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Message de rosminet posté le 2004-06-15 10:02:28 (S | E | F | I)
Article issu de la presse anglaise : vous pouvez essayer de le traduire, poser des questions .....

Stores score in £1bn beer bonanza
Daily Mail, Monday, June 14, 2004
The sporting contest in Portugal is helping to provide a £1billion boost to the British economy, with pubs, supermarkets and off-licences all cashing in.
The game against France last night was expected to be worth £100 million to pubs alone, as around eight million fans watched the game on big screens.
Landlords were gearing up to serve an extra 12million pints of beer compared to their usual Sunday night takings, while supermarkets have all reported record sales in the build-up to the competition.
Tesco has ordered an extra five million cases of beer for the tournament and two million extra bottles of wine -the biggest operation of its kind the firm has never mounted.
Sainsbury's has ordered four million cases of beer and sold four million cans in just a single day in the run-up to the tournament.
According to experts, the timing of the games during the three-week long tournament will have a crucial impact on fan's spending.
During the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea many of England's games kicked off at unsociable hours, usually early in the morning and on weekdays.
But in Portugal, matches will start in the evening, allowing more people to enjoy the games with others at home or in pubs.
Whith the warm weather set to encourage homeowners to throw football parties for friends, neighbours and family, many retailers have slashed their beer prices by up to 60 per cent to complete for trade.
In addition, sales of party food including pizza, crisps, sausages and burgers are also on the up.
According to the British Beer and Pub Association, a single England match can generate an increase of £20-30million on the normal sector turnover of £60million per day and boost beer sales by between four and six million pints.
Weekend games can draw even bigger crowds and even bigger rewards.

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-06-15 10:07:09 (S | E)
Thank you Rosminet... It's interesting and I have UNDERSTOOD!



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