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Message de rosminet posté le 2004-05-29 11:44:43 (S | E | F | I)
Article issu de la presse anglaise.
Vous pouvez essayer de traduire, posez des questions ....

--------------------------------------------------------------------Teenage girl killed by birthmark on her lung
By Georgina Littlejohn (Metro, Wednesday, May 26, 2004)
A teenage girl has been killed by a birthmark which grow inside her.
Sharon Moyse, 19, did not know she was born with the strawberry mark on her right lung.
It caused no problems for 17 years -until doctors discovered it was slowly growing inside her body and causing lung failure.
Sharon died at Hammersmith Hospital, London, with her parents at her beside.
Doctors at the hospital told her family it was first time 'in living memory' that an adult had died from birthmark, called haemangiomas.
Her father Ray, 63, yesterday told of his heartache.
He said : "The surgeons were going to operate and take what was left of the right lung and isolate the left lung. But they discovered there were problems with blood loss with the good lung, which mean they couldn't get oxygen inside her."
"We knew she could only be saved by a miracle and we just prayed for one."
Sitting with wife Kate, 59, in their home in Newport, South Wales, he paid tribute to their only child.
"She was a wonderful, precious gift," Mr Moyse said. "Sharon was a beautiful child and a beautiful person. We only had good times, we never had bad times."
"She touched people and they loved her. It was a privilege to be her mum and dad."
Miss Moyse, a talented dancer, was studying for her A-levels at a sixth-form college when she fell ill.

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-05-29 11:49:59 (S | E)
Rosminet, Don't you have some more funny (or "funnier" for the one that claims that ...) news ?

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-05-29 12:05:50 (S | E)
I'm sorry Chris .... There are more bad news in newspapers than funny ones !

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-05-29 12:34:53 (S | E)
I agree with you Rosminet, and I think it's pretty sad...



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