible; for example, more and more wind farms are up on high windy plateaux.

Thank you !

Réponse: The Right Attitude de coferam, postée le 23-06-2007 à 14:14:18 (S | E)
Bonjour Denzel,

a. For a few years now, we have been encouraged to sort out our household waste in order to make recycling easier: glass, paper and plastic should be thrown away into different containers.
b. Cars have been improved as well: catalytic converters and lead-free petrol are now common and may reduce air pollution.
c. In some countries, people have organized to use cars more efficiently; car-pooling consists in sharing a ride, which allows people to save on petrol and to preserve the environment.
d. Consumers have become aware of the necessity to protect endangered animal species so animal products such as fur and ivory are no longer fashionable.
e. Whenever it is possible, renewable sources of energy should be favoured because they are clean and inexhaustible; for example, more and more wind farms are up on high windy plateaux.

Right or wrong, it’s a topical and original exercise…Merci.

Réponse: The Right Attitude de denzel, postée le 27-06-2007 à 12:46:23 (S | E)


Complete the text with the following words:

preserve - ivory - renewable - catalytic - recycling - car-pooling - fur - sort out - endangered - wind farms - lead-free - aware.

a. For a few years now, we have been encouraged to sort out our household waste in order to make recycling easier : glass, paper and plastic should be thrown away into different containers.
b. Cars have been improved as well: catalytic converters and lead-free petrol are now common and may reduce air pollution.
c. In some countries, people have organized to use cars more efficiently; car-pooling consists in sharing a ride, which allows people to save on petrol and to preserve the environment.
d. Consumers have become .aware of the necessity to protect endangered animal species ; so, animal products such as ivory/fur and fur/ivory are no longer fashionable.
e. Whenever it is possible, renewable sources of energy should be favoured because they are clean and inexhaustible; for example, more and more wind farmsare up on high windy plateaux.

Quant à la question de marie11 relative à wind farm (pourquoi pas windmill), je remercie willy d'avoir répondu. Je suppose que marie11 est satisfaite des explications de willy??

** C'est bien animal species et non species tout simplement.(à marie11)

Je vous remercie beaucoup d'avoir fait l'exercice et d'avoir fait bon usage de votre fibre écologique car :
-"Nature will have her course" = La nature reprendra ses droits.
-"He who follows nature is never out of his way" = La nature est bonne conseillère.
-"Nature abhors a vacuum" = La nature a horreur du vide.

Réponse: The Right Attitude de mp27, postée le 27-06-2007 à 14:15:35 (S | E)
denzel pour le choix du texte, et les corrections de ton exercice.

Je pense que unleaded petrol = lead-free petrol
unleaded -> in England, it's the word always used at petrol stations.
---> Est-ce que tu as choisi "lead-free", parce qu'il s'agissait d'une phrase d'ordre général? ou utiliserais-tu tout autant le mot "unleaded" ?

Dans le même ordre d'idée "environmentally friendly", il y a aussi le système "Park & Ride", à l'entrée d'une grande ville, où on peut laisser sa voiture (Park) et ensuite (Ride) prendre un bus qui fait la navette entre cet immense parking et le centre ville.
Quelle expression française est employée comme équivalent de "Park & Ride" ?
Merci de bien vouloir éclairer ma

Réponse: The Right Attitude de denzel, postée le 27-06-2007 à 15:13:33 (S | E)
Salut mp27 et merci beaucoup pour tes commentaires.

1. "lead-free = unleaded" : j'utiliserai tout aussi l'un que l'autre, mais avec une petite préférence prou "lead-free" qui me paraît plus anglo-saxon et ne "sent pas la traduction".

2. "Park & Ride" qui s'écrit normalement "Park-and-ride" correspond plus à l'expression "parcobus" qu'on peut entendre dans certaines métropoles en France. C'est un terme qui n'est pas encore très connu,mais qui à mon avis traduit à peu près le "Park-and-ride" anglais, en attendant une traduction meilleure.

mp27, encore merci de m'avoir donné l'occasion de fournir ces explications, j'espère avoir éclairé ta , mieux, tes

Modifié par denzel le 27-06-2007 15:15
Modifié par willy le 27-06-2007 16:58
Je voudrais mettre mon tout petit grain de sel ! J'ai utilisé en 2005 et 2006 le système Park&Ride (orthographe du prospectus en ma possession) à Norwich (Norfolk)."Le Robert&Collins" utilise, comme traduction, une longue périphrase : "stationnement en périphérie d'agglomération combiné à un système de transport en commun" ; il orthographie l'expression avec des tirets. On voit aussi "Park and Ride".
Ce système existe dans plusieurs villes anglaises.

Lien Internet

Modifié par mp27 le 28-06-2007 04:01'
C'est à Cambridge que j'ai utilisé la première fois ce système il y a plusieurs années.
Il y a maintenant 5 sites "Park & Ride" à Cambridge
Lien Internet

Bien qu'il soit écrit partout "Park & Ride"(site, et sur les bus), j'ai également vu écrit -> Park and Ride, dans des articles mentionnant ou décrivant le système.

Merci pour --> PARCOBUS!

Réponse: The Right Attitude de marie11, postée le 27-06-2007 à 22:20:30 (S | E)

Juste une mise au point.
« Endangered species » est un nom : il ne peut donc être scindé.

Voici quelques références:

1- Chambers reference on line
Search Results for 'endangered species'

« Endangered species » - noun - any plant or animal species that is in danger of extinction in the near future, either because its populations have fallen to very low levels, or because it only occurs naturally in a few restricted areas.

2- Collins
...endangered species such as lynx and wolf.

3- WordNet Search - 3.0
S: (n) endangered species (a species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction)

et google fourmille d'autres exemples. C'est peut-être une erreur de journaliste.

Réponse: The Right Attitude de deltalord, postée le 28-06-2007 à 10:17:20 (S | E)
LoooL yes you maybe right about all this staff.this web site help me a lot .because I loose a lot in english.

Réponse: The Right Attitude de polgi, postée le 17-07-2007 à 00:50:58 (S | E)

Réponse: The Right Attitude de duchere, postée le 22-04-2008 à 20:41:16 (S | E)
Ce n'est pas "he who follows nature is nerver out of his way" mais "He that follows nature...." (citation de Bacon philosophe anglais)

bonne soirée

Réponse: The Right Attitude de fary1059, postée le 22-04-2008 à 22:15:05 (S | E)
sort out recycling catalytic lead-free car-pooling preserve aware endangered fur ivory renewable wind farms . Thankyou

Réponse: The Right Attitude de lepape, postée le 10-07-2008 à 17:18:01 (S | E)

a. For a few years now, we have been encouraged to sort out our household waste in order to make recycling easier : glass, paper and plastic should be thrown away into different containers.
b. Cars have been improved as well: catalitic converters and renewable petrol are now common and may reduce air pollution.
c. In some countries, people have organized to use cars more efficiently; car-pooling consists in sharing a ride, which allows people to save on petrol and to preserve the environment.
d. Consumers have become aware of the necessity to protect fur endangered animal species ; so, animal products such as ivory and lead-free are no longer fashionable.
e. Whenever it is possible, sources of energy should be favoured because they are clean and inexhaustible; for example, more and more wind farms are up on high windy plateaux.




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