Seeking english speaker for 50-50 FR-EN
Cours gratuits > Forum > Trouver un correspondant || En basMessage de chapobacha posté le 05-04-2024 à 14:05:09 (S | E | F)
Hi everyone,
I am a french guy and I am looking forward an english speaker to improve my english skills. Of course, ma mother tongue is french, so I am 100% ready to discuss half of the time in french. If you want to lean french and you are ready to discuss with me in english you should contact me

I think I have a oral/comprehension level between beginner/intermediate.
See you x
Réponse : Seeking english speaker for 50-50 FR-EN de maddyvg, postée le 10-04-2024 à 01:30:36 (S | E)
Bonjou!! Je suis nouveau sur FrancaisFacile, je suis en train d'apprendre le francais, Mai's je peux parler l'anglais. Si tu as besoin d'aide je suis ici, mais je dois aussi comprendre comment utiliser le site haha.

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